Term Loan
Term loan account will be treated as NPA if interest and/or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
Cash Credits and Overdrafts
A cash credit or overdraft account will be treated as NPA if the account remains out of order for a period of more than 90 days. An account is treated as “out of order” if any of the following conditions is satisfied:
a. The outstanding balance remains continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit/drawing power.
b. Though the outstanding balance is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing power but there are no credits continuously for 90days as on the date of balance sheet or credits are not enough to cover the interest debited during the period.
It should ensure that drawings in the working capital accounts are covered by the adequacy of current assets, since current assets are first appropriated in times of distress.
Considering the difficulties of large borrowers, stock statements relied upon by the branches for determining drawing power should not be older than three months. The outstanding in the account based on drawing power calculated from stock statements older than three months, would be deemed as irregular.
A working capital borrowal account will become NPA if such irregular drawings are permitted in the account for a continuous period of 90 days even though the unit may be working or the borrower’s financial position is satisfactory.
Regular and adhoc credit limits need to be reviewed / regularised not later than three months from the due date/date of adhoc sanction. In case of constraints such as non availability of financial statements and other data from the borrowers, the branch should furnish evidence to show that renewal/ review of credit limits is already on and would be completed soon. In any case, delay beyond six months is not considered desirable as a general discipline. Hence, an account where the regular/ adhoc credit limits have not been reviewed / renewed within 180 days from the due date/date of adhoc sanction will be treated as NPA.
Bills Purchased and Discounted
The bills purchased/discounted account should be treated as NPA if the bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
Other Accounts
Any other credit facility should be treated as NPA if any amount to be received in respect of that facility remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
Branches should classify an account as NPA only if the interest due and charged during any quarter is not serviced fully within 90 days from the end of the quarter.
Amount due to the bank under any credit facility is overdue, if it is not paid on the due date fixed by the bank.
Agriculture Advances
A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season.
For the purpose of these guidelines, “long duration” crops would be crops with crop season longer than one year and crops, which are not “long duration” crops, would be treated as “short duration” crops.
Agriculture Advances affected by Natural Calamities
Relaxation in assets classification norms in credit facilities granted to affected borrowers in District & Block Notified by State Government, as cyclone or other natural calamities affected:
Advances against FDR/NSCs/KVP/IVP/LIP
Advances against Term Deposits, NSCs eligible for surrender, Indira Vikas Patras, Kisan Vikas Patras and Life Insurance Policies, need not be treated as NPAs although interest thereon has not been paid for 90 days provided adequate margin is available in the accounts. However, advances against gold ornaments, Govt. securities and all other securities are not covered by this exemption.
For the purpose of calculating the margin, value of security should be taken as under:
a) In case of advances against Term Deposit in the nature of recurring and reinvestment deposits, the principal and interest accrued thereon shall be taken into account.
b) In case of advances against LIC policies, the latest surrender value of the policy may be taken into account.
c) In case of advances against NSCs eligible for surrender, IVPs and KVPs the interest accrued on the value of security should be taken into account.
Consortium Advances
In respect of consortium advances, each member bank may classify the borrowal accounts according to its own record of recovery and other aspects having a bearing on the recoverability of the advances. Where the remittances by the borrower under consortium lending arrangements are pooled with one bank and /or where the bank receiving remittances is not parting with the share of other member banks, the account will be treated as not serviced in the books of the other member banks and therefore, be treated as NPA. The banks participating in the consortium should, therefore, arrange to get their share of recovery transferred from the lead bank or get an express consent from the bank for the transfer of their share of recovery, to ensure proper asset classification in their respective books.
Advances To Staff
As in the case of project Finance, in respect of housing loans or similar advances granted to staff members where interest is payable after recovery of principal, interest need not be considered as `overdue’ from the first quarter onwards. Such loans/advances should be classified as NPA only when there is default in payment of interest on due date of payment.
Regularization of Account by Year-end
If the accounts of the borrowers have been regularised before the balance sheet date by repayment of overdue amounts through genuine sources (and not by sanction of additional facilities or transfer of funds between accounts) the accounts need not be treated as NPA.
Branches should, however, ensure that the account remains in order subsequently and a solitary credit entry made in the account on or before the balance sheet date which extinguishes the overdue amount of interest or installment of principal is not reckoned as the sole criterion for treating the account as standard asset.
It is to clarify here that the asset classification of borrowal accounts where a solitary or a few credits are recorded before the balance sheet date should be handled with care and without scope for subjectivity. Where the account indicates inherent weakness on the basis of the data available, the account should be deemed as NPA. In other genuine cases, the branches must furnish satisfactory evidence to the Statutory Auditors / Inspecting Officers about the manner of regularisation of the account to eliminate doubts on their performing status.
Determination of NPA s: Borrower wise, not Facility wise
All the facilities granted to a borrower will have to be treated as NPA and not a particular facility or part thereof which has become NPA. If the amount in default of any borrower is outstanding in default account i.e. LC-default account/ LG-default
account / DPG default account / Co-accepted bills default account, the balance outstanding in that account also should be treated as a part of the borrower’s principal operating account for the purpose of application of prudential norms on income recognition, asset classification and provisioning.
The bills discounted under LC favouring a borrower may not be classified as a NPA, when any other facility granted to the borrower is classified as NPA. However, in case documents under LC are not accepted on presentation or the payment under the LC is not made on the due date by the LC issuing bank for any reason and the borrower does not immediately make good the amount disbursed as a result of discounting of concerned bills, the outstanding bills discounted will immediately be classified as NPA with effect from the date when the other facilities had been classified as NPA.
Net Worth of Borrower /Guarantor or Availability of Security
Availability of security or net worth of borrower/guarantor should not be taken into account for the purpose of treating an advance as NPA or otherwise, except to the extent provided in Para 1.16.4 below, as asset classification and income recognition is based on record of recovery and compliance of other non-financial indicators
Accounts where there is erosion in the value of security / frauds committed by borrowers:
Accounts where there are potential threats for recovery on account of erosion in the value of security or non-availability of security and existence of other factors such as frauds committed by borrowers need not go through the various stages of classification. In case of such serious credit impairment the asset should be straightaway classified as doubtful / loss as appropriate:
i. Erosion in the value of security can be reckoned as significant when the realisable value of the security is less than 50 per cent of the value assessed by the bank or accepted by RBI at the time of last inspection, as the case may be. Such NPAs may be straightaway classified under doubtful category and provisioning should be made as applicable to doubtful assets.
ii. If the realizable value of security, as assessed by the bank / approved valuer / RBI is less than 10 percent of the outstanding in the borrowal accounts, the existence of security should be ignored and the asset should be straightaway classified as loss asset and provisioning made accordingly.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Revised Schedule VI- wef 01/04/2011-Notification Issued
Companies Act Notification. Company Law : Section 642 of the Companies Act, 1956 - Schedules, forms and rules - Power of Central Government to make rules - Amendment in Notification No. S.O. 447(E), dated 28-2-2011
NOTIFICATION [F. NO. 2/6/2008-C.L-V], DATED 30-3-2011
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause(a) of sub-section(1) of section 642 read with sub-section(1) of section 210A and sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act,1956, (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment to paragraph 2 of the notification No.447(E) dated the 28th February, 2011:-
"The notification shall come into force for the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account to be prepared for the financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011".
NOTIFICATION [F. NO. 2/6/2008-C.L-V], DATED 30-3-2011
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause(a) of sub-section(1) of section 642 read with sub-section(1) of section 210A and sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act,1956, (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment to paragraph 2 of the notification No.447(E) dated the 28th February, 2011:-
"The notification shall come into force for the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account to be prepared for the financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011".
Capital Gain Exemption u/s 54: Capital Gains from Transfer of a Residential House
Capital Gain Exemption u/s 54: Capital Gains from Transfer of a Residential House
How to minimize Capital Gain Part – 1: Capital Gain from Transfer of a Residential House-Exemption of Capital Gains u/s 54
Any long-term capital gains arising on the transfer of a residential house (including self-occupied house) will be exempt from tax if,
1) If the assessee has within a period of one year before or two years after the date of such transfer purchased, or within a period of three years constructed, a residential house.
2)The assessee must not transfer the new house, within a period of three years from the date of its purchase or construction, as the case may be. Otherwise the exemption allowed under this section
shall be reduced from the cost of the new house, in computing the capital gains arising therefrom.
3)If the whole or any part of the capital gain cannot be so utilised for acquisition a residential
house before filling the return, the same should be deposited in Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988 in order to claim exemption, beforethe due date for furnishing the return.
How much amount will be exempt?
The amount of exemption available is equal to the amount so utilised or the amount of capital gain, whichever is less.
If the amount of capital gain is appropriated towards purchase of a plot and also towards construction of a residential house thereon, the aggregate cost should be considered for determining the quantum of deduction, provided that the acquisition of plot and also the construction thereon, are completed within the specified period as aforesaid.
In simple words, capital gains shall be exempt to the extent it is invested in the purchase and/or construction of another house.
How to minimize Capital Gain Part – 1: Capital Gain from Transfer of a Residential House-Exemption of Capital Gains u/s 54
Any long-term capital gains arising on the transfer of a residential house (including self-occupied house) will be exempt from tax if,
1) If the assessee has within a period of one year before or two years after the date of such transfer purchased, or within a period of three years constructed, a residential house.
2)The assessee must not transfer the new house, within a period of three years from the date of its purchase or construction, as the case may be. Otherwise the exemption allowed under this section
shall be reduced from the cost of the new house, in computing the capital gains arising therefrom.
3)If the whole or any part of the capital gain cannot be so utilised for acquisition a residential
house before filling the return, the same should be deposited in Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988 in order to claim exemption, beforethe due date for furnishing the return.
How much amount will be exempt?
The amount of exemption available is equal to the amount so utilised or the amount of capital gain, whichever is less.
If the amount of capital gain is appropriated towards purchase of a plot and also towards construction of a residential house thereon, the aggregate cost should be considered for determining the quantum of deduction, provided that the acquisition of plot and also the construction thereon, are completed within the specified period as aforesaid.
In simple words, capital gains shall be exempt to the extent it is invested in the purchase and/or construction of another house.
Capital Gain Tax Exemptions on Inheritance Property
Capital Gain Tax Exemptions on Inheritance Property
Capital gain is a term used to denote any profit or gain arising to an assessee from shift of ownership of a capital asset. This capital profit or gain is taxable under the income tax and needs to be cleared on such assessment year. The incidence of taxation takes place on the time on which the transfer deed was executed and hence becomes due from that very day. But this taxation policy is subject to certain exemptions and not all transfer events are taxable. These exemptions relate to exemptions on inheritance of inherited property.
Sec 54 provides for exemption of capital gains on transfer of residential house. The salient features for such transfer are:
Only individuals or a Hindu Undivided family can claim exemption under this section
The capital gain should result from the transfer of a long-term capital asset being buildings or lands appurtenant thereto, the income from which is chargeable under the head ‘Income From House Property’
The property should be a residential house
The assessee must have within a period of one year before or two years after the date of transfer purchased a residential house (old or new) or within a period of three years after that date constructed a residential house property
The assessee must deposit the amount of capital gain in Capital Gains Account Scheme in the manner and according to the conditions laid down in SEC 54 (2).
Manner of Exemption- the exemption shall be least of the following:
Capital gain on transfer of residential house.
Cost of new house
Sec 54D (1) provides exemption on capital gain on compulsory acquisition of land and buildings. The exemption is given on the basis fulfillment of certain conditions:
The capital gain should arise from the way of compulsory acquisition under any law of a capital asset being land or building or any right in land or building forming a part of an industrial undertaking belonging to the assessee;
Such land and building or right must have been used by the assessee for the purpose of business of the said undertaking in two years immediately preceding the date of transfer;
The assessee must have, within a period of 3 years after the date of transfer, purchase any other land or building or any right in any other land or building for the purpose of shifting or re-establishment of the said undertaking or setting up another industrial undertaking;
The assessee should deposit the amount of capital gain in Capital Gain Accounts Scheme to the extent and in the manner as prescribed in section 54D (2).
Manner of exemption- The exemption will be least of the following:
Capital gains generated on transfer of land or building by way of compulsory acquisition.
Amount invested in new land or building
Thus, we find that though there are exemptions available in capital gain but these are not absolute in nature but are restrictive, i.e. only a part is exempted. Still one can say that keeping all the documents in a safe place is very important as these documents acts as a base on which these exemptions are provided to an assessee and even though if there is no exemption available, still the importance of these documents cannot be ignored as the tax is levied on the amount of capital gain are computed from these value. Therefore, it is vital for every assessee who is liable to pay tax, to keep proper documents of inherited property.
Capital gain is a term used to denote any profit or gain arising to an assessee from shift of ownership of a capital asset. This capital profit or gain is taxable under the income tax and needs to be cleared on such assessment year. The incidence of taxation takes place on the time on which the transfer deed was executed and hence becomes due from that very day. But this taxation policy is subject to certain exemptions and not all transfer events are taxable. These exemptions relate to exemptions on inheritance of inherited property.
Sec 54 provides for exemption of capital gains on transfer of residential house. The salient features for such transfer are:
Only individuals or a Hindu Undivided family can claim exemption under this section
The capital gain should result from the transfer of a long-term capital asset being buildings or lands appurtenant thereto, the income from which is chargeable under the head ‘Income From House Property’
The property should be a residential house
The assessee must have within a period of one year before or two years after the date of transfer purchased a residential house (old or new) or within a period of three years after that date constructed a residential house property
The assessee must deposit the amount of capital gain in Capital Gains Account Scheme in the manner and according to the conditions laid down in SEC 54 (2).
Manner of Exemption- the exemption shall be least of the following:
Capital gain on transfer of residential house.
Cost of new house
Sec 54D (1) provides exemption on capital gain on compulsory acquisition of land and buildings. The exemption is given on the basis fulfillment of certain conditions:
The capital gain should arise from the way of compulsory acquisition under any law of a capital asset being land or building or any right in land or building forming a part of an industrial undertaking belonging to the assessee;
Such land and building or right must have been used by the assessee for the purpose of business of the said undertaking in two years immediately preceding the date of transfer;
The assessee must have, within a period of 3 years after the date of transfer, purchase any other land or building or any right in any other land or building for the purpose of shifting or re-establishment of the said undertaking or setting up another industrial undertaking;
The assessee should deposit the amount of capital gain in Capital Gain Accounts Scheme to the extent and in the manner as prescribed in section 54D (2).
Manner of exemption- The exemption will be least of the following:
Capital gains generated on transfer of land or building by way of compulsory acquisition.
Amount invested in new land or building
Thus, we find that though there are exemptions available in capital gain but these are not absolute in nature but are restrictive, i.e. only a part is exempted. Still one can say that keeping all the documents in a safe place is very important as these documents acts as a base on which these exemptions are provided to an assessee and even though if there is no exemption available, still the importance of these documents cannot be ignored as the tax is levied on the amount of capital gain are computed from these value. Therefore, it is vital for every assessee who is liable to pay tax, to keep proper documents of inherited property.
Capital Gain Account Scheme
Why I Open Capital Gain Account Scheme?
Capital Gain Account Scheme especially for those person who has earned capital gain. This scheme’s main purpose is to temporarily save the unutilised amount of capital gain up to its utilisation as per time specified in particular section. The scheme is open to all tax payers who wish to claim exemption u/s 54, 54D, 54F, 54G, 54GA.
Types of Capital Gain Saving Account
There are two types of accounts for depositing the un-utilised amount.
1) Account A is like the saving bank account in a bank were withdrawals are permitted from time to time. Account A has least interest than Account B. Withdrawals are permissible
2) If any taxpayer wants to make the investment for a fixed term, he may deposit the un-utilised amount in ‘Account B’. Account B’s interest is cumulative and is reinvested. Withdrawals are permissible after transfer of the amount to Account A.
Where to Open Capital Gain Account Saving?
The account can be opened with any branch (excepting a rural branch) of the 28 designated
nationalised banks, like the State Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, UCO Bank, UBI, Punjab National Bank, Vijaya Bank, etc.
Some of the links are given.
Capital Gain Account Saving Scheme in Vijaya Bank
Capital Gain Account Saving Scheme in State bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
Union Bank of India
Indian Bank
Conditions/Important insurctions
The deposit should be made before the due date for funishing of return for the relevant previous year.
The tax payer has to open a spearate account under each secion if he intends to avail of the benefit under more than one section, refrred to above.
Once again i am warning you this account is only for saving your capital gain so you can further utilise this amount for claiming exemption as per section provisions. Otherwise unutilised amount shall be taxable as capital gain for the previous year in which the specified period expires.
Capital Gain Account Scheme especially for those person who has earned capital gain. This scheme’s main purpose is to temporarily save the unutilised amount of capital gain up to its utilisation as per time specified in particular section. The scheme is open to all tax payers who wish to claim exemption u/s 54, 54D, 54F, 54G, 54GA.
Types of Capital Gain Saving Account
There are two types of accounts for depositing the un-utilised amount.
1) Account A is like the saving bank account in a bank were withdrawals are permitted from time to time. Account A has least interest than Account B. Withdrawals are permissible
2) If any taxpayer wants to make the investment for a fixed term, he may deposit the un-utilised amount in ‘Account B’. Account B’s interest is cumulative and is reinvested. Withdrawals are permissible after transfer of the amount to Account A.
Where to Open Capital Gain Account Saving?
The account can be opened with any branch (excepting a rural branch) of the 28 designated
nationalised banks, like the State Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, UCO Bank, UBI, Punjab National Bank, Vijaya Bank, etc.
Some of the links are given.
Capital Gain Account Saving Scheme in Vijaya Bank
Capital Gain Account Saving Scheme in State bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
Union Bank of India
Indian Bank
Conditions/Important insurctions
The deposit should be made before the due date for funishing of return for the relevant previous year.
The tax payer has to open a spearate account under each secion if he intends to avail of the benefit under more than one section, refrred to above.
Once again i am warning you this account is only for saving your capital gain so you can further utilise this amount for claiming exemption as per section provisions. Otherwise unutilised amount shall be taxable as capital gain for the previous year in which the specified period expires.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
DVAT returns mandaotry for the year ending 31-3-2011 to be E-filed by 11-6-2011
E-filing of DVAT returns mandaotry for the year ending 31-3-2011 to be E-filed by 11-6-2011 notification dated
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Finance Minister Mr. Parnab Mukerjee presented the Union budget 2011-12 of UPA government with the renewed sense of optimism over the country’s growth; fiscal consolidation and reforms being the key themes in the speech.
The three challenges and the medium term perspective that had been outlined in the last Budget Speech remain relevant, even today. These would continue to engage the Indian policy-planners for the next few years.
1. To quickly revert to the high GDP growth path of 9 per cent and then find the means to cross the ‘double digit growth barrier’.
2. To harness economic growth to consolidate the recent gains in making development more inclusive.
3. To address the weaknesses in government systems, structures and institutions at different levels of governance.
Overview of the Economy:
1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimated to have grown at 8.6 per cent in 2010-11 in real terms.
2. Continued high food prices have been principal concern this year.
3. Consumers denied the benefit of seasonal fall in prices despite improved availability of food items, revealing shortcomings in distribution and marketing systems.
4. Monetary policy measures taken expected to further moderate inflation in coming months.
5. Exports have grown by 29.4 per cent, while imports have recorded a growth of 17.6 per cent during April to January 2010-11 over the corresponding period last year.
6. Indian economy expected to grow at 9 per cent with an outside band of +/- 0.25 per cent in 2011-12.
7. Gross Fiscal Deficit stands at 4.8% of GDP down from 6.3% last year.
8. Average inflation expected lower next year and current account deficit smaller.
Major Tax Reforms:
• The introduction of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) and the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will mark a watershed. These reforms will result in moderation of rates, simplification of laws and better compliance. The DTC is proposed to be effective from April 1, 2012.
• The National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) has been selected as technology partner for incubating the National Information Utility that will establish and operate the IT backbone for GST.
• Areas of divergence with States on proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) have been narrowed. As a step towards roll out of GST, Constitution Amendment Bill proposed to be introduced in this session of Parliament.
• Significant progress in establishing GST Network (GSTN), which will serve as IT infrastructure for introduction of GST.
Improving Governance:
Boards of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Excise and Customs (CBEC) have put in place the following measures:
• The on-line preparation and e-filing of income tax returns,
e-payment of taxes through 32 agency banks, ECS facility for electronic clearing of refunds directly in taxpayers’ bank accounts and electronic filing of TDS returns are now available throughout the country. These measures have empowered taxpayers to meet their tax obligations without visiting an income tax office.
• The Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has increased its daily processing capacity from 20,000 to 1.5 lakh returns in 2010-11. This project has won a Gold Award for
e-Governance in 2011. Two more CPCs will become operational in Manesar and Pune by May 2011 and a fourth CPC will come up in Kolkata in 2011-12.
• With the completion of its IT Consolidation Project, CBEC can now centrally host its key applications in Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax. The Customs EDI system now covers 92 locations across the country. CBEC's e-Commerce portal ICEGATE, has also been conferred a Gold Award for e-Governance.
• The electronic filing of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) statements has stabilized. The Board shall soon notify a category of salaried taxpayers who will not be required to file a return of income as their tax liability has been discharged by their employer through deduction at source.
Extension in the slab on personal Income
The Amended Slab rates for AY 2012-13 are as follows:
Slab Rate Individual other than
resident women and
resident senior citizen Resident Women
Below the age of
60 years Resident Senior Citizen (60 years or above) Resident Very Senior Citizen (80 years or above)
Income up to Rs. 1.80 Lakhs Nil Nil Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 1.80 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 1.90 Lakhs 10% Nil Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 1.90 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 2.50 Lakhs 10% 10% Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 2.50 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 5.0 Lakhs 10% 10% 10% Nil
Income above Rs. 5.0 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 8.0 Lakhs 20% 20% 20% 20%
Income above than Rs. 8.0 Lakhs 30% 30% 30% 30%
The rate of income tax in the case of every local authority, firms, co-operative societies and companies are the same as those specified for the assessment year
Deduction in respect of long-term infrastructure bonds
A new section 80CCF was inserted in 2010-11 to promote investment in the infrastructure sector. Deduction of Rs. 20,000 for investment in long-term infrastructure bonds is proposed to be extended to the Assessment Year 2012-13 also. This deduction will be over and above the existing overall limit of tax deduction on savings of upto Rs.1 lakh under section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD of the Act.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Tax Benefits for New Pension System (NPS)
It is proposed to amend section 80CCE to provide that the contribution made by the Central Government or any other employer to a pension scheme under section 80CCD(2) shall be excluded from the limit of Rs. 1 lakh provided under section 80CCE.
Further it is proposed to amend section 36 so as to allow the contribution paid by an employer towards the NPS to the extent of 10% of the salary of the employee during the previous year, as deduction under business income.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Infrastructure Debt Fund
• It is proposed to amend section 10 of the Act to provide enabling power to the Central Government to notify any infrastructure debt fund. Once notified, the income of such debt would be exempt from tax. It will, however, be required to file a return of income.
• It is also proposed to amend section 115A of the Act to provide that any interest received by a non- resident from such notified infrastructure debt fund shall be taxable at the rate of 5% on the gross amount of such interest income.
• Further, it is proposed to insert a new section 194LB to provide that TDS shall be deducted at the rate of 5% by such notified infrastructure debt fund on any interest paid by it to a non- resident.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Reduction in Surcharge
The existing surcharge of 7.5% on a domestic company is proposed to be reduced to 5%. In case of companies other than domestic companies, the existing surcharge of 2.5% has been proposed to be reduced to 2%.
The existing surcharge of 7.5% in all other cases (including sections 115JB, 115-O, 115R, etc.) is proposed to be reduced to 5%.
Increase in Minimum Alternate Tax
Rate of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) increased from the current rate of 18 percent to 18.5 per cent of book profits.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Minimum Alternate Tax and Dividend Distribution Tax in case of Special Economic Zones.
• As a measure to ensure equal sharing of the corporate tax liability, section 115JB is proposed to be amended to provide that MAT shall be levied on developers of Special Economic Zones as well as units operating in SEZs.
• It is further proposed to amend section 115-O to provide that exemption from payment of tax on distributed profits (DDT) in case of SEZ Developers is to be discontinued for dividends declared, distributed or paid on or after 1st June, 2011.
Alternate Minimum Tax in case of Limited Liability Partnership
It is proposed to insert a new Chapter XII-BA in the Act containing special provisions relating to certain limited liability partnerships. Where the regular income tax payable for a previous year by a LLP is less than the Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable for such previous year, the adjusted total income shall be deemed to be the total income of such LLP and it shall be liable to pay income tax on such total income at the rate of 18.5%.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Increase in Weighted Average Deductions
Weighted deduction on payments made to National Laboratories, Universities and Institutes of Technology, for scientific research enhanced from 175 per cent to 200 percent [35(2AA)].
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Investment Linked deduction in respect of specified businesses
• Benefit of investment linked deduction under the Act is extended to business engaged in the production of fertilizers.
• Investment linked deduction is also extended to business of developing and building a housing project under a scheme for affordable housing.
The date of commencement of operations in the above two cases shall be on or after 1st April, 2011. This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the Assessment Year 2012-13 and subsequently.
Decrease in Rate of Tax on Foreign Dividends received by Indian Companies
A new section 115BBD is proposed to be inserted to provide that dividends received by an Indian company from its foreign subsidiary shall be taxable at the rate of 15% (plus EC & SHEC) on the gross amount of dividends. No expenditure in respect of such dividends shall be allowed under the Act.
This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the Assessment Year 2012-13.
Extension of time limit for assessments in case of exchange of information
Section 153 of the Act provides for the time limits for completion of assessments and reassessments. It is proposed to exclude the time taken in obtaining information from the tax authorities in jurisdictions situated outside India, under an agreement referred to in section 90 or 90A, from the statutory time limit prescribed for assessment or reassessment.
Similar amendments are proposed to be made to section 153B of the Act.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Amendment in definition of Charitable Purposes [Section-2(15)]:
For the purposes of the Income-tax Act, “charitable purpose” has been defined in section 2(15) which, among others, include “the advancement of any other object of general public utility”. However, “the advancement of any other object of general public utility” is not a charitable purpose, if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business, or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce or business, for a cess or fee or any other consideration, irrespective of the nature of use or application, or retention, of the income from such activity and receipts from such activities is ten lakhs or more in the previous year.
It is proposed to amend Section 2(15) to enhance the current monetary limit in respect of receipts from such activities from 10 lakhs to 25 lakhs rupees.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Exemption of certain perquisites of Chairmen and Members of Union Public Service Commission
Under the existing provisions of the Income- tax Act provide for the taxation of any perquisites or allowances received by an employee under the head “Salaries”, specified perquisites of the Chief Election Commissioner or Election Commissioner and the judges of Supreme Court are exempt from taxation consequent to the enabling provisions in the respective Acts governing their service conditions.
It is proposed to amend section 10 to extend similar benefit of exemption in respect of specific perquisites and allowances, which will be notified by the Central Government, received by both serving as well as retired Chairmen and Members of the Union Public Service Commission.
This amendment is proposed to take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2008 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2008-09 and subsequent years.
Rationalisation of provisions relating to Transfer Pricing
• The second proviso to section 92C(2) provides that if the variation between the actual price of the transaction and the computed Arm’s Length Price (ALP) does not exceed 5% of the actual price, then no adjustment will be made and the actual price shall be treated as the ALP.
It is proposed to amend section 92C of the Act to provide that instead of a variation of 5%, the allowable variation will be such percentage as may be notified by Central Government in this behalf.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
• It is further proposed to amend section 92CA to provide specifically that the jurisdiction of the Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO) shall extend to the determination of ALP in respect of other international transactions, which are noticed by him subsequently, in the course of proceedings before him. These international transactions would be in addition to the international transactions referred to the TPO by the Assessing Officer.
• Further, Section 92CA(7) is proposed to be amended so as to enable the TPO to also exercise the power of survey for the purpose of determining the ALP. Earlier he was only provided the power of summoning or calling.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
• It is also proposed to amend section 139 to extend the due date for filing of return of income by corporate assessees who are required to prepare and file a transfer pricing report in Form 3CEB before the due date for filing of return of income, to 30th November of the Assessment year.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2011.
Toolbox of counter measures in respect of transactions with persons located in a notified jurisdictional area
It is proposed to insert a new section 94A in the Act to specifically deal with transactions undertaken with persons located in any country or jurisdiction which does not effectively exchange information with India. This section provides-
That if an assessee enters into a transaction, where one of the parties to the transaction is a person located in such country or area, then all the parties to the transaction shall be deemed to be associated enterprises and the transaction shall be deemed to be an international transaction and accordingly, transfer pricing regulations shall apply to such transactions.
That no deduction in respect of any expenditure or allowance (including depreciation) arising from such transaction shall be allowed under any provision of the Act unless the assessee maintains such documents and furnishes the information as may be prescribed.
That if any sum is received from a person located in such country or area, then the onus is on the assessee to satisfactorily explain the source of such money in the hands of the beneficial owner, and in case of failure to do so, the amount shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee.
That any payment made to a person located in such country or area shall be liable to deduction of tax at the higher of the rates in the relevant provision of the Act or rate or rates in force or a rate of 30%.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Exemption to a class of persons from furnishing a return of income
In case of salaried tax payer, entire tax liability is discharged by the employer through deduction of tax at source. Complete details of such tax payers are also reported by the employer through TDS statements.Therefore, in cases where there is no source of income, filing of return is a duplication of existing information
It is proposed to insert section 139(1C) which empowers the Central Government to exempt, by notification, any class or classes of persons from the requirement of furnishing a return of income.
This amendment will take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Omission of requirement of quoting Document Identification Number
Under the existing provisions contained in section 282B, every income tax authority shall on or after the 1st July, 2011, allot a computer generated DIN in respect of every notice, order or correspondence issued by him.
It is proposed to omit the aforesaid section. This amendment will take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2011.
Reporting of activities of liaison offices
To seek regular information from non- residents regarding the activities of their liaison offices in India, a new section 285 is proposed to be inserted to mandate the filing of annual information, within 60 days from the end of Financial Year, in the prescribed form and providing prescribed details by the non- residents as regards their liaison offices.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Service Tax
• Standard rate of Service Tax retained at 10 %. No Change in Education and higher education cess.
• Service provided by air conditioned restaurants that have license to serve liquor added as new services for levying Service Tax
• Short term accommodation provided by hotels/ inns/ clubs/ guest houses or any other similar establishment for a continuous period of less than three months, etc would be levied to service tax
• Tax on all services provided by hospitals with 25 or more beds with facility of central air conditioning with an abatement of 50%. Services provided by Government hospitals, ESIC hospitals would still be out of service tax net.
• Service Tax on air travel both domestic and international raised.
(a) Domestic Travel (economy class): from Rs. 100 to Rs. 150
(b) International Travel (economy class): from Rs. 500 to Rs. 750
(c) Domestic Travel (other than economy class): 10%(standard rate)
The above changes will come into effect from 1st April, 2011.
• Services provided by life insurance companies in the area of investment and some more legal services proposed to be brought into tax net.
• Scope of Legal Consultancy services is being expanded by bringing within its ambit the service provided by a business entity to individuals in relation to advice, consultancy or assistance, representational service provided by any person to any business entity and service of ‘arbitration’ provided by an arbitral tribunal to any business entity.
• Scope of ‘Authorised service station service’ is being expanded to include services provided by any person and to cover all motor vehicles other than those meant for goods carriage and three-wheeler scooter auto-rickshaws and to also cover the services of decoration and similar services in respect of vehicles along with the services already covered.
• The monetary limit of Rs.1,00,000/- for adjustment under Rule 6(4B) (iii) of the Service Tax Rules,1994 is being raised to Rs.2,00,000/-.
• The definition of Business Support Services is being amended to include the services provided by way operational or administrative assistance in any manner.
• In the Commercial Training or Coaching service, the definition of “Commercial Training or coaching centre” is being amended to bring all unrecognized courses within the tax net, irrespective of the fact that such courses are conducted by an institute which also conducts courses which may lead to grant of a recognized degree or diploma.
• Exemptions:
Exemption is being provided to services provided by an organizer of business exhibitions in relation to business exhibitions held outside India.
An abatement of 25% from the taxable value is being provided for the purpose of levy of service tax under “Transport of goods through coastal and inland shipping”.
Exemption is being provided to ‘Works Contract’ service provided for construction or finishing of new residential complex under ‘Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission’ and ‘Rajiv Awaas Yojna’.
Exemption is being provided to services within a port or other port or an airport under the ‘Work contract service’ for specified purpose.
Exemption is also being provided to ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna’ under the ‘General Insurance Service’.
• To encourage voluntary compliance, the minimum penalty for delay in filing of return u/s 70 has been increased form Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 20,000. However, the existing rate of penalty for the first 15 days and for the subsequent 15 days as well as the daily penalty of Rs.100 per day thereafter under rule 7C are being retained without any change.
• Penalty for delayed payment u/s 76 has been reduced from 2% to 1% per month or Rs. 100 per day, whichever is higher. Maximum penalty is reduced to 50% of the tax amount.
• Penalty for contravention of any provision for which no penalty is provided is increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 u/s 77.
• Section 78 is being amended to revise the maximum penalty. Penalty will be hereafter mandatory and equal to tax evaded. Further, the penalty is being reduced to 25% if the tax dues are paid within 1 month together with interest and reduced penalty.
• Interest rate is being reduced by 3% for assessees with a turnover of upto Rs. 60 lakh, both u/s 73B and 75.
Central Sales Tax
• There is no change in Central Sales Tax Act.
Central Excise
• Central Excise Duty to be maintained at standard rate of 10 per cent.
• Reduction in number of exemptions in Central Excise rate structure by withdrawing exemption on 130 items that are mainly consumer goods.
• Nominal Central Excise Duty of 1% imposed on 130 items entering in the tax net. No CENVAT credit available for the manufacture of these items.
• Basic food and fuel continue to be exempt. This levy would also not apply to precious metals and stones. In case of jewellery and articles of gold, silver and precious metals, the levy would apply only to goods sold under a brand name.
• Lower rate of Central Excise Duty enhanced from existing 4% to 5%. Items such as prepared foodstuff like sugar confectionary, pastry and cakes; medical equipments, etc. would be now subject to the enhanced rate of duty of 5%.
• Optional levy on readymade garments or textiles made up bearing brand name are proposed to be converted into a mandatory levy at unified rate of 10%. The duty will be levied at the rate of 60% of retail sales price.
• Waiver of show cause notice and conclusion of proceedings would be available if the duty along with the interest and specified penalty is paid before the issue of show cause notice in such cases. Now the aforesaid limit of Rs. 10 lakh has been increased to Rs. 25 lakh.
The three challenges and the medium term perspective that had been outlined in the last Budget Speech remain relevant, even today. These would continue to engage the Indian policy-planners for the next few years.
1. To quickly revert to the high GDP growth path of 9 per cent and then find the means to cross the ‘double digit growth barrier’.
2. To harness economic growth to consolidate the recent gains in making development more inclusive.
3. To address the weaknesses in government systems, structures and institutions at different levels of governance.
Overview of the Economy:
1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimated to have grown at 8.6 per cent in 2010-11 in real terms.
2. Continued high food prices have been principal concern this year.
3. Consumers denied the benefit of seasonal fall in prices despite improved availability of food items, revealing shortcomings in distribution and marketing systems.
4. Monetary policy measures taken expected to further moderate inflation in coming months.
5. Exports have grown by 29.4 per cent, while imports have recorded a growth of 17.6 per cent during April to January 2010-11 over the corresponding period last year.
6. Indian economy expected to grow at 9 per cent with an outside band of +/- 0.25 per cent in 2011-12.
7. Gross Fiscal Deficit stands at 4.8% of GDP down from 6.3% last year.
8. Average inflation expected lower next year and current account deficit smaller.
Major Tax Reforms:
• The introduction of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) and the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will mark a watershed. These reforms will result in moderation of rates, simplification of laws and better compliance. The DTC is proposed to be effective from April 1, 2012.
• The National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) has been selected as technology partner for incubating the National Information Utility that will establish and operate the IT backbone for GST.
• Areas of divergence with States on proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) have been narrowed. As a step towards roll out of GST, Constitution Amendment Bill proposed to be introduced in this session of Parliament.
• Significant progress in establishing GST Network (GSTN), which will serve as IT infrastructure for introduction of GST.
Improving Governance:
Boards of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Excise and Customs (CBEC) have put in place the following measures:
• The on-line preparation and e-filing of income tax returns,
e-payment of taxes through 32 agency banks, ECS facility for electronic clearing of refunds directly in taxpayers’ bank accounts and electronic filing of TDS returns are now available throughout the country. These measures have empowered taxpayers to meet their tax obligations without visiting an income tax office.
• The Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has increased its daily processing capacity from 20,000 to 1.5 lakh returns in 2010-11. This project has won a Gold Award for
e-Governance in 2011. Two more CPCs will become operational in Manesar and Pune by May 2011 and a fourth CPC will come up in Kolkata in 2011-12.
• With the completion of its IT Consolidation Project, CBEC can now centrally host its key applications in Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax. The Customs EDI system now covers 92 locations across the country. CBEC's e-Commerce portal ICEGATE, has also been conferred a Gold Award for e-Governance.
• The electronic filing of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) statements has stabilized. The Board shall soon notify a category of salaried taxpayers who will not be required to file a return of income as their tax liability has been discharged by their employer through deduction at source.
Extension in the slab on personal Income
The Amended Slab rates for AY 2012-13 are as follows:
Slab Rate Individual other than
resident women and
resident senior citizen Resident Women
Below the age of
60 years Resident Senior Citizen (60 years or above) Resident Very Senior Citizen (80 years or above)
Income up to Rs. 1.80 Lakhs Nil Nil Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 1.80 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 1.90 Lakhs 10% Nil Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 1.90 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 2.50 Lakhs 10% 10% Nil Nil
Income above Rs. 2.50 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 5.0 Lakhs 10% 10% 10% Nil
Income above Rs. 5.0 Lakhs and
up to Rs. 8.0 Lakhs 20% 20% 20% 20%
Income above than Rs. 8.0 Lakhs 30% 30% 30% 30%
The rate of income tax in the case of every local authority, firms, co-operative societies and companies are the same as those specified for the assessment year
Deduction in respect of long-term infrastructure bonds
A new section 80CCF was inserted in 2010-11 to promote investment in the infrastructure sector. Deduction of Rs. 20,000 for investment in long-term infrastructure bonds is proposed to be extended to the Assessment Year 2012-13 also. This deduction will be over and above the existing overall limit of tax deduction on savings of upto Rs.1 lakh under section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD of the Act.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Tax Benefits for New Pension System (NPS)
It is proposed to amend section 80CCE to provide that the contribution made by the Central Government or any other employer to a pension scheme under section 80CCD(2) shall be excluded from the limit of Rs. 1 lakh provided under section 80CCE.
Further it is proposed to amend section 36 so as to allow the contribution paid by an employer towards the NPS to the extent of 10% of the salary of the employee during the previous year, as deduction under business income.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Infrastructure Debt Fund
• It is proposed to amend section 10 of the Act to provide enabling power to the Central Government to notify any infrastructure debt fund. Once notified, the income of such debt would be exempt from tax. It will, however, be required to file a return of income.
• It is also proposed to amend section 115A of the Act to provide that any interest received by a non- resident from such notified infrastructure debt fund shall be taxable at the rate of 5% on the gross amount of such interest income.
• Further, it is proposed to insert a new section 194LB to provide that TDS shall be deducted at the rate of 5% by such notified infrastructure debt fund on any interest paid by it to a non- resident.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Reduction in Surcharge
The existing surcharge of 7.5% on a domestic company is proposed to be reduced to 5%. In case of companies other than domestic companies, the existing surcharge of 2.5% has been proposed to be reduced to 2%.
The existing surcharge of 7.5% in all other cases (including sections 115JB, 115-O, 115R, etc.) is proposed to be reduced to 5%.
Increase in Minimum Alternate Tax
Rate of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) increased from the current rate of 18 percent to 18.5 per cent of book profits.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Minimum Alternate Tax and Dividend Distribution Tax in case of Special Economic Zones.
• As a measure to ensure equal sharing of the corporate tax liability, section 115JB is proposed to be amended to provide that MAT shall be levied on developers of Special Economic Zones as well as units operating in SEZs.
• It is further proposed to amend section 115-O to provide that exemption from payment of tax on distributed profits (DDT) in case of SEZ Developers is to be discontinued for dividends declared, distributed or paid on or after 1st June, 2011.
Alternate Minimum Tax in case of Limited Liability Partnership
It is proposed to insert a new Chapter XII-BA in the Act containing special provisions relating to certain limited liability partnerships. Where the regular income tax payable for a previous year by a LLP is less than the Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable for such previous year, the adjusted total income shall be deemed to be the total income of such LLP and it shall be liable to pay income tax on such total income at the rate of 18.5%.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Increase in Weighted Average Deductions
Weighted deduction on payments made to National Laboratories, Universities and Institutes of Technology, for scientific research enhanced from 175 per cent to 200 percent [35(2AA)].
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13.
Investment Linked deduction in respect of specified businesses
• Benefit of investment linked deduction under the Act is extended to business engaged in the production of fertilizers.
• Investment linked deduction is also extended to business of developing and building a housing project under a scheme for affordable housing.
The date of commencement of operations in the above two cases shall be on or after 1st April, 2011. This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the Assessment Year 2012-13 and subsequently.
Decrease in Rate of Tax on Foreign Dividends received by Indian Companies
A new section 115BBD is proposed to be inserted to provide that dividends received by an Indian company from its foreign subsidiary shall be taxable at the rate of 15% (plus EC & SHEC) on the gross amount of dividends. No expenditure in respect of such dividends shall be allowed under the Act.
This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the Assessment Year 2012-13.
Extension of time limit for assessments in case of exchange of information
Section 153 of the Act provides for the time limits for completion of assessments and reassessments. It is proposed to exclude the time taken in obtaining information from the tax authorities in jurisdictions situated outside India, under an agreement referred to in section 90 or 90A, from the statutory time limit prescribed for assessment or reassessment.
Similar amendments are proposed to be made to section 153B of the Act.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Amendment in definition of Charitable Purposes [Section-2(15)]:
For the purposes of the Income-tax Act, “charitable purpose” has been defined in section 2(15) which, among others, include “the advancement of any other object of general public utility”. However, “the advancement of any other object of general public utility” is not a charitable purpose, if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business, or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce or business, for a cess or fee or any other consideration, irrespective of the nature of use or application, or retention, of the income from such activity and receipts from such activities is ten lakhs or more in the previous year.
It is proposed to amend Section 2(15) to enhance the current monetary limit in respect of receipts from such activities from 10 lakhs to 25 lakhs rupees.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
Exemption of certain perquisites of Chairmen and Members of Union Public Service Commission
Under the existing provisions of the Income- tax Act provide for the taxation of any perquisites or allowances received by an employee under the head “Salaries”, specified perquisites of the Chief Election Commissioner or Election Commissioner and the judges of Supreme Court are exempt from taxation consequent to the enabling provisions in the respective Acts governing their service conditions.
It is proposed to amend section 10 to extend similar benefit of exemption in respect of specific perquisites and allowances, which will be notified by the Central Government, received by both serving as well as retired Chairmen and Members of the Union Public Service Commission.
This amendment is proposed to take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2008 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2008-09 and subsequent years.
Rationalisation of provisions relating to Transfer Pricing
• The second proviso to section 92C(2) provides that if the variation between the actual price of the transaction and the computed Arm’s Length Price (ALP) does not exceed 5% of the actual price, then no adjustment will be made and the actual price shall be treated as the ALP.
It is proposed to amend section 92C of the Act to provide that instead of a variation of 5%, the allowable variation will be such percentage as may be notified by Central Government in this behalf.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2012 and will, accordingly, apply in relation to the assessment year 2012-13 and subsequent years.
• It is further proposed to amend section 92CA to provide specifically that the jurisdiction of the Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO) shall extend to the determination of ALP in respect of other international transactions, which are noticed by him subsequently, in the course of proceedings before him. These international transactions would be in addition to the international transactions referred to the TPO by the Assessing Officer.
• Further, Section 92CA(7) is proposed to be amended so as to enable the TPO to also exercise the power of survey for the purpose of determining the ALP. Earlier he was only provided the power of summoning or calling.
These amendments are proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
• It is also proposed to amend section 139 to extend the due date for filing of return of income by corporate assessees who are required to prepare and file a transfer pricing report in Form 3CEB before the due date for filing of return of income, to 30th November of the Assessment year.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st April, 2011.
Toolbox of counter measures in respect of transactions with persons located in a notified jurisdictional area
It is proposed to insert a new section 94A in the Act to specifically deal with transactions undertaken with persons located in any country or jurisdiction which does not effectively exchange information with India. This section provides-
That if an assessee enters into a transaction, where one of the parties to the transaction is a person located in such country or area, then all the parties to the transaction shall be deemed to be associated enterprises and the transaction shall be deemed to be an international transaction and accordingly, transfer pricing regulations shall apply to such transactions.
That no deduction in respect of any expenditure or allowance (including depreciation) arising from such transaction shall be allowed under any provision of the Act unless the assessee maintains such documents and furnishes the information as may be prescribed.
That if any sum is received from a person located in such country or area, then the onus is on the assessee to satisfactorily explain the source of such money in the hands of the beneficial owner, and in case of failure to do so, the amount shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee.
That any payment made to a person located in such country or area shall be liable to deduction of tax at the higher of the rates in the relevant provision of the Act or rate or rates in force or a rate of 30%.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Exemption to a class of persons from furnishing a return of income
In case of salaried tax payer, entire tax liability is discharged by the employer through deduction of tax at source. Complete details of such tax payers are also reported by the employer through TDS statements.Therefore, in cases where there is no source of income, filing of return is a duplication of existing information
It is proposed to insert section 139(1C) which empowers the Central Government to exempt, by notification, any class or classes of persons from the requirement of furnishing a return of income.
This amendment will take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Omission of requirement of quoting Document Identification Number
Under the existing provisions contained in section 282B, every income tax authority shall on or after the 1st July, 2011, allot a computer generated DIN in respect of every notice, order or correspondence issued by him.
It is proposed to omit the aforesaid section. This amendment will take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2011.
Reporting of activities of liaison offices
To seek regular information from non- residents regarding the activities of their liaison offices in India, a new section 285 is proposed to be inserted to mandate the filing of annual information, within 60 days from the end of Financial Year, in the prescribed form and providing prescribed details by the non- residents as regards their liaison offices.
This amendment is proposed to take effect from 1st June, 2011.
Service Tax
• Standard rate of Service Tax retained at 10 %. No Change in Education and higher education cess.
• Service provided by air conditioned restaurants that have license to serve liquor added as new services for levying Service Tax
• Short term accommodation provided by hotels/ inns/ clubs/ guest houses or any other similar establishment for a continuous period of less than three months, etc would be levied to service tax
• Tax on all services provided by hospitals with 25 or more beds with facility of central air conditioning with an abatement of 50%. Services provided by Government hospitals, ESIC hospitals would still be out of service tax net.
• Service Tax on air travel both domestic and international raised.
(a) Domestic Travel (economy class): from Rs. 100 to Rs. 150
(b) International Travel (economy class): from Rs. 500 to Rs. 750
(c) Domestic Travel (other than economy class): 10%(standard rate)
The above changes will come into effect from 1st April, 2011.
• Services provided by life insurance companies in the area of investment and some more legal services proposed to be brought into tax net.
• Scope of Legal Consultancy services is being expanded by bringing within its ambit the service provided by a business entity to individuals in relation to advice, consultancy or assistance, representational service provided by any person to any business entity and service of ‘arbitration’ provided by an arbitral tribunal to any business entity.
• Scope of ‘Authorised service station service’ is being expanded to include services provided by any person and to cover all motor vehicles other than those meant for goods carriage and three-wheeler scooter auto-rickshaws and to also cover the services of decoration and similar services in respect of vehicles along with the services already covered.
• The monetary limit of Rs.1,00,000/- for adjustment under Rule 6(4B) (iii) of the Service Tax Rules,1994 is being raised to Rs.2,00,000/-.
• The definition of Business Support Services is being amended to include the services provided by way operational or administrative assistance in any manner.
• In the Commercial Training or Coaching service, the definition of “Commercial Training or coaching centre” is being amended to bring all unrecognized courses within the tax net, irrespective of the fact that such courses are conducted by an institute which also conducts courses which may lead to grant of a recognized degree or diploma.
• Exemptions:
Exemption is being provided to services provided by an organizer of business exhibitions in relation to business exhibitions held outside India.
An abatement of 25% from the taxable value is being provided for the purpose of levy of service tax under “Transport of goods through coastal and inland shipping”.
Exemption is being provided to ‘Works Contract’ service provided for construction or finishing of new residential complex under ‘Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission’ and ‘Rajiv Awaas Yojna’.
Exemption is being provided to services within a port or other port or an airport under the ‘Work contract service’ for specified purpose.
Exemption is also being provided to ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna’ under the ‘General Insurance Service’.
• To encourage voluntary compliance, the minimum penalty for delay in filing of return u/s 70 has been increased form Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 20,000. However, the existing rate of penalty for the first 15 days and for the subsequent 15 days as well as the daily penalty of Rs.100 per day thereafter under rule 7C are being retained without any change.
• Penalty for delayed payment u/s 76 has been reduced from 2% to 1% per month or Rs. 100 per day, whichever is higher. Maximum penalty is reduced to 50% of the tax amount.
• Penalty for contravention of any provision for which no penalty is provided is increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 u/s 77.
• Section 78 is being amended to revise the maximum penalty. Penalty will be hereafter mandatory and equal to tax evaded. Further, the penalty is being reduced to 25% if the tax dues are paid within 1 month together with interest and reduced penalty.
• Interest rate is being reduced by 3% for assessees with a turnover of upto Rs. 60 lakh, both u/s 73B and 75.
Central Sales Tax
• There is no change in Central Sales Tax Act.
Central Excise
• Central Excise Duty to be maintained at standard rate of 10 per cent.
• Reduction in number of exemptions in Central Excise rate structure by withdrawing exemption on 130 items that are mainly consumer goods.
• Nominal Central Excise Duty of 1% imposed on 130 items entering in the tax net. No CENVAT credit available for the manufacture of these items.
• Basic food and fuel continue to be exempt. This levy would also not apply to precious metals and stones. In case of jewellery and articles of gold, silver and precious metals, the levy would apply only to goods sold under a brand name.
• Lower rate of Central Excise Duty enhanced from existing 4% to 5%. Items such as prepared foodstuff like sugar confectionary, pastry and cakes; medical equipments, etc. would be now subject to the enhanced rate of duty of 5%.
• Optional levy on readymade garments or textiles made up bearing brand name are proposed to be converted into a mandatory levy at unified rate of 10%. The duty will be levied at the rate of 60% of retail sales price.
• Waiver of show cause notice and conclusion of proceedings would be available if the duty along with the interest and specified penalty is paid before the issue of show cause notice in such cases. Now the aforesaid limit of Rs. 10 lakh has been increased to Rs. 25 lakh.
Service Tax Deposit on accrual basis WEF 01.07.2011
Conversion from cash Accrual System in Service Tax postponed by 3 months till 30.06.2011.
Change in the applicability date of revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) had earlier announced on its website that the revised Schedule VI is applicable from the financial year 2010-11 onwards.
Now On 25 March 2011, the MCA has changed this note on the website to state that the revised Schedule VI will apply from 1 April 2011.
Now Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2011 as per old format.
Now On 25 March 2011, the MCA has changed this note on the website to state that the revised Schedule VI will apply from 1 April 2011.
Now Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2011 as per old format.
E-filing of Annual Dealers - DELHI
E-filing of Annual Dealers
NOTIFICATION No.F 7(7)/P-III/VAT/2005-06/PF-I/2063-2073
Dated :23-3-2011
In exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (2) of section 26 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004 (Delhi Act 3 of 2005), I, Jalaj Shrivastava, Commissioner, Value Added Tax hereby make it mandatory for the class of dealers, whose tax period is ’one year’, to file their returns in electronic form, within 72 days of the end of their tax period, with effect from the return for the tax period ending 31st March, 2011, in such manner as prescribed in the Annexure attached herewith.
This means that the electronic return for the tax period ending 31st March, 2011 is to be filed by 11.06.2011.
The electronic return is to be filed in addition to the return required to be filed under sub- section (1) of the section 26 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004.
Commissioner, Value Added Tax
Government of NCT of Delhi
No.F 7(7)/P-III/VAT/2005-06/PF-I
NOTIFICATION No.F 7(7)/P-III/VAT/2005-06/PF-I/2063-2073
Dated :23-3-2011
In exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (2) of section 26 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004 (Delhi Act 3 of 2005), I, Jalaj Shrivastava, Commissioner, Value Added Tax hereby make it mandatory for the class of dealers, whose tax period is ’one year’, to file their returns in electronic form, within 72 days of the end of their tax period, with effect from the return for the tax period ending 31st March, 2011, in such manner as prescribed in the Annexure attached herewith.
This means that the electronic return for the tax period ending 31st March, 2011 is to be filed by 11.06.2011.
The electronic return is to be filed in addition to the return required to be filed under sub- section (1) of the section 26 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004.
Commissioner, Value Added Tax
Government of NCT of Delhi
No.F 7(7)/P-III/VAT/2005-06/PF-I
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Income Tax Benefits For Life Insurance Plans
Important Income tax benefits available under various plans of life insurance:
1) Deduction allowable from income for payment of Life Insurance Premium (Sec. 80C).
(a) Life Insurance premium paid in order to effect or to keep in force an insurance on the life of the assessee or on the life of the spouse or any child of assessee & in the case of HUF, premium paid on the life of any member thereof, deduction allowed upto 20% of capital sum assured during any financial year.
(b) Contribution to deferred annuity Plans in order to effect or to keep in force a contract for deferred annuity, on his own life or the life of his spouse or any child of such individual, provided such contract does not contain a provision to exercise an option by the insured to receive a cash payment in lieu of the payment of annuity is eligible for education.
(c) Contribution to Pension/Annuity Plans – New Jeevan Dhara-I & Jeevan Akshaya – VI
2) Jeevan Nidhi Plan & New Jeevan Suraksha – I Plan (U/s. 80CCC)
A deduction to an individual for any amount paid or deposited by him from his taxable income in the above annuity plans for receiving pension (from the fund set up by LIC under the Pension Scheme) is allowed.
NOTE: The premium can be paid upto Rs.1,00,000/- to avail deduction u/s.80C, 80CCC & 80CCD (80CCD- Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government.).
However, there is no sectoral cap i.e. the limit of Rs.1,00,000/- can be exhausted by paying premium under any of the said sections.
3) Investment under long-term infrastructure bonds notified by the Central Government. (Sec. 80CCF)
A deduction up to Rs.20,000/- is available to individuals and HUF for amount paid or deposited as subscription to long-term infrastructure bonds notified by the Central Government. This is in addition to Rs.1 lakh deduction available under section 80C.
4) Deduction under section 80D
a) Deduction allowable upto Rs.15,000/- if an amount is paid to keep in force an insurance on health of assessee or his family (i.e. Spouse & children)
b) Additional deduction upto Rs. 15,000/- if an amount is paid to keep in force an insurance on health of parents
c) In case of HUF, deduction allowable upto Rs.15,000/- if an amount is paid to force an insurance on health of any member of that HUF
Note: If the sum specified in (a) or (b) or(c) is paid to effect or keep in force an insurance on health of any person specified therein who is a senior citizen,then the deduction available will be upto Rs.2,000/- provided that such insurance is in accordance with the scheme framed by
a) the General Insurance Corporation of India as approved by the Central Government in this behalf or;
b) Any other insure and approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development authority.
5) Jeevan Aadhar Plan (Sec.80DD) :
Deduction from total income upto Rs.50000/- allowable on amount deposited with LIC of India under Jeevan Aadhar Plan for maintenance of a handicapped dependent (Rs.1,00,000/-where handicapped dependent is suffering from severe disability)
6) Exemption in respect of commutation of pension under Jeevan Suraksha & jeevan Nidhi Plans:
Uder Section 10(10A) (iii) of the Income-tax Act, any payment received by way of commutations of pension out of the Jeevn Suraksha & Jeevan Nidhi Annuity plans is exempt from tax under clause (23AAB).
7) Income tax exemption on Maturity/Death Claims proceeds under Section 10(10D)
Under the Previous of section 10 (10D) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, Maturity/Death claims proceeds of life insurance policy, including the sum allocated by way of bonus on such policy (other than amount to be refunded under jeevan Aadhar Insurance Plan in case of handicapped dependent predeceases the individual or amount received under Keyman Insurance Plan) is exempted from income-tax. However any sum (not including the premium paid by the assessee) received under an insurance policy issued on or after the 1st day of April, 2003 in respect of which the premium payable for any of the years during the term of the policy exceeds 20% of the actual capital sum assured will no longer be exempted under this section.
1) Deduction allowable from income for payment of Life Insurance Premium (Sec. 80C).
(a) Life Insurance premium paid in order to effect or to keep in force an insurance on the life of the assessee or on the life of the spouse or any child of assessee & in the case of HUF, premium paid on the life of any member thereof, deduction allowed upto 20% of capital sum assured during any financial year.
(b) Contribution to deferred annuity Plans in order to effect or to keep in force a contract for deferred annuity, on his own life or the life of his spouse or any child of such individual, provided such contract does not contain a provision to exercise an option by the insured to receive a cash payment in lieu of the payment of annuity is eligible for education.
(c) Contribution to Pension/Annuity Plans – New Jeevan Dhara-I & Jeevan Akshaya – VI
2) Jeevan Nidhi Plan & New Jeevan Suraksha – I Plan (U/s. 80CCC)
A deduction to an individual for any amount paid or deposited by him from his taxable income in the above annuity plans for receiving pension (from the fund set up by LIC under the Pension Scheme) is allowed.
NOTE: The premium can be paid upto Rs.1,00,000/- to avail deduction u/s.80C, 80CCC & 80CCD (80CCD- Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government.).
However, there is no sectoral cap i.e. the limit of Rs.1,00,000/- can be exhausted by paying premium under any of the said sections.
3) Investment under long-term infrastructure bonds notified by the Central Government. (Sec. 80CCF)
A deduction up to Rs.20,000/- is available to individuals and HUF for amount paid or deposited as subscription to long-term infrastructure bonds notified by the Central Government. This is in addition to Rs.1 lakh deduction available under section 80C.
4) Deduction under section 80D
a) Deduction allowable upto Rs.15,000/- if an amount is paid to keep in force an insurance on health of assessee or his family (i.e. Spouse & children)
b) Additional deduction upto Rs. 15,000/- if an amount is paid to keep in force an insurance on health of parents
c) In case of HUF, deduction allowable upto Rs.15,000/- if an amount is paid to force an insurance on health of any member of that HUF
Note: If the sum specified in (a) or (b) or(c) is paid to effect or keep in force an insurance on health of any person specified therein who is a senior citizen,then the deduction available will be upto Rs.2,000/- provided that such insurance is in accordance with the scheme framed by
a) the General Insurance Corporation of India as approved by the Central Government in this behalf or;
b) Any other insure and approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development authority.
5) Jeevan Aadhar Plan (Sec.80DD) :
Deduction from total income upto Rs.50000/- allowable on amount deposited with LIC of India under Jeevan Aadhar Plan for maintenance of a handicapped dependent (Rs.1,00,000/-where handicapped dependent is suffering from severe disability)
6) Exemption in respect of commutation of pension under Jeevan Suraksha & jeevan Nidhi Plans:
Uder Section 10(10A) (iii) of the Income-tax Act, any payment received by way of commutations of pension out of the Jeevn Suraksha & Jeevan Nidhi Annuity plans is exempt from tax under clause (23AAB).
7) Income tax exemption on Maturity/Death Claims proceeds under Section 10(10D)
Under the Previous of section 10 (10D) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, Maturity/Death claims proceeds of life insurance policy, including the sum allocated by way of bonus on such policy (other than amount to be refunded under jeevan Aadhar Insurance Plan in case of handicapped dependent predeceases the individual or amount received under Keyman Insurance Plan) is exempted from income-tax. However any sum (not including the premium paid by the assessee) received under an insurance policy issued on or after the 1st day of April, 2003 in respect of which the premium payable for any of the years during the term of the policy exceeds 20% of the actual capital sum assured will no longer be exempted under this section.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Joint Housing Loan and Tax Benefit
Q. My Brother and I have decided to buy a flat and we will take a joint housing loan. How can we claim tax benefit for this year?
A. You can claim the tax benefit in the ratio in which you contribute EMIs for the property. You should keep the ratio constant throughout the term of the loan.
A. You can claim the tax benefit in the ratio in which you contribute EMIs for the property. You should keep the ratio constant throughout the term of the loan.
Filling your Tax Returns
Filling your Tax Returns
There is a common misconception among many taxpayers that if their tax has been deducted at source, they don’t need to file income tax returns. That’s not true. Whether you are a salaried employee, a consultant, a businessman or even a part time worker, if your income for the year exceeds the tax-free limit, you have to file your returns.
ITR1: Indian Tax Return for individuals having income form salary/ pension/ family pension & interest.
ITR2: Indian Tax Return for individuals and HUFs not having income from business or profession.
ITR3: for individuals/ HUFs being partnered in firms and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship.
ITRV: where the data of the return of income/ fringe benefits in form ITR-1, ITR-2, and trnsITR-3, ITR-4, ITR-5, and ITR-6 & ITR-8 transmitted electronically without digital signature.
Businessmen ITR-4: for individuals & HUFs having income from proprietary business or profession.
ITR-5: For firms, APOs and BOIs.
ITR-6: for companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11
ITR 7: For persons including companies required to furnish return under section 139(4A) or section 139(4B) or section 139(4C) or section 139(4D).
ITR 8: Return for fringe benefits.
There is a common misconception among many taxpayers that if their tax has been deducted at source, they don’t need to file income tax returns. That’s not true. Whether you are a salaried employee, a consultant, a businessman or even a part time worker, if your income for the year exceeds the tax-free limit, you have to file your returns.
ITR1: Indian Tax Return for individuals having income form salary/ pension/ family pension & interest.
ITR2: Indian Tax Return for individuals and HUFs not having income from business or profession.
ITR3: for individuals/ HUFs being partnered in firms and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship.
ITRV: where the data of the return of income/ fringe benefits in form ITR-1, ITR-2, and trnsITR-3, ITR-4, ITR-5, and ITR-6 & ITR-8 transmitted electronically without digital signature.
Businessmen ITR-4: for individuals & HUFs having income from proprietary business or profession.
ITR-5: For firms, APOs and BOIs.
ITR-6: for companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11
ITR 7: For persons including companies required to furnish return under section 139(4A) or section 139(4B) or section 139(4C) or section 139(4D).
ITR 8: Return for fringe benefits.
Friday, March 18, 2011
(See section 211)
1. Where compliance with the requirements of the Act including Accounting Standards as applicable to the companies require any change in treatment or disclosure including addition, amendment, substitution or deletion in the head/sub-head or any changes interse, in the financial statements or statements forming part thereof, the same shall be made and the requirements of the Schedule VI shall stand modified accordingly.
2. The disclosure requirements specified in Part I and Part II of this Schedule are in addition to and not in substitution of the disclosure requirements specified in the Accounting Standards prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956. Additional disclosures specified in the Accounting Standards shall be made in the notes to accounts or by way of additional statement unless required to be disclosed on the face of the Financial Statements. Similarly, all other disclosures as required by the Companies Act shall be made in the notes to accounts in addition to the requirements set out in this Schedule.
3. Notes to accounts shall contain information in addition to that presented in the Financial Statements and shall provide where required (a) narrative descriptions or disaggregations of items recognized in those statements and (b) information about items that do not qualify for recognition in those statements.
Each item on the face of the Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss shall be cross-referenced to any related information in the notes to accounts. In preparing the Financial Statements including the notes to accounts, a balance shall be maintained between providing excessive detail that may not assist users of financial statements and not providing important information as a result of too much aggregation.
4. Depending upon the turnover of the company, the figures appearing in the
Financial Statements may be rounded off as below:
Turnover Rounding off
(i) less than one hundred crore rupees
To the nearest hundreds, thousands, lakhs or millions, or decimals thereof.
(ii) one hundred crore rupees or more
To the nearest, lakhs, millions or crores, or decimals thereof.
Once a unit of measurement is used, it should be used uniformly in the Financial
5. Except in the case of the first Financial Statements laid before the Company (after its incorporation) the corresponding amounts (comparatives) for the immediately preceding reporting period for all items shown in the Financial Statements including
notes shall also be given.
6. For the purpose of this Schedule, the terms used herein shall be as per the applicable Accounting Standards.
This part of Schedule sets out the minimum requirements for disclosure on the face of the Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Profit and Loss (hereinafter referred to as “Financial Statements” for the purpose of this Schedule) and Notes. Line items, sub-line items and sub-totals shall be presented as an addition or substitution on the face of the Financial Statements when such presentation is relevant to an understanding of the company’s financial position or performance or to cater to industry/sector-specific disclosure requirements or when required for compliance with the amendments to the Companies Act or under the Accounting Standards.
Name of the Company……………………. Balance Sheet as at ………………………
(Rupees in…………)
Particulars Note No. Figures as at the end of current reporting
Figures as at the end of the previous reporting period
1 2 3 4
(2) (3)
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders’ funds
(a) Share capital
(b) Reserves and surplus
(c) Money received against share warrants
Share application money pending allotment
Non-current liabilities
(a) Long-term borrowings
(b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) (c) Other Long term liabilities (d) Long-term provisions
Current liabilities
(a) Short-term borrowings
(b) Trade payables
(c) Other current liabilities
(d) Short-term provisions
Non-current assets
(a) Fixed assets
(i) Tangible assets
(ii) Intangible assets
(iii) Capital work-in-progress
(iv) Intangible assets under development
(b) Non-current investments
(c) Deferred tax assets (net)
(d) Long-term loans and advances
(e) Other non-current assets
Current assets
(a) Current investments
(b) Inventories
(c) Trade receivables
(d) Cash and cash equivalents
(e) Short-term loans and advances
(f) Other current assets
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
1. An asset shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
(a) it is expected to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realized within twelve months after the reporting date; or (d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.
All other assets shall be classified as non-current.
2. An operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents. Where the normal operating cycle cannot be identified, it is assumed to have a duration of 12 months.
3. A liability shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
(a) it is expected to be settled in the company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification.
All other liabilities shall be classified as non-current.
4. A receivable shall be classified as a ‘trade receivable’ if it is in respect of the amount due on account of goods sold or services rendered in the normal course of business.
5. A payable shall be classified as a ‘trade payable’ if it is in respect of the amount due on account of goods purchased or services received in the normal course of business.
6. A company shall disclose the following in the notes to accounts: A. Share Capital
for each class of share capital (different classes of preference shares to be
treated separately):
(a) the number and amount of shares authorized;
(b) the number of shares issued, subscribed and fully paid, and subscribed but not fully paid;
(c) par value per share;
(d) a reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period;
(e) the rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to each class of shares including restrictions on the distribution of dividends and the repayment of capital;
(f) shares in respect of each class in the company held by its holding company or its ultimate holding company including shares held by or by subsidiaries or associates of the holding company or the ultimate holding company in aggregate;
(g) shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than
5 percent shares specifying the number of shares held;
(h) shares reserved for issue under options and contracts/commitments for the sale of shares/disinvestment, including the terms and amounts;
(i) For the period of five years immediately preceding the date as at which the Balance Sheet is prepared:
Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid up pursuant to contract(s) without payment being received in cash.
Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid up by
way of bonus shares.
Aggregate number and class of shares bought back.
(j) Terms of any securities convertible into equity/preference shares issued along with the earliest date of conversion in descending order starting from the farthest such date.
(k) Calls unpaid (showing aggregate value of calls unpaid by directors and officers)
(l) Forfeited shares (amount originally paid up) B. Reserves and Surplus
(i) Reserves and Surplus shall be classified as: (a) Capital Reserves ;
(b) Capital Redemption Reserve; (c) Securities Premium Reserve;
(d) Debenture Redemption Reserve; (e) Revaluation Reserve;
(f) Share Options Outstanding Account;
(g) Other Reserves – (specify the nature and purpose of each reserve and the amount in respect thereof);
(h) Surplus i.e. balance in Statement of Profit & Loss disclosing allocations and appropriations such as dividend, bonus shares and transfer to/from reserves etc.
(Additions and deductions since last balance sheet to be shown under each of the specified heads)
A reserve specifically represented by earmarked investments shall be termed as a ‘fund’.
Debit balance of statement of profit and loss shall be shown as a negative figure under the head ‘Surplus’. Similarly, the balance of
‘Reserves and Surplus’, after adjusting negative balance of surplus, if any, shall be shown under the head ‘Reserves and Surplus’ even if the resulting figure is in the negative.
Long-Term Borrowings
Long-term borrowings shall be classified as:
(a) Bonds/debentures.
(b) Term loans
from banks.
from other parties.
(c) Deferred payment liabilities.
(d) Deposits.
(e) Loans and advances from related parties.
(f) Long term maturities of finance lease obligations
(g) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured.
Nature of security shall be specified separately in each case.
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of such loans under each head shall be disclosed.
(iv) Bonds/debentures (along with the rate of interest and particulars of redemption or conversion, as the case may be) shall be stated in descending order of maturity or conversion, starting from farthest redemption or conversion date, as the case may be. Where bonds/debentures are redeemable by installments, the date of maturity for this purpose must be reckoned as the date on which the first installment becomes due.
(v) Particulars of any redeemed bonds/ debentures which the company has power to reissue shall be disclosed.
(vi) Terms of repayment of term loans and other loans shall be stated.
(vii) Period and amount of continuing default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of loans and interest, shall be specified separately in each case.
D. Other Long Term Liabilities
Other Long term Liabilities shall be classified as: (a) Trade payables
(b) Others
E. Long-term provisions
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits.
(b) Others (specify nature).
F. Short-term borrowings
(i) Short-term borrowings shall be classified as:
(a) Loans repayable on demand
from banks.
from other parties.
(b) Loans and advances from related parties.
(c) Deposits.
(d) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured. Nature of security shall be specified separately in each case.
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of such loans under each head shall be disclosed.
(iv) Period and amount of default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of loans and interest, shall be specified separately in each case.
G. Other current liabilities
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Current maturities of long-term debt;
(b) Current maturities of finance lease obligations; (c) Interest accrued but not due on borrowings; (d) Interest accrued and due on borrowings;
(e) Income received in advance; (f) Unpaid dividends
(g) Application money received for allotment of securities and due for refund and interest accrued thereon. Share application money includes advances towards allotment of share capital. The terms and conditions including the number of shares proposed to be issued, the amount of premium ,if any, and the period before which shares shall be allotted shall be disclosed. It shall also be disclosed whether the company has sufficient authorized capital to cover the share capital amount resulting from allotment of shares
out of such share application money. Further, the period for which the share application money has been pending beyond the period for allotment as mentioned in the document inviting application
for shares along with the reason for such share application money being pending shall be disclosed. Share application money not exceeding the issued capital and to the extent not refundable shall be shown under the head Equity and share application money to the extent refundable i.e., the amount in excess of subscription or in case the requirements of minimum subscription are not met, shall be separately shown under ‘Óther current liabilities’
(h) Unpaid matured deposits and interest accrued thereon
(i) Unpaid matured debentures and interest accrued thereon
(j) Other payables (specify nature);
H. Short-term provisions
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits.
(b) Others (specify nature).
I. Tangible assets
(i) Classification shall be given as: (a) Land.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Plant and Equipment. (d) Furniture and Fixtures. (e) Vehicles.
(f) Office equipment.
(g) Others (specify nature).
(ii) Assets under lease shall be separately specified under each class of asset.
(iii) A reconciliation of the gross and net carrying amounts of each class of assets at the beginning and end of the reporting period showing additions, disposals, acquisitions through business combinations and other adjustments and the related depreciation and impairment losses/reversals shall be disclosed separately.
(iv) Where sums have been written off on a reduction of capital or revaluation of assets or where sums have been added on revaluation of assets, every balance sheet subsequent to date of such write-off, or addition shall show the reduced or increased figures as applicable and shall by way of a note also show the amount of the reduction or increase as applicable together with the date thereof for the first five years subsequent to the date of such reduction or increase.
J. Intangible assets
(i) Classification shall be given as: (a) Goodwill.
(b) Brands /trademarks. (c) Computer software.
(d) Mastheads and publishing titles. (e) Mining rights.
(f) Copyrights, and patents and other intellectual property rights, services and operating rights.
(g) Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes. (h) Licenses and franchise.
(i) Others (specify nature).
(ii) A reconciliation of the gross and net carrying amounts of each class of assets at the beginning and end of the reporting period showing additions, disposals, acquisitions through business combinations and other adjustments and the related amortization and impairment losses/reversals shall be disclosed separately.
(iii) Where sums have been written off on a reduction of capital or revaluation of assets or where sums have been added on revaluation of assets, every balance sheet subsequent to date of such write-off, or addition shall show the reduced or increased figures as applicable and shall by way of a note also show the amount of the reduction or increase as applicable together with the date thereof for the first five years subsequent to the date of such reduction or increase.
K. Non-current investments
(i) Non-current investments shall be classified as trade investments and other investments and further classified as:
(a) Investment property;
(b) Investments in Equity Instruments; (c) Investments in preference shares
(d) Investments in Government or trust securities; (e) Investments in debentures or bonds;
(f) Investments in Mutual Funds;
(g) Investments in partnership firms
(h) Other non-current investments (specify nature)
Under each classification, details shall be given of names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately whether such bodies are (i) subsidiaries, (ii) associates, (iii) joint ventures, or (iv) controlled special purpose entities) in whom investments have been made and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such body corporate (showing separately investments which are partly-paid). In regard to investments in the capital of partnership firms, the names of the firms (with the names of all their partners, total capital and the shares of each partner) shall be given.
(ii) Investments carried at other than at cost should be separately stated specifying the basis for valuation thereof.
(iii) The following shall also be disclosed:
(a) Aggregate amount of quoted investments and market value thereof;
(b) Aggregate amount of unquoted investments;
(c) Aggregate provision for diminution in value of investments
L. Long-term loans and advances
(i) Long-term loans and advances shall be classified as:
(a) Capital Advances;
(b) Security Deposits;
(c) Loans and advances to related parties (giving details
(d) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) The above shall also be separately sub-classified as: (a) Secured, considered good;
(b) Unsecured, considered good; (c) Doubtful.
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and advances shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iv) Loans and advances due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other persons or amounts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
M. Other non-current assets
Other non-current assets shall be classified as:
(i) Long Term Trade Receivables (including trade receivables on deferred credit terms);
(ii) Others (specify nature)
(iii) Long term Trade Receivables, shall be sub-classified as: (i) (a) Secured, considered good;
(b)Unsecured considered good; (c)Doubtful
(ii) Allowance for bad and doubtful debts shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iii) Debts due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or debts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
N. Current Investments
(i) Current investments shall be classified as: (a) Investments in Equity Instruments;
(b) Investment in Preference Shares
(c) Investments in government or trust securities; (d) Investments in debentures or bonds;
(e) Investments in Mutual Funds;
(f) Investments in partnership firms
(g) Other investments (specify nature).
Under each classification, details shall be given of names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately whether such bodies are (i) subsidiaries, (ii) associates, (iii) joint ventures, or (iv) controlled special purpose entities) in whom investments have been made and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such body corporate (showing separately investments which are partly-paid). In regard to investments in the capital of partnership firms, the names of the firms (with the names of all their partners, total capital and the shares of each partner) shall be given.
(ii) The following shall also be disclosed:
(a) The basis of valuation of individual investments
(b) Aggregate amount of quoted investments and market value thereof;
(c) Aggregate amount of unquoted investments;
(d) Aggregate provision made for diminution in value of investments.
O. Inventories
(i) Inventories shall be classified as:
(a) Raw materials;
(b) Work-in-progress; (c) Finished goods;
(d) Stock-in-trade (in respect of goods acquired for trading); (e) Stores and spares;
(f) Loose tools;
(g) Others (specify nature).
Goods-in-transit shall be disclosed under the relevant sub-head of inventories.
Mode of valuation shall be stated.
Trade Receivables
Aggregate amount of Trade Receivables outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they are due for payment should be separately stated.
Trade receivables shall be sub-classified as:
(a) Secured, considered good; (b) Unsecured considered good; (c) Doubtful.
Allowance for bad and doubtful debts shall be disclosed under the
relevant heads separately.
(iv) Debts due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or debts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
Q. Cash and cash equivalents
(i) Cash and cash equivalents shall be classified as: (a) Balances with banks;
(b) Cheques, drafts on hand; (c) Cash on hand;
(d) Others (specify nature).
(ii) Earmarked balances with banks (for example, for unpaid dividend) shall be separately stated.
(iii) Balances with banks to the extent held as margin money or security against the borrowings, guarantees, other commitments shall be disclosed separately.
(iv) Repatriation restrictions, if any, in respect of cash and bank balances shall be separately stated.
(v) Bank deposits with more than 12 months maturity shall be disclosed separately.
R. Short-term loans and advances
(i) Short-term loans and advances shall be classified as:
(a) Loans and advances to related parties (giving details thereof);
(b) Others (specify nature).
(ii) The above shall also be sub-classified as:
(a) Secured, considered good; (b) Unsecured, considered good; (c) Doubtful.
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and advances shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iv) Loans and advances due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or amounts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member shall be separately stated.
S. Other current assets (specify nature).
This is an all-inclusive heading, which incorporates current assets that do not fit into any other asset categories.
T. Contingent liabilities and commitments
(to the extent not provided for)
(i) Contingent liabilities shall be classified as:
(a) Claims against the company not acknowledged as debt; (b) Guarantees;
(c) Other money for which the company is contingently liable
(ii) Commitments shall be classified as:
(a) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for;
(b) Uncalled liability on shares and other investments partly paid
(c) Other commitments (specify nature).
U. The amount of dividends proposed to be distributed to equity and preference shareholders for the period and the related amount per share shall be disclosed separately. Arrears of fixed cumulative dividends on preference shares shall also be disclosed separately.
V. Where in respect of an issue of securities made for a specific purpose, the whole or part of the amount has not been used for the specific purpose at the balance sheet date, there shall be indicated by way of note how such unutilized amounts have been used or invested.
W. If, in the opinion of the Board, any of the assets other than fixed assets and non-current investments do not have a value on realization in the ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they are stated, the fact that the Board is of that opinion, shall be stated.
Name of the Company…………………….
Profit and loss statement for the year ended ………………………
(Rupees in…………)
Particulars Note
Figures for the current reporting period
Figures for the previous reporting period
I. Revenue from operations xxx xxx
II. Other income xxx xxx
III. Total Revenue (I + II) xxx xxx
IV. Expenses:
Cost of materials consumed
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods work-in-progress and Stock-in-Trade
Employee benefits expense
Finance costs
Depreciation and amortization expense
Other expenses
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
V. Total expenses
Profit before exceptional and xxx
xxx xxx
extraordinary items and tax
Exceptional items
Profit before extraordinary items and tax (V - VI)
Extraordinary Items
Profit before tax (VII- VIII)
Tax expense: (1) Current tax
(2) Deferred tax xxx xxx
XI Profit (Loss) for the period from continuing operations (VII-VIII)
xxx Xxx
XII Profit/(loss) from discontinuing operations
xxx Xxx
XIII Tax expense of discontinuing operations
xxx Xxx
XIV Profit/(loss) from Discontinuing operations (after tax) (XII-XIII)
xxx Xxx
XV Profit (Loss) for the period (XI + XIV) xxx xxx
XVI Earnings per equity share: (1) Basic
(2) Diluted
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
1. The provisions of this Part shall apply to the income and expenditure account referred to in sub-section (2) of Section 210 of the Act, in like manner as they apply to a statement of profit and loss.
2. (A) In respect of a company other than a finance company revenue from operations shall disclose separately in the notes revenue from
(a) sale of products; (b) sale of services;
(c) other operating revenues; Less:
(d) Excise duty.
(B) In respect of a finance company, revenue from operations shall include revenue from
(a) Interest; and
(b) Other financial services
Revenue under each of the above heads shall be disclosed separately by way of notes to accounts to the extent applicable.
3. Finance Costs
Finance costs shall be classified as: (a) Interest expense;
(b) Other borrowing costs;
(c) Applicable net gain/loss on foreign currency transactions and translation.
4. Other income
Other income shall be classified as:
(a) Interest Income (in case of a company other than a finance company);
(b) Dividend Income;
(c) Net gain/loss on sale of investments
(d) Other non-operating income (net of expenses directly attributable to such income).
5. Additional Information
A Company shall disclose by way of notes additional information regarding aggregate expenditure and income on the following items:-
(i) (a)Employee Benefits Expense [showing separately (i) salaries and wages, (ii) contribution to provident and other funds, (iii) expense on Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOP) and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), (iv) staff welfare expenses].
(b)Depreciation and amortization expense;
(c)Any item of income or expenditure which exceeds one per cent of the revenue from operations or Rs.1,00,000, whichever is higher;
(d) Interest Income; (e) Interest Expense; (f) Dividend Income;
(g) Net gain/ loss on sale of investments;
(h) Adjustments to the carrying amount of investments;
(i)Net gain or loss on foreign currency transaction and translation (other than considered as finance cost);
(j)Payments to the auditor as (a0 auditor,(b0 for taxation matters, (c) for company law matters, (d) for management services, (e) for other services, (f) for reimbursement of expenses;
(k) Details of items of exceptional and extraordinary nature;
(l) Prior period items;
(ii) (a) In the case of manufacturing companies,-
(1) Raw materials under broad heads.
(2) goods purchased under broad heads.
(b)In the case of trading companies, purchases in respect of goods traded in by the company under broad heads.
(c)In the case of companies rendering or supplying services, gross
income derived form services rendered or supplied under broad heads.
(d)In the case of a company, which falls under more than one of the categories mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above, it shall be sufficient compliance with the requirements herein if purchases, sales and consumption of raw material and the gross income from services rendered is shown under broad
(e)In the case of other companies, gross income derived under broad
(iii) In the case of all concerns having works in progress, works-in-
progress under broad heads.
(iv) (a) The aggregate, if material, of any amounts set aside or proposed to be set aside, to reserve, but not including provisions made to meet any specific liability, contingency or commitment known to exist at the date as to which the balance-sheet is made up.
(b) The aggregate, if material, of any amounts withdrawn from such reserves.
(v) (a) The aggregate, if material, of the amounts set aside to provisions made for meeting specific liabilities, contingencies or commitments.
(b) The aggregate, if material, of the amounts withdrawn from such provisions, as no longer required.
(vi) Expenditure incurred on each of the following items, separately for
each item:-
(a) Consumption of stores and spare parts. (b) Power and fuel.
(c) Rent.
(d) Repairs to buildings. (e) Repairs to machinery. (g) Insurance .
(h) Rates and taxes, excluding, taxes on income. (i) Miscellaneous expenses,
(vii) (a) Dividends from subsidiary companies.
(b) Provisions for losses of subsidiary companies.
(Viii) The profit and loss account shall also contain by way of a note the following information, namely:-
a) Value of imports calculated on C.I.F basis by the company during the financial year in respect of –
I. Raw materials;
II. Components and spare parts;
III. Capital goods;
b) Expenditure in foreign currency during the financial year on account of royalty, know-how, professional and consultation fees, interest, and other matters;
c) Total value if all imported raw materials, spare parts and components consumed during the financial year and the total value of all indigenous raw materials, spare parts and components similarly consumed and the percentage of each to the total consumption;
d) The amount remitted during the year in foreign currencies on account of dividends with a specific mention of the total number of non-resident shareholders, the total number of shares held by them on which the dividends were due and the year to which the dividends related;
e) Earnings in foreign exchange classified under the following heads, namely:-
I. Export of goods calculated on F.O.B. basis;
II. Royalty, know-how ,professional and consultation fees;
III. Interest and dividend;
IV. Other income, indicating the nature thereof
Note:-Broad heads shall be decided taking into account the concept of materiality and presentation of true and fair view of financial statements,”.
(See section 211)
1. Where compliance with the requirements of the Act including Accounting Standards as applicable to the companies require any change in treatment or disclosure including addition, amendment, substitution or deletion in the head/sub-head or any changes interse, in the financial statements or statements forming part thereof, the same shall be made and the requirements of the Schedule VI shall stand modified accordingly.
2. The disclosure requirements specified in Part I and Part II of this Schedule are in addition to and not in substitution of the disclosure requirements specified in the Accounting Standards prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956. Additional disclosures specified in the Accounting Standards shall be made in the notes to accounts or by way of additional statement unless required to be disclosed on the face of the Financial Statements. Similarly, all other disclosures as required by the Companies Act shall be made in the notes to accounts in addition to the requirements set out in this Schedule.
3. Notes to accounts shall contain information in addition to that presented in the Financial Statements and shall provide where required (a) narrative descriptions or disaggregations of items recognized in those statements and (b) information about items that do not qualify for recognition in those statements.
Each item on the face of the Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss shall be cross-referenced to any related information in the notes to accounts. In preparing the Financial Statements including the notes to accounts, a balance shall be maintained between providing excessive detail that may not assist users of financial statements and not providing important information as a result of too much aggregation.
4. Depending upon the turnover of the company, the figures appearing in the
Financial Statements may be rounded off as below:
Turnover Rounding off
(i) less than one hundred crore rupees
To the nearest hundreds, thousands, lakhs or millions, or decimals thereof.
(ii) one hundred crore rupees or more
To the nearest, lakhs, millions or crores, or decimals thereof.
Once a unit of measurement is used, it should be used uniformly in the Financial
5. Except in the case of the first Financial Statements laid before the Company (after its incorporation) the corresponding amounts (comparatives) for the immediately preceding reporting period for all items shown in the Financial Statements including
notes shall also be given.
6. For the purpose of this Schedule, the terms used herein shall be as per the applicable Accounting Standards.
This part of Schedule sets out the minimum requirements for disclosure on the face of the Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Profit and Loss (hereinafter referred to as “Financial Statements” for the purpose of this Schedule) and Notes. Line items, sub-line items and sub-totals shall be presented as an addition or substitution on the face of the Financial Statements when such presentation is relevant to an understanding of the company’s financial position or performance or to cater to industry/sector-specific disclosure requirements or when required for compliance with the amendments to the Companies Act or under the Accounting Standards.
Name of the Company……………………. Balance Sheet as at ………………………
(Rupees in…………)
Particulars Note No. Figures as at the end of current reporting
Figures as at the end of the previous reporting period
1 2 3 4
(2) (3)
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders’ funds
(a) Share capital
(b) Reserves and surplus
(c) Money received against share warrants
Share application money pending allotment
Non-current liabilities
(a) Long-term borrowings
(b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) (c) Other Long term liabilities (d) Long-term provisions
Current liabilities
(a) Short-term borrowings
(b) Trade payables
(c) Other current liabilities
(d) Short-term provisions
Non-current assets
(a) Fixed assets
(i) Tangible assets
(ii) Intangible assets
(iii) Capital work-in-progress
(iv) Intangible assets under development
(b) Non-current investments
(c) Deferred tax assets (net)
(d) Long-term loans and advances
(e) Other non-current assets
Current assets
(a) Current investments
(b) Inventories
(c) Trade receivables
(d) Cash and cash equivalents
(e) Short-term loans and advances
(f) Other current assets
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
1. An asset shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
(a) it is expected to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realized within twelve months after the reporting date; or (d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.
All other assets shall be classified as non-current.
2. An operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents. Where the normal operating cycle cannot be identified, it is assumed to have a duration of 12 months.
3. A liability shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
(a) it is expected to be settled in the company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification.
All other liabilities shall be classified as non-current.
4. A receivable shall be classified as a ‘trade receivable’ if it is in respect of the amount due on account of goods sold or services rendered in the normal course of business.
5. A payable shall be classified as a ‘trade payable’ if it is in respect of the amount due on account of goods purchased or services received in the normal course of business.
6. A company shall disclose the following in the notes to accounts: A. Share Capital
for each class of share capital (different classes of preference shares to be
treated separately):
(a) the number and amount of shares authorized;
(b) the number of shares issued, subscribed and fully paid, and subscribed but not fully paid;
(c) par value per share;
(d) a reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period;
(e) the rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to each class of shares including restrictions on the distribution of dividends and the repayment of capital;
(f) shares in respect of each class in the company held by its holding company or its ultimate holding company including shares held by or by subsidiaries or associates of the holding company or the ultimate holding company in aggregate;
(g) shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than
5 percent shares specifying the number of shares held;
(h) shares reserved for issue under options and contracts/commitments for the sale of shares/disinvestment, including the terms and amounts;
(i) For the period of five years immediately preceding the date as at which the Balance Sheet is prepared:
Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid up pursuant to contract(s) without payment being received in cash.
Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid up by
way of bonus shares.
Aggregate number and class of shares bought back.
(j) Terms of any securities convertible into equity/preference shares issued along with the earliest date of conversion in descending order starting from the farthest such date.
(k) Calls unpaid (showing aggregate value of calls unpaid by directors and officers)
(l) Forfeited shares (amount originally paid up) B. Reserves and Surplus
(i) Reserves and Surplus shall be classified as: (a) Capital Reserves ;
(b) Capital Redemption Reserve; (c) Securities Premium Reserve;
(d) Debenture Redemption Reserve; (e) Revaluation Reserve;
(f) Share Options Outstanding Account;
(g) Other Reserves – (specify the nature and purpose of each reserve and the amount in respect thereof);
(h) Surplus i.e. balance in Statement of Profit & Loss disclosing allocations and appropriations such as dividend, bonus shares and transfer to/from reserves etc.
(Additions and deductions since last balance sheet to be shown under each of the specified heads)
A reserve specifically represented by earmarked investments shall be termed as a ‘fund’.
Debit balance of statement of profit and loss shall be shown as a negative figure under the head ‘Surplus’. Similarly, the balance of
‘Reserves and Surplus’, after adjusting negative balance of surplus, if any, shall be shown under the head ‘Reserves and Surplus’ even if the resulting figure is in the negative.
Long-Term Borrowings
Long-term borrowings shall be classified as:
(a) Bonds/debentures.
(b) Term loans
from banks.
from other parties.
(c) Deferred payment liabilities.
(d) Deposits.
(e) Loans and advances from related parties.
(f) Long term maturities of finance lease obligations
(g) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured.
Nature of security shall be specified separately in each case.
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of such loans under each head shall be disclosed.
(iv) Bonds/debentures (along with the rate of interest and particulars of redemption or conversion, as the case may be) shall be stated in descending order of maturity or conversion, starting from farthest redemption or conversion date, as the case may be. Where bonds/debentures are redeemable by installments, the date of maturity for this purpose must be reckoned as the date on which the first installment becomes due.
(v) Particulars of any redeemed bonds/ debentures which the company has power to reissue shall be disclosed.
(vi) Terms of repayment of term loans and other loans shall be stated.
(vii) Period and amount of continuing default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of loans and interest, shall be specified separately in each case.
D. Other Long Term Liabilities
Other Long term Liabilities shall be classified as: (a) Trade payables
(b) Others
E. Long-term provisions
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits.
(b) Others (specify nature).
F. Short-term borrowings
(i) Short-term borrowings shall be classified as:
(a) Loans repayable on demand
from banks.
from other parties.
(b) Loans and advances from related parties.
(c) Deposits.
(d) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) Borrowings shall further be sub-classified as secured and unsecured. Nature of security shall be specified separately in each case.
(iii) Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of such loans under each head shall be disclosed.
(iv) Period and amount of default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of loans and interest, shall be specified separately in each case.
G. Other current liabilities
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Current maturities of long-term debt;
(b) Current maturities of finance lease obligations; (c) Interest accrued but not due on borrowings; (d) Interest accrued and due on borrowings;
(e) Income received in advance; (f) Unpaid dividends
(g) Application money received for allotment of securities and due for refund and interest accrued thereon. Share application money includes advances towards allotment of share capital. The terms and conditions including the number of shares proposed to be issued, the amount of premium ,if any, and the period before which shares shall be allotted shall be disclosed. It shall also be disclosed whether the company has sufficient authorized capital to cover the share capital amount resulting from allotment of shares
out of such share application money. Further, the period for which the share application money has been pending beyond the period for allotment as mentioned in the document inviting application
for shares along with the reason for such share application money being pending shall be disclosed. Share application money not exceeding the issued capital and to the extent not refundable shall be shown under the head Equity and share application money to the extent refundable i.e., the amount in excess of subscription or in case the requirements of minimum subscription are not met, shall be separately shown under ‘Óther current liabilities’
(h) Unpaid matured deposits and interest accrued thereon
(i) Unpaid matured debentures and interest accrued thereon
(j) Other payables (specify nature);
H. Short-term provisions
The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits.
(b) Others (specify nature).
I. Tangible assets
(i) Classification shall be given as: (a) Land.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Plant and Equipment. (d) Furniture and Fixtures. (e) Vehicles.
(f) Office equipment.
(g) Others (specify nature).
(ii) Assets under lease shall be separately specified under each class of asset.
(iii) A reconciliation of the gross and net carrying amounts of each class of assets at the beginning and end of the reporting period showing additions, disposals, acquisitions through business combinations and other adjustments and the related depreciation and impairment losses/reversals shall be disclosed separately.
(iv) Where sums have been written off on a reduction of capital or revaluation of assets or where sums have been added on revaluation of assets, every balance sheet subsequent to date of such write-off, or addition shall show the reduced or increased figures as applicable and shall by way of a note also show the amount of the reduction or increase as applicable together with the date thereof for the first five years subsequent to the date of such reduction or increase.
J. Intangible assets
(i) Classification shall be given as: (a) Goodwill.
(b) Brands /trademarks. (c) Computer software.
(d) Mastheads and publishing titles. (e) Mining rights.
(f) Copyrights, and patents and other intellectual property rights, services and operating rights.
(g) Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes. (h) Licenses and franchise.
(i) Others (specify nature).
(ii) A reconciliation of the gross and net carrying amounts of each class of assets at the beginning and end of the reporting period showing additions, disposals, acquisitions through business combinations and other adjustments and the related amortization and impairment losses/reversals shall be disclosed separately.
(iii) Where sums have been written off on a reduction of capital or revaluation of assets or where sums have been added on revaluation of assets, every balance sheet subsequent to date of such write-off, or addition shall show the reduced or increased figures as applicable and shall by way of a note also show the amount of the reduction or increase as applicable together with the date thereof for the first five years subsequent to the date of such reduction or increase.
K. Non-current investments
(i) Non-current investments shall be classified as trade investments and other investments and further classified as:
(a) Investment property;
(b) Investments in Equity Instruments; (c) Investments in preference shares
(d) Investments in Government or trust securities; (e) Investments in debentures or bonds;
(f) Investments in Mutual Funds;
(g) Investments in partnership firms
(h) Other non-current investments (specify nature)
Under each classification, details shall be given of names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately whether such bodies are (i) subsidiaries, (ii) associates, (iii) joint ventures, or (iv) controlled special purpose entities) in whom investments have been made and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such body corporate (showing separately investments which are partly-paid). In regard to investments in the capital of partnership firms, the names of the firms (with the names of all their partners, total capital and the shares of each partner) shall be given.
(ii) Investments carried at other than at cost should be separately stated specifying the basis for valuation thereof.
(iii) The following shall also be disclosed:
(a) Aggregate amount of quoted investments and market value thereof;
(b) Aggregate amount of unquoted investments;
(c) Aggregate provision for diminution in value of investments
L. Long-term loans and advances
(i) Long-term loans and advances shall be classified as:
(a) Capital Advances;
(b) Security Deposits;
(c) Loans and advances to related parties (giving details
(d) Other loans and advances (specify nature).
(ii) The above shall also be separately sub-classified as: (a) Secured, considered good;
(b) Unsecured, considered good; (c) Doubtful.
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and advances shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iv) Loans and advances due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other persons or amounts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
M. Other non-current assets
Other non-current assets shall be classified as:
(i) Long Term Trade Receivables (including trade receivables on deferred credit terms);
(ii) Others (specify nature)
(iii) Long term Trade Receivables, shall be sub-classified as: (i) (a) Secured, considered good;
(b)Unsecured considered good; (c)Doubtful
(ii) Allowance for bad and doubtful debts shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iii) Debts due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or debts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
N. Current Investments
(i) Current investments shall be classified as: (a) Investments in Equity Instruments;
(b) Investment in Preference Shares
(c) Investments in government or trust securities; (d) Investments in debentures or bonds;
(e) Investments in Mutual Funds;
(f) Investments in partnership firms
(g) Other investments (specify nature).
Under each classification, details shall be given of names of the bodies corporate (indicating separately whether such bodies are (i) subsidiaries, (ii) associates, (iii) joint ventures, or (iv) controlled special purpose entities) in whom investments have been made and the nature and extent of the investment so made in each such body corporate (showing separately investments which are partly-paid). In regard to investments in the capital of partnership firms, the names of the firms (with the names of all their partners, total capital and the shares of each partner) shall be given.
(ii) The following shall also be disclosed:
(a) The basis of valuation of individual investments
(b) Aggregate amount of quoted investments and market value thereof;
(c) Aggregate amount of unquoted investments;
(d) Aggregate provision made for diminution in value of investments.
O. Inventories
(i) Inventories shall be classified as:
(a) Raw materials;
(b) Work-in-progress; (c) Finished goods;
(d) Stock-in-trade (in respect of goods acquired for trading); (e) Stores and spares;
(f) Loose tools;
(g) Others (specify nature).
Goods-in-transit shall be disclosed under the relevant sub-head of inventories.
Mode of valuation shall be stated.
Trade Receivables
Aggregate amount of Trade Receivables outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they are due for payment should be separately stated.
Trade receivables shall be sub-classified as:
(a) Secured, considered good; (b) Unsecured considered good; (c) Doubtful.
Allowance for bad and doubtful debts shall be disclosed under the
relevant heads separately.
(iv) Debts due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or debts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member should be separately stated.
Q. Cash and cash equivalents
(i) Cash and cash equivalents shall be classified as: (a) Balances with banks;
(b) Cheques, drafts on hand; (c) Cash on hand;
(d) Others (specify nature).
(ii) Earmarked balances with banks (for example, for unpaid dividend) shall be separately stated.
(iii) Balances with banks to the extent held as margin money or security against the borrowings, guarantees, other commitments shall be disclosed separately.
(iv) Repatriation restrictions, if any, in respect of cash and bank balances shall be separately stated.
(v) Bank deposits with more than 12 months maturity shall be disclosed separately.
R. Short-term loans and advances
(i) Short-term loans and advances shall be classified as:
(a) Loans and advances to related parties (giving details thereof);
(b) Others (specify nature).
(ii) The above shall also be sub-classified as:
(a) Secured, considered good; (b) Unsecured, considered good; (c) Doubtful.
(iii) Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and advances shall be disclosed under the relevant heads separately.
(iv) Loans and advances due by directors or other officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person or amounts due by firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a partner or a director or a member shall be separately stated.
S. Other current assets (specify nature).
This is an all-inclusive heading, which incorporates current assets that do not fit into any other asset categories.
T. Contingent liabilities and commitments
(to the extent not provided for)
(i) Contingent liabilities shall be classified as:
(a) Claims against the company not acknowledged as debt; (b) Guarantees;
(c) Other money for which the company is contingently liable
(ii) Commitments shall be classified as:
(a) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for;
(b) Uncalled liability on shares and other investments partly paid
(c) Other commitments (specify nature).
U. The amount of dividends proposed to be distributed to equity and preference shareholders for the period and the related amount per share shall be disclosed separately. Arrears of fixed cumulative dividends on preference shares shall also be disclosed separately.
V. Where in respect of an issue of securities made for a specific purpose, the whole or part of the amount has not been used for the specific purpose at the balance sheet date, there shall be indicated by way of note how such unutilized amounts have been used or invested.
W. If, in the opinion of the Board, any of the assets other than fixed assets and non-current investments do not have a value on realization in the ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they are stated, the fact that the Board is of that opinion, shall be stated.
Name of the Company…………………….
Profit and loss statement for the year ended ………………………
(Rupees in…………)
Particulars Note
Figures for the current reporting period
Figures for the previous reporting period
I. Revenue from operations xxx xxx
II. Other income xxx xxx
III. Total Revenue (I + II) xxx xxx
IV. Expenses:
Cost of materials consumed
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods work-in-progress and Stock-in-Trade
Employee benefits expense
Finance costs
Depreciation and amortization expense
Other expenses
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
V. Total expenses
Profit before exceptional and xxx
xxx xxx
extraordinary items and tax
Exceptional items
Profit before extraordinary items and tax (V - VI)
Extraordinary Items
Profit before tax (VII- VIII)
Tax expense: (1) Current tax
(2) Deferred tax xxx xxx
XI Profit (Loss) for the period from continuing operations (VII-VIII)
xxx Xxx
XII Profit/(loss) from discontinuing operations
xxx Xxx
XIII Tax expense of discontinuing operations
xxx Xxx
XIV Profit/(loss) from Discontinuing operations (after tax) (XII-XIII)
xxx Xxx
XV Profit (Loss) for the period (XI + XIV) xxx xxx
XVI Earnings per equity share: (1) Basic
(2) Diluted
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
1. The provisions of this Part shall apply to the income and expenditure account referred to in sub-section (2) of Section 210 of the Act, in like manner as they apply to a statement of profit and loss.
2. (A) In respect of a company other than a finance company revenue from operations shall disclose separately in the notes revenue from
(a) sale of products; (b) sale of services;
(c) other operating revenues; Less:
(d) Excise duty.
(B) In respect of a finance company, revenue from operations shall include revenue from
(a) Interest; and
(b) Other financial services
Revenue under each of the above heads shall be disclosed separately by way of notes to accounts to the extent applicable.
3. Finance Costs
Finance costs shall be classified as: (a) Interest expense;
(b) Other borrowing costs;
(c) Applicable net gain/loss on foreign currency transactions and translation.
4. Other income
Other income shall be classified as:
(a) Interest Income (in case of a company other than a finance company);
(b) Dividend Income;
(c) Net gain/loss on sale of investments
(d) Other non-operating income (net of expenses directly attributable to such income).
5. Additional Information
A Company shall disclose by way of notes additional information regarding aggregate expenditure and income on the following items:-
(i) (a)Employee Benefits Expense [showing separately (i) salaries and wages, (ii) contribution to provident and other funds, (iii) expense on Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOP) and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), (iv) staff welfare expenses].
(b)Depreciation and amortization expense;
(c)Any item of income or expenditure which exceeds one per cent of the revenue from operations or Rs.1,00,000, whichever is higher;
(d) Interest Income; (e) Interest Expense; (f) Dividend Income;
(g) Net gain/ loss on sale of investments;
(h) Adjustments to the carrying amount of investments;
(i)Net gain or loss on foreign currency transaction and translation (other than considered as finance cost);
(j)Payments to the auditor as (a0 auditor,(b0 for taxation matters, (c) for company law matters, (d) for management services, (e) for other services, (f) for reimbursement of expenses;
(k) Details of items of exceptional and extraordinary nature;
(l) Prior period items;
(ii) (a) In the case of manufacturing companies,-
(1) Raw materials under broad heads.
(2) goods purchased under broad heads.
(b)In the case of trading companies, purchases in respect of goods traded in by the company under broad heads.
(c)In the case of companies rendering or supplying services, gross
income derived form services rendered or supplied under broad heads.
(d)In the case of a company, which falls under more than one of the categories mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above, it shall be sufficient compliance with the requirements herein if purchases, sales and consumption of raw material and the gross income from services rendered is shown under broad
(e)In the case of other companies, gross income derived under broad
(iii) In the case of all concerns having works in progress, works-in-
progress under broad heads.
(iv) (a) The aggregate, if material, of any amounts set aside or proposed to be set aside, to reserve, but not including provisions made to meet any specific liability, contingency or commitment known to exist at the date as to which the balance-sheet is made up.
(b) The aggregate, if material, of any amounts withdrawn from such reserves.
(v) (a) The aggregate, if material, of the amounts set aside to provisions made for meeting specific liabilities, contingencies or commitments.
(b) The aggregate, if material, of the amounts withdrawn from such provisions, as no longer required.
(vi) Expenditure incurred on each of the following items, separately for
each item:-
(a) Consumption of stores and spare parts. (b) Power and fuel.
(c) Rent.
(d) Repairs to buildings. (e) Repairs to machinery. (g) Insurance .
(h) Rates and taxes, excluding, taxes on income. (i) Miscellaneous expenses,
(vii) (a) Dividends from subsidiary companies.
(b) Provisions for losses of subsidiary companies.
(Viii) The profit and loss account shall also contain by way of a note the following information, namely:-
a) Value of imports calculated on C.I.F basis by the company during the financial year in respect of –
I. Raw materials;
II. Components and spare parts;
III. Capital goods;
b) Expenditure in foreign currency during the financial year on account of royalty, know-how, professional and consultation fees, interest, and other matters;
c) Total value if all imported raw materials, spare parts and components consumed during the financial year and the total value of all indigenous raw materials, spare parts and components similarly consumed and the percentage of each to the total consumption;
d) The amount remitted during the year in foreign currencies on account of dividends with a specific mention of the total number of non-resident shareholders, the total number of shares held by them on which the dividends were due and the year to which the dividends related;
e) Earnings in foreign exchange classified under the following heads, namely:-
I. Export of goods calculated on F.O.B. basis;
II. Royalty, know-how ,professional and consultation fees;
III. Interest and dividend;
IV. Other income, indicating the nature thereof
Note:-Broad heads shall be decided taking into account the concept of materiality and presentation of true and fair view of financial statements,”.
Auditing Practical Questions
Q.No.1. Ram & Hanuman Associates, Chartered Accountants, in practice have been appointed as Statutory Auditor of Krishna Ltd. for the accounting year 02-03. Mr. Hanuman holds 100 equity shares of Shiva Ltd., a subsidiary company of Krishna Ltd.
a. As per Sec.226, a person holding any security of the company is not qualified for appointment as auditor of that company.
b. It is further given in Sec.226(4), that a person is not eligible for appointment as an auditor of any company, if he is disqualified from acting as auditor of that company’s subsidiary or holding company or of any other subsidiary of the same holding company.
c. It further provides that if an auditor, after his appointment, becomes subject to any disqualifications, he shall be deemed to have automatically vacated his office. A firm would also be disqualified to be appointed as an auditor even when one partner is disqualified u/s.226.
d. In the present case, Mr. Hanuman, a partner of M/s Ram and Hanuman Associates, holds 100 equity shares of Shiva Ltd. which is a subsidiary of Krishna Ltd. As such, the firm, M/s Ram and Hanuman Associates would be disqualified to be appointed and it will be automatically vacated from its auditorship of Krishna Ltd.
Q.No.2. Mr. Rajendra, a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, working as Manager of Shrivastav and Co., a Chartered Accountant firm, signed the audit report of Om Ltd. on behalf of Shrivastav & Co.
1. Companies act: As per Sec.229 of the act the audit report shall be signed by:
a. If the appointment is made in the individual name - Only by the person appointed as an auditor Or
b. Where a firm is appointed - By any of the partners in the firm practicing in India.
Therefore, Mr. Rajendra, a fellow member of the Institute and a manager of M/s Shrivastav & Co., Chartered Accountants, can’t sign on behalf of firm, since he not being the partner of firm.
2. Chartered accountants act: Further, the Chartered Accountants act says that a chartered accountant shall not allow any person to sign the audit report on his behalf unless the other person is a chartered accountant & partner of him.
Q.No.3. Mr. Y a practicing chartered Accountant met with an accident and hence authorised his employee Mr. B who is a qualified chartered Accountant to sign the audit report of the company as it was getting delayed. Explain and justify your views.
Sol.: Write the above ans. with necessary modifications.
Q.No.4. B is appointed auditor of PQR Ltd., at a total remuneration of Rs.50, 000, classified as under: (i) For Unit X of the Company Rs.20,000; (ii) For Unit Y of the Company Rs.20,000 and (iii) For Head Office Rs. 10,000. As per terms of appointment, B can collect his fees on progressive basis, on completion of audits of unit X and /or Y. B completed the audit of unit Y and recovered Rs.20,000 on account of the audit fees though the entire audit is not completed. Explain whether B is indebted to the Company for an amount exceeding Rs. 1,000 and therefore disqualified. (Or) Will an auditor who received the audit fees from the co. on progressive basis, is called indebted.
Sol.: Auditor cannot be said to be indebted to the Company at any stage if he recovers his fees on a progressive basis. As and when a part of the work is done, he can recover his fees in accordance with the terms of his engagement with the client, without waiting for the completion of the whole job. Hence, B is not indebted to the Company and is qualified to act as its Statutory Auditor.
Q.No.5. C is a partner in ABC Associates, Chartered Accountants. Analyse whether disqualification provisions are attracted in the following cases:
a. C is indebted for an amount exceeding Rs.1,000. Can C be appointed as an auditor in his individual name?
b. The firm is indebted for > 1,000. Can C be appointed as an auditor in his individual name?
Sol.: In both the given cases, the disqualification will apply because:
a. When a firm is appointed as auditor, each partner is deemed to be so indebted.
b. When a firm is indebted, each partner is deemed to be so indebted.
Q.No.6. In case the existing auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting refused to accept the appointment, whether the Board of Directors could fill up the vacancy?
Sol.: Sec.224 (3) of the Companies Act, 1956, empowers the Central Government of fill a vacancy in case on auditors are appointed or reappointed at an annual general meeting Since the appointment of an auditor is complete only on the acceptance of the office by the auditor, it can be deemed in such a case that no auditor has been appointed and the C.G. may appoint a person to fill the vacancy as provided in Sec.224 (3). Therefore, the Board is not empowered to fill such a vacancy.
Q.No.7. X, C.A., who was appointed as the first auditors, of the company, was removed without the prior approval of the C.G., before the expiry of their term, by calling an EGM.
Sol.: An auditor may be removed before the expiry of his term by the company in a general meeting only after obtaining the prior approval of the C.G. An exception to this rule is that no such approval is required for the removal of the first auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, X, Chartered Accountant, being the first auditors of the company can be removed without the approval of the C.G. by the company by passing a resolution to that effect in the EGM.
Q.No.8. Some of your friends are forming a new company. They wish to include the following clause in the Articles of Association of the company. “The first auditors of the company will be M/s XY & Co, Chartered Accountants who will hold office for five years”. They seek your advice in the matter.
Sol.: It is obvious that the above clause will not be valid. The first auditors can be appointed only by a resolution of the board of directors, or by the shareholders in a general Meeting if the board fails to appoint the first auditors. Moreover, the first auditors can hold office only until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting (provided they are not removed by the shareholders earlier at a G.M).
Q.No.9. At the Annual General Meeting of a company in which a nationalised bank held 20% of the subscribed capital, X and Co., Chartered accountants were appointed as auditors by passing an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Sec.224A of the Act provides that in case of a company in which not less than 25% of subscribed share capital is held, whether singly or in any combination, amongst others, by a nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business, the appointment or reappointment at each AGM of an auditor or auditors shall be made by a special resolution. In the given case, the nationalised bank held only 20 per cent of the subscribed share capital which in fact is less than 25 per cent. Thus the appointment of M/s. X & Co., Chartered Accountants, by an ordinary resolution at the Annual General Meeting is valid.
Q.No.10. At the AGM of Navkar Ltd., Om is appointed as the auditor. Om refuses to accept the audit. The company holds another general meeting and appoints a new auditor.
Sol.: The appointment of a new auditor in place of Om by the company in general meeting convened for the purpose is not because refusal of Om to accept the appointment does not result in a casual vacancy. The appointment of an auditor is complete and effective only when the auditor has accepted the office of an auditor. In such a case it can be deemed that no auditor has been appointed by the company at its annual general meeting. Sec.224(3) comes into picture (i.e. C.G. gets the power to appoint auditor).
Q.No.11. The auditor of Y Ltd. resigned after valid and accepted appointment whereupon the Board of Directors appointed another auditor treating it as a casual vacancy.
Sol.: Sec.224 states that the Board may fill any casual vacancy, provided such vacancy has not been caused by the resignation of the auditor. In the instant case, a casual vacancy has arisen on account of resignation since the auditor of Y Ltd resigned after accepting the appointment. Under these circumstances, the shareholder’s can only fill the vacancy in the general meeting.
Q.No.12. Paras is appointed the auditor of a government company at its AGM. Is it correct?
Sol.: The appointment of paras as the auditor of a Government company at it’s A.G.M is not valid. As per Sec.619, the auditor of a Government company shall be appointed and re-appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Q.No.13. After the incorporation of a private limited company, its Board of Directors, primarily busy in proper functioning of the company, suddenly discovered after the lapse of about 6 months that the company requires to appoint an auditor. What should Board do?
Sol.: The Board should arrange to convene a general meeting and appoint the first auditor in that meeting since the Board has failed to appoint the auditor within 1 month of incorporation.
Q.No.14. The Board of Directors of Z Ltd., whose 25% subscribed share capital is held by State Government, proposes to appoint Mr.K, a Chartered Accountant, as its statutory auditor in the next Annual General Meeting. Advice it.
Sol.: Sec.224A provides that a company in which not less than 25% of the subscribed share capital is held by any state government shall appoint an auditor in the annual general meeting (AGM) only by passing a special resolution.
Q.No.15. The Government of Assam holds 27,000 shares out of the total 1,00,000 subscribed shares of Forest Products Ltd. At the 37th AGM of the company, 41,000 votes are cast in favour of a resolution reappointing Mr. A as the auditor and 27,000 votes are cast against the resolution. There are no absentations. Is Mr. A reappointed as auditor of the company?
Sol.: It is evident that the company is covered by Sec.224A since the Assam Government holds more than 25% of its subscribed share capital. Therefore the auditor of such company shall be appointed by passing a special resolution. A is not reappointed as audi¬tor of the company since the resolution of his appointment did not receive the requisite three-fourths of the votes.
Q.No.16. The Statutory Auditors of a Public Limited company received letters from shareholders either directly or through the company seeking information like details of expenses, explanation for not qualifying the report for one reasons or the other, etc. You are required to advise the Statutory Auditor whether under any circumstances they are bound to entertain such letters and give detailed reply to individual shareholders.
Sol.: The Statutory Auditors are appointed by the ‘Company’, i.e., body of shareholders and not by individual shareholders. The Auditors are required to disclose to the shareholders as a body, only that information which has been prescribed under the Act. Hence, the Statutory Auditors are not required to provide any information / explanations to individual shareholders.
Q.No.17. A Ltd. requiring to maintain cost accounts contends that the auditor need not report on the non-maintenance of them because the provisions of cost audit were not made applicable to it.
Sol.: Sec.209(1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956 requires that every company shall maintain books of accounts containing particulars relating to the utilization of material or labour or to other items of cost if such class of companies are notified by the Central Government. As per Sec.227(3) the auditor has to comment whether the company has maintained proper books or not. The cost records prescribed under Sec.209(1)(d) also form part of books accounts required to be maintained as per law. Therefore whether cost audit is ordered or not in respect of A Ltd., the auditor should report upon the non-maintenance of the cost records.
Further as per the CARO, 2003 where maintenance of cost records has been prescribed by the Central Government, auditor of the company is specifically required to state whether such accounts and records as prescribed have been properly maintained.
Q. No.18. XYZ Limited wants to remove their existing auditors before the expiry of their terms.
Sol.: Refer to the question removal of auditors before expiry of their term question (Auditor lesson).
Q.No.19. XYZ& Company Limited by passing a resolution by the entire body of shareholders wants to limit the powers of the statutory auditors.
a. The Companies Act specifies the rights of a company auditor which include right of access to the books of accounts, right to receive notices, right to seek information and explanations, right to visit branches, etc. These rights have been granted to the auditor to carry out his duties and responsibilities prescribed under the Act.
b. The rights of the auditor cannot be restricted in any manner.
c. Any resolution passed by the entire body of shareholders limiting the powers of the auditor or any such provisions in the Articles of Association is void.
d. In the case of Newton V.Birmingham Small Arms Co., the same was upheld.
Q.No.20. The auditor’s lien on client’s books and records is unconditional. Comment.
Sol.: Auditor’s lien on client’s books is subject to the following conditions i.e. Conditional:
a. Documents retained must belong to the client who owes the money.
b. Documents must have come into possession of the auditor on the authority of the client. They must not have been received through irregular or illegal means. In case of a company client, they must be received on the authority of the board of directors.
c. The auditor can retain the documents only if he has done work on such documents.
d. Such of the documents can be retained which are connected with the work on which fees have not been paid.
Q.No.21. Can the shareholders delegate authority to the Directors to appoint Auditors?
Sol.: Sec. 224 of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with the appointment of auditors. Sec.224(1) requires that every company shall appoint auditors of the company at each annual general meeting. Under no circumstances, the company can delegate its authority to the Board of Directors because it is a matter of supreme importance. He should, therefore, be independent of the management. To ensure his independence, the Board of Directors must not have any authority to appoint him. Therefore, the company cannot delegate its authority to the Board of Directors to appoint auditors.
Q.No.22. Mr. ‘A’ is a part-time practicing Chartered Accountant and is the financial controller of X Ltd. The company wants to appoint him as its auditor in the next annual general meeting. Offer your comments in the matter.
Sol.: In the present case Mr. A is the financial controller and thus an officer of the company. As per Sec.226, an officer or an employee of the company is disqualified to be appointed as auditor’s.
Q.No.23. Can a director of the company be appointed as an auditor?
Sol.: There is no express prohibition that a director can not be appointed as an auditor. But the below given two provisions of the companies act prohibits a director to be appointed as an auditor:
a. Sec.226 enumerates that an officer of the company cannot be appointed as an auditor.
b. Sec.2(30) of companies act, which defines the officer to include the director.
Q.No.24. NM & Co., chartered accountants were appointed as the auditors of a public limited company in their Annual General Meeting. Various co-operative and term lending institutions held 51% of the paid-up share capital of the company.
Sol.: As per Sec.224A, a company in which not less than 25% of the subscribed capital is held by:
a. A public financial institution or a Government co. or the C.G. or any state government; or
b. Any financial or other institution established by any Provincial or State Act in which a State Government holds not less than 51% of subscribed share capital; or
c. A nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business.
The appointment in the Annual General Meeting shall be made only by passing a special resolution.
In this case, NM & Co was appointed as auditors of the public limited company where 51% of the paid-up share capital was held by co-operatives and term lending institutions. Presuming that such institutions are covered by the aforesaid criteria, passing a special resolution was necessary. Hence, the appointment of NM & Co., chartered accountants, was null and void provided such institutions are covered by section 224A.
Q.No.25. The Board of Directors of X Ltd., whose 20% of subscribed capital is held by A.P. Government, proposes to appoint Mr.Hari, a C.A., as its statutory auditor in the next AGM.
a. What type of resolution is necessary for his appointment?
b. Will it make any difference if the shareholding of A.P.Government is 28%?
a. First write the provisions of Sec.224A of the companies act. Since in the present case the shareholding is less than 25%, an ordinary resolution is sufficient for the appointment.
b. A special resolution will be necessary for the appointment of Mr.Hari as the statutory auditor in the next AGM as the shareholding by the State Government is 28%.
Q.No.26. Can a P’ firm be appointed as an auditor, if one of the partners happens to be a relative of the directors of the Co. Will your answer differ if the partner is the employee of the director?
a. Can be appointed.
b. Cannot be appointed. (Sec.226 an employee of an officer of the company can’t be appointed)
Q.No.27. You are the auditor of Injamam Ltd. During the course of audit for the year ended 31.3.2004 you come across the following transactions - What is your treatment:
1. The Company has given a loan of Rs. 10,000 to X, a supplier of the company on the security of a life insurance policy of the face value of Rs. 50,000 and whose surrender value as on 31.3. 2004 was Rs. 7,500. The company is in possession of the policy. However, an assignment in favour of Injamam Ltd. has not been registered with LIC.
2. The company recorded on 31.3. 2004 a sale of goods to the tune of Rs. 10,000 to A & Co. Ltd., a sister concern and recognised a profit of Rs. 2,500 for the year-ended 31.3. 2004. On April 1, 2004 a purchase of the goods of the same description amounting to Rs. 10,000 from A & Co. Ltd. was found to be recorded.
3. The company has sold during the year 200 shares of Shoaib Akhtar Ltd., for Rs. 20,000. The cost of shares at the time of acquisition was Rs. 40,000. It is also noted that during 2003-04 Shoaib Akhtar Ltd. had lost 3 out of 4 ships owned by it in a storm near India. There are definite indications that the company might go into liquidation.
4. The company has given Rs. 50,000 to A & Co., a partnership firm very remotely connected with one of its senior employees. A & Co. does not customarily accept deposits. Injamam Ltd. does not owe any obligation in respect of A & Co. The above amount of Rs. 50,000 has been classified as “deposits” in the company’s accounts.
5. One of the directors of the company celebrated the marriage of his daughter during 2004. Two cars of the company had been lent to the director and the petrol bills amounting to Rs. 2,500 have been paid by the company.
6. The company owed Rs. 10,000 to Sachin Tendulkar. It issued equity shares amounting to Rs. 10,000 in cancellation of the above debt.
Sol.: The transactions mentioned above are within the scope of enquiry u/s 227(1A) of the Act.
1. Loans on inadequate security [Sec.227(1A)(a)]:
a. The Auditor should ascertain whether the Company holds a legally enforceable security and the value of the security fully covers the amount lent.
b. In this case, the Loan of Rs.10,000 has been made on the basis of security having a surrender value of Rs.7,500 only. Hence the loan is not adequately secured. Also the security cannot be legally enforced since the company has not registered the assignment in its favour.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the shareholders u/s 227(1A) (a).
2. Book Entry Transactions: [Sec. 227(1A)(b)]:
a. The Auditor should enquire whether transactions of the Company which are represented merely by book entries are not prejudicial to the interests of the Company.
b. In this case, the sale and purchase transactions represented by book entries only (without actual movement of goods) are intended to boost the profits of the Company.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the members u/s 227(1A)(b).
3. Sale of Investments below cost [Sec.227(1A)(c)]:
a. Whether any of the assets of the company con¬sisting of shares, debentures etc. have been sold at a price less than the cost of such shares etc.
b. This clause is not a prohibition for sale of investments below cost. The auditor should ascertain that the sale is bonafide and the price realised is reasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case. In the given circumstances, the sale of investments seems to be bonafide as Shoaib Akhtar Ltd. is not in a sound financial position.
c. Hence the auditor need not report this matter to the members u/s 227(1A)(c).
4. Classification of Deposits [Sec.227(1A)(d)]:
a. The Auditor has to enquire whether loans and advances made by the company have been shown as deposits.
b. In this case, A & Co., in general does not accept deposits and also the Company has no obligation against A & Co.,
c. The Auditor should instruct the Company to show the amount as “Loans and Advances”. If the Company refuses a reclassification and continues to shown them as “Deposits”, the Auditor should report the same u/s 227(1A)(d).
5. Personal Expenses charged to Revenue [Sec.227 (1A)(e)]:
a. The auditor should enquire whether personal expenses have been charged to P&L a/c.
b. In this case, the personal expenses of the director have been clearly charged to the P&L a/c.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the shareholders u/s 227(1A)(e).
6. Allotment of Shares [Sec.227(1A)(f)]:
a. The Auditor should enquire “Where it is stated in the books of accounts that any shares have been allotted for cash, then the cash has been actually so received”.
b. As per DCA notification - Shares allotted against a debt payable by the company shall be taken as ‘shares allotted for cash. The issue of equity shares is legal.
c. Hence, the auditor has no duty to report in this instance.
Q.No.28. Marriage expenses of M.D’s daughter amounting to Rs.25 lakhs charged to P & L A/c.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227 (1A)(e) in the previous question. The auditor should advice the company to transfer the personal expenses to the personal account of managing director and disclose the same distinctly under “Loans and advances” on the asset side of the balance sheet.
Q.No.29. Wile vouching traveling expenses of directors, the auditor found that certain bills were in the names of the directors and they were not authorised by the Board of directors of the company.
Sol.: Write the previous answer.
Q.No.30. There are a few entries in the cash book indicating cash receipts & payments from or to a proprietary concern of one of the directors of the co. On enquiry, the auditor finds that no cash was in fact received or paid but the entries were made only to adjust the cash balances in the book.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227(1A)(b) in the previous but 2nd question.
Q.No.31. A company sold certain investments during the financial year at a price less than its purchase price due to poor market conditions.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227(1A)(c) in the previous but 3rd question.
Q.No.32. Will the following be included for the purpose of calculation under Sec. 224(1B)?
Government companies Yes
Sec.25 companies Yes
Unlimited liability company Yes
Special audit No
Tax audit No
Joint audit Yes
Foreign company audit No
Internal audit No
Private company audit No
Branch audit No
Audit of statutory corporation No
Investigation No
Guarantee companies having no share capital No
ICAI has issued a notification which specifically restricts the number of audits to be done by a member to 30, including audit of private companies.
Q.No.33. KBC & Co. a firm of Chartered Accountants has three partners, K, B & C. K is also in whole time employment elsewhere. The firm is offered the audit of ABC Ltd. and its twenty branches. The firm already holds audit of 40 companies including audit of one foreign company.
Sol.: In the case of firm of chartered accountants, the specified number should be construed as twenty companies (out of which not more than ten may have a paid-up share capital of rupees twenty five lakhs or more) per such partner who is not in whole-time employment elsewhere. In the firm of KBC & Co., K is in whole-time employment elsewhere, therefore, he will be excluded in determining the number of company audits that the firm can hold. The total number of company audits that can be accepted by KBC & Co., is forty, out of which not more than twenty companies may have a paid-up share capital of rupees twenty five lakhs or more. Audits of the accounts of foreign companies are also not to be included. Since the number of audits that goes for counting is only 39, it can accept one more audit. Branch audits are not to be counted in computing this specified number. Therefore, it does not matter whether ABC Ltd. is having twenty branches. Thus the acceptance of audit of ABC Ltd. and its 20 branches will accordingly be within specified limits.
Q.No.34. The Company had also appointed a Cost Auditor and therefore, the management had requested you not to review the cost records. Comment.
Sol.: As per Sec.209 of the companies act the term books of accounts included the cost records and the auditor has the duty to state in the audit report u/s 227(3) whether proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the company. Accordingly, the auditors cannot be requested not to review the cost records as a cost auditor has been appointed by the company. The statutory auditor’s duties cannot be limited in any way either by the Articles or by the Directors or members. This is confirmed by the judgement given in Newton vs. Birmingham small arms co. case.
Q.No.35. A is appointed as the auditor of X Ltd. on 26th July, 2003. He informs the company that he will visit its head office on August 13, 2003 (a holiday for the company, being a Sunday) and examine the cash book. The accountant argues that A should come after March 31, 2004 when the accounts are closed. Moreover, he should not come on a Sunday as the office is closed on that day. Is the position taken by the accountant legally correct?
Sol.: The auditor has access to books etc. “at all times”. This implies that he can examine them at any time after assuming his office as the auditor and he need out wait for the closing of the accounts, i.e., March 31, 2004. However, the expression “at all times” refers to only the normal business hours on any working day. Thus, A cannot examine the books on a holiday.
Q.No.36. AB Ltd. does not send to its auditors the notice of an extraordinary general meeting on the plea that accounts are not being discussed at the aforesaid meeting.
Sol.: This is not correct since the requirements of Sec.231 apply to all general meetings held during the period when the auditor holds his office.
Q.No.37. At the AGM of CU Ltd., Mr. L is appointed as the auditor which later is held to be void ab initio. The company holds another general meeting and appoints a new auditor.
Sol.: In case the requirements of Sec.224A (Special resolution) & Sec.224(1B) (Ceiling certificate) have not been complied with then in such cases, the appointment of any person as the auditor at the Annual General Meeting would be void ab initio. Under the circumstances in view of the fact that the company failed to appoint an auditor, the provisions of section 224(3) would be attracted and the appointment of the auditor can be made by the Central Government only. Accordingly, the appointment of a new auditor at the subsequent general meeting will not be valid.
Q.No.38. At an Annual General Meeting, Mr. R a retiring auditor claims that he has been reappointed automatically, as the intended resolution of which a notice had been given to appoint Mr. P in place of him could not be proceeded with, due to Mr. P’s death.
Sol.: According to Sec.224(2) an auditor cannot be reappointed if “If a notice of the intended resolution has been served on him by the company proposing to remove him and appoint somebody else in his place and such notice could not be proceeded with in the AGM due to death of the latter.
Q.No.39. The shareholding of LIC and UTI increased from 23% to 27% of the subscribed share capital of the company after issue of notice of the annual general meeting. Explain how the appointment of auditors will be made.
Sol.: The material date for determining whether section 224A is attracted is the date of AGM and not the date of issuing notice. Therefore, if the required percentage is held on the date of the AGM, the provisions of section 224A will apply. In such a case, the company has two options:
a. The company may adjourn the AGM and later issue the required notice in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The S.R. appointing the auditors shall be passed in the adjourned AGM.
b. The company may omit the item in the agenda regarding the appointment of auditors. The auditors shall be appointed by the Central Government in such a case.
Q.No.40. MNC Ltd in which 24% of the subscribed capital is held by a public financial institution at the time of issuing the notice for the AGM, appoints RK & Co. as auditors by an ordinary resolution at the AGM when the Public Financial Institution increased its stake in MNC Ltd to 25 % of its subscribed capital after issue of such notice.
Sol.: Write the previous answer with necessary modifications.
Q.No.41. At the AGM of a company in which a nationalised bank held 20% of the subscribed capital, X, a C.A., was appointed as auditors by passing an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Sec.224A of the Act provides in case of a company in which not less 25% of subscribed share capital is held, whether singly or in any combination, amongst others, by a nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general meeting of an auditor or auditors shall be made by a special resolution. In the given case, the nationalised bank held only 20% of the subscribed share capital which in fact is less than 25%. Thus, the appointment of X, by an ordinary resolution is valid.
Q.No.42. An auditor purchased goods worth Rs. 1,500 on credit from a company being audited by him. The company allowed him normal credit which is allowed to all others.
Sol.: Sec. 226(3) of the Companies Act, 1956 specifies that a person shall be disqualified to act as an auditor if he is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees. Where an auditor purchases goods from a company audited by him on credit, he is definitely indebted to the company and if the amount outstanding exceeds rupees one thousand, he is disqualified for appointment as an auditor of the company, consequently he has deemed to have vacated his office. It will not make any difference even if the company allows him the same period of credit as it allows to other customers on the normal terms and conditions of the business.
Q.No.43. An auditor became aware a matter regarding a Company, only after he had issued his audit opinion. Had he become aware of the same prior to his issuing the audit report, he would have issued a different opinion. Advice the auditor about the action to be taken.
Sol.: Sec.231 of the Companies Act, 1956 empowers the auditors of a company to attend any general meeting of the company. Normally speaking, an auditor considers subsequent events only upto the date of issuance of the audit report. The discovery of a fact after the issuance of the financial statements that existed at the date of the audit report which would have caused the revision of the audit report requires that the auditor bring this to the notice of shareholders. Likewise, it may be advisable for the auditor to attend the meeting with a view to bringing to the notice of the shareholders any matter which came to his knowledge after signing the report.
Q.No.44. X Ltd. was incorporated on 1.2.1998 and Mr. P who is related to the chairman of the company was appointed as auditor by the Board of Directors on 3.3.1998. Comment.
Sol.: There are two issues arising out of this problem viz.,¬ first one relates to appointment of auditor by the Board of Directors & second would pertain to relation of such an auditor with the chairman of the company. As per Sec.224 of the Act, the first auditor of a company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within 1 month of the date of registration of the company. As per the facts given in the case, the board has failed to appoint the first auditor within one month of the registration of company. Therefore the appointment shall be made by shareholder’s in general meeting. Thus, the appointment of Mr. P is not valid. Relation with the chairman is not a matter to be considered.
Q.No.45. The Board of Directors of X Ltd. are desirous of appointing CD & Co. as their auditors, what qualifications are necessary for the auditor to be so appointed?
Sol.: Refer to the “Qualifications of an auditor” question in auditor lesson - Sec. 226..
Q.No.46. You are appointed as the auditor of space Travels ltd. for audit fees of Rs.15,000. You purchased air ticket from Bombay to madras valued for 3,500 from them and the amount remains unpaid at the end of the year. Comment.
Sol.: Since the amount exceeded 1,000 the disqualifications given in Sec.226 are attached to the auditor and therefore the office of auditor is deemed to be vacated.
Q.No.47. The liability of audit fees of a company has been outstanding since last two years. This year after completion of audit, the auditor informs to the secretary of the company to bring the cheque of all the 3 years fees and take delivery of the audit report.
Sol.: Sec.224(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with fixation of remuneration of an auditor. However, the Act is silent on the mode of recovery of remuneration by an auditor. Normally speaking, an auditor has right to receive his remuneration after com¬pleting his work, that is, submission of the audit report. But as a matter of professional ethics, it would not be proper for the auditor if he links delivery of the audit report conditional upon receipt of audit fees. Moreover he would not be performing his duties under the companies act, 1956 in such case. It would be better to approach the Court of Law only after submitting his audit report.
Q.No.48. The auditor appointed by a company accepted the audit on the basis of a certificate issued by the directors that company has complied with the requirements of the companies Act, 1956 relating to his appointment. Subsequently it was found that the company had failed to pass the special resolution required for his appointment.
Sol.: An auditor cannot merely rely on the certificate of the directors. The company has failed to comply with Sec.224A, and therefore the appointment is invalid. Sec. 224(3) is attracted (i.e. appointment by C.G.). Further as per C.A. act, 1949, if a member accepts audit of a company without checking that the company has complied with the requirements of Sec.224 and 225, he is guilty of professional misconduct.
Q.No.49. Mr. X a practicing chartered accountant, holds 35 company audits including 15 public companies, 7 other companies having paid capital exceeding 25 lakhs of which 2 are private companies and the rest are audit of branches of companies. Has Mr. X violated any provisions of the companies Act, 1956 or is he guilty of professional misconduct?
Sol.: Audits which are taken for counting as per Sec.224(1B):
Public companies
Companies (> 25Lakhs, excluding private co.’s) 15
The audits are within the ceiling limit (i.e. 20 excluding private co.’s, branches etc.) prescribed by the act. Therefore there is no violation of the act.
Note: ICAI has issued a notification which specifically restricts the number of audits to be handled by a member to 30, including audit of private companies. If the member exceeds the said ceiling, he is guilty of professional misconduct even through there may not be any violation u/s 224 (1B).
Q.No.50. The incoming auditor of a company did not communicate with the previous auditor on the contention that the previous auditor had resigned on health grounds and not due to professional reasons.
Sol.: As per C.A. Act, 1949, a Chartered Accountant in practice should not accept a position as an auditor previously held by another chartered accountant without first communicating with him in writing. The object of this clause is to enable the auditor to find whether there exist reasonable reasons as to why he should not accept the appointment.
Q.No.51. The statutory auditor need not examine matters reported by the branch auditor since he is not responsible for the work of the branch auditor.
Sol.: Though he is not responsible for work performed by branch auditor, he is responsible to consider the Report of the branch auditor in preparing his report as required by Sec.227 (3). Further, the qualifications made by the branch auditor in his report will be dealt with by the company auditor in following two ways:
1. 1st way: Put the same in the company auditor’s audit report.
2. 2nd way: Ignore the same in the following cases:
a. The objections of the branch auditor have been met while conducting the head office audit.
b. The matter on which the qualification is made by the branch auditor is not so material in comparison of the company as a whole.
c. Due to the availability of information, which was not available to branch auditor, the qualifications made by the branch auditor get settled.
Q.No.52. The statutory auditor while reporting on the accounts dropped all the qualifications made by the branch auditor of the company even without consulting the branch auditor.
Sol.: Refer to the previous ans.
Q.No.53.The audit report of a branch auditor contains some qualifications. Comment.
Sol.: Refer to the previous ans.
Q.No.54. The branch auditors of a company were appointed by the central statutory auditors. In terms of their appointment letter, they were not permitted to include any comment or make any qualification unless agreed to by the central statutory auditors.
Sol.: The branch Auditors are to be appointed by the Company/Board with or without consulting the Statutory Auditors. The Central Statutory Auditors cannot appoint the Branch Auditor nor can they restrict their scope of work. The Central Statutory Auditor cannot prevent the Branch Auditor from making any comments or qualifications on the accounts audited by the Branch Auditor. The Central Statutory Auditor, however, has discretionary powers not to incorporate the Branch Auditor’s comments/qualifications in their final report.
Q.No.55. While conducting the audit of a limited company for the year ended 31st March, 2003, the auditor called for the ledger for ascertaining the details of a particular account. The ledger could not be made available to him as it was destroyed due to space constraint as per the instruction of the Executive Director of the company.
Sol.: The non-availability of the ledger in respect of accounting year ended on March 31, 2003 to ascertain the details of a particular account by the auditor has 3 fold implications viz., first, the auditor is not able to obtain sufficient audit evidence, 2nd violation of Sec.209 of the Companies Act & 3rd is Sec.227.
As far as the first aspect is concerned, the auditor may even consider disclaimer of opinion depending upon materiality of the amount particularly having regard to overall impact the violation of provisions of the Companies Act by the company Act by the company on financial statements.
As far as the 2nd aspect is concerned, it is clear that the company has violated the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 since the books of account relating to accounting period for not less than eight years immediately preceding the current year are to be preserved in goods order by ever company.
As far as the 3rd aspect is concerned, the auditor is also required to report whether the company has maintained proper books of account or not as per Sec.227.
Q.No.56. The Managing Director of a company has issued instruction to maintain the books of account of the company for the last five years in good condition.
Sol.: Refer to the previous question.
Q.No.57. No resolution was passed by a company for remuneration of the retiring auditor at the time of his re-appointment.
Sol.: If no resolution is passed for remuneration of the retiring auditor at the time of his re-appointment, the existing remuneration will continue.
Q.No.58. After re-appointment of the retiring auditor at the annual general meeting of a company, it was found that the auditor has borrowed Rs.50,000 from the company.
Sol.: In this case, it is clear that the re-appointment of the auditor by the company is defective and it will attract Sec.224 (3) i. e. Power of the Central Government to appoint auditor of the company.
Q.No.59. A Ltd. holds 40% of the shares of B Ltd., which were pledged by A Ltd. to a nationalized bank for a term loan. The auditor of B Ltd. was re-appointed in the AGM by ordinary resolution.
Sol.: As per the DCA notification, if a nationalised bank holds shares of a company (whether by way of investment or as a security for a loan or advance) and if the name of the bank is entered on the Register of Members of the company as a beneficial holder, then holding of shares by the nationalized bank will attract section 224A i. e. appointment of auditor by special resolution. Therefore, appointment, of auditor of B Ltd by ordinary resolution in the AGM is void and it is deemed that no auditor has been appointed and Sec.224 (3) is attracted i.e. Power of the Central Government to appoint auditor of the company.
Q.No.60. A firm of chartered accountants was appointed as auditor of a company and one of the partners of the firm was holding shares in that company. However the audit report was signed by another partner of the firm. Will your answer be different if a relative of the partner was holding the said shares?
Sol.: One of the disqualifications as per Sec.226 is holding securities of the company. Further, according to Sec.226, even if one partner is disqualified, the firm is disqualified. It is immaterial whether one partner is holding shares and another is singing the audit report. However, the said disqualification under section 226 will not be attracted if a relative of the partner is holding the said shares. But as per the code of conduct as given by the Chartered accountants regulation act, 1949, a member will be held guilty of professional misconduct, if he or his partner or his firm or their relatives hold substantial interest in an enterprise & he expresses his opinion on the financial statements of such enterprise without disclosing such interest in his report.
Q.No.61. Can a person holding any security of a company be appointed as an auditor of that company? What will be the position, if his relative holds such securities?
Sol.: As per Sec.226, a person shall not be qualified for appointment as an auditor of a company if he holds any security of that company. The expression ‘security’ for this purpose means any instrument which carries voting rights. In case any security of the company is held by a relative of an auditor, the above clause is not attracted. However, as per Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, the auditor should disclose his interest while making the report. If this disclosure is not made, it would amount to misconduct under that act.
Q.No.62. The first auditor did not give notice to the ROC for accepting the audit.
Sol.: The requirement of giving notice to the ROC has been prescribed only in respect of appointment in an AGM under Sec.224(1) and therefore is not applicable to appointment of First auditor being appointed by the Board of director’s in board meeting.
Q.No.63. A, a chartered accountant has been appointed as auditor of Laxman Ltd. in the Annual General Meeting of the company held in September, 2000, which assignment he accepted. Subsequently in January, 2001 he joined B, another chartered accountant, who is the Manager Finance of Laxman Ltd., as partner.
Sol.: Sec. 226(3) prescribes that any person who is a partner of an officer or employee of the company will be disqualified to act as an auditor of a company. It further says that an auditor who becomes subject, after his appointment, to any of the disqualifications he shall be deemed to have vacated his office as an auditor. In the present case, A an auditor of M/s Laxman Ltd., joined as partner with B, who is Manager Finance of M/s Laxman Limited, has attracted Sec.226 and, therefore, he shall be deemed to have vacated office of the auditor of M/s. Laxman Limited.
Q.No.64. The statutory auditor of a government company was appointed by the C.G.
Sol.: The appointment is to be made by the C & AG and not by the Central Government.
Q.No.65. K, a chartered accountant, was appointed as auditor of Y Ltd. in the 12th Annual general Meeting of the company in September, 1999. In June, 2000 the company removed him through a resolution in the general meeting and appointed Ram as its auditor.
Sol.: The removal of auditor K, a chartered accountant, before the expiry of the term of an auditor’s appointment by Y Ltd. is invalid. An auditor may be removed from office before the expiry of his term, by the company only in a general meeting after obtaining the prior approval of the Central Government in that behalf. However such approval is not required for the removal of the first auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. Since prior approval of the C.G. has not been obtained, the removal of K is not valid & K continues to be the auditor. Appointment of Ram is void.
Q.No.66. Y is the auditor of X Pvt Ltd. in which there are four shareholders only, who are also the Director’s of the company. On account of bad business and for reducing the expenses, the directors asked Y to accept a reduced fee and for that he has been offered not to carry out full audit. Y accepted the suggestions of the directors.
Sol.: Duties as a company auditor are laid down by law and no restriction of any kind can restrict the scope of his work either by the director or even by the entire body shareholders. There is no concept of full or part audit under Sec.227 of the Companies Act, 1956 and remuneration is a matter of arrangement between the auditor and the shareholders. Y, therefore, should, not accept the suggestions of the directors regarding the scope of the work to be done. But Y may agree to temporary reduction in audit fees. Y is violating the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
Q.No.67. While conducting the audit of a limited company, the auditor wanted to refer to the Minute Books. The Board of Directors refused to show the Minute Books to the auditor.
Sol.: Sec.227 grants powers to the auditor right of access, at all times, to the books and account including all statutory records such as minute books fixed assets register etc. In order to verify actions taken by the company and to vouch and verify some of the transactions of the company, it is necessary for the auditor to refer to the decisions of the shareholders and the directors of the company. In case the directors have refused to produce the Minute Books the auditor may consider extending the audit procedure as also consider qualifying his report in any appropriate manner.
Q.No.68. Due to the resignation of the existing auditor(s) the board of directors of X Ltd appointed Mr.Hari as the auditor. Is it valid?
Sol.: The resignation of the existing auditor(s) would give rise to a casual vacancy. As per the companies act casual vacancy can be filled by the Board of Directors, provided such vacancy has not been caused by the resignation of the auditor. The rationale behind such a provision is to ensure that resignation is a matter of great concern and, thus, it is necessary that all shareholders must be known of reasons connected with resignation. The vacancy can be filled by shareholders.
Q.No.69. Abishek, a practicing C.A. is attending to the tax matters of A Ltd., and for that purpose he has to regularly attend to the company from 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days. He is paid Rs. 5,000 p.m. for the same. A Ltd., intends to appoint Abishek as its auditor at the next general meeting. Advise whether Abishek can accept the appointment.
Sol.: According to Section 226(3), an employee or an officer of a Company cannot be appointed as its Auditor. An auditor may render services to the Company in matters relating to Taxation, Management Consultancy or other related area as long as his contract is a “Contract for services” (retainer ship) and not a “Contract of service” (i.e. employment). There is no prohibition for charging fee on monthly basis.
In the given case, Abishek attends office regularly from 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days. Assuming he is not bound by the office timings but is attending to tax matters regularly during office working hours according to his own convenience. If it is a part-time service contract, he cannot be appointed. On the other hand, if it is a retainer ship, he may be appointed.
Q.No.70. The first auditor of ‘AB’ Ltd. was appointed by the directors 2 months after registration of the Company;
Sol.: Sec.224 states that the first auditors of the company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within one month from the date of Registration of the Company. In case the Board fails to make the appointment within the time allowed the company in general meeting shall appoint the first auditor. In view of the above legal requirement, the appointment of the first auditor of AB Ltd. by the Board of Directors after the expiry of period prescribed is not valid.
Q.No.71. Core Ltd. is a Public Ltd. Company with 25% of Subscribed Share Capital (both equity and preference) being held by a Nationalised Bank. The auditor was appointed by the Company in General Meeting by an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Normally the auditor is appointed by an ordinary resolution. However, as per Sec.224 A of Companies Act, 1956, special resolution is required to be passed if not less then 25% of the subscribed share capital (both equity and preference) is held either jointly or individually by the following institutions:¬
a. Any public financial institution, Central or State Government companies.
b. State financial institutions created by special Acts in which at least 51% of the share capital is held by the State Government.
c. Nationalised Bank or Insurance Companies doing General insurance business.
If the appointment of the auditor in such cases is by ordinary resolution instead of by special resolution, it is deemed that no auditor had been appointed and the Central Government shall have the power to fill the vacancy of auditor. Hence, the appointment by ordinary resolution is invalid.
Q.No.72. At the AGM of ICCI Ltd. Mr. X was appointed as the statutory auditor. He, however, resigned after 3 months since he wants to shift from practice to job. State how the new auditor will be appointed by ICCI Ltd.
1. Meaning: No definition is given in the act. In the opinion of the DCA, it means a vacancy in the position/office of the auditor after he was validly appointed and the appointment was accepted.
2. Reasons: This may arise due to death, disqualification, dissolution of the firm of auditors or resignation, etc.
3. Who has to fill this?
a. If it was due to resignation - only by shareholders.
b. If it was due to other reasons - By board of directors.
4. Thus, in this case ICCI Ltd will have to call an extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM) and appoint another auditor. The new auditor so appointed shall hold office only till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.
Q.No.73. Triveni Sugars Ltd. Allahabad, closes its books on 31st March every year. For the year 1996-97, the original books comprising of cash book, purchases and sales day books, ledgers are confiscated by the CBI authorities for an inquiry on a complaint by the workers. The documents/records such as vouchers, correspondence etc. were still in the custody of the company. For the completion of the audit, the company made an extract of cash book, ledgers, etc. and duly certified the same as true copies. Assuming you is the statutory auditor of the company, how would you deal with this situation?
Sol.: In given case, the auditor, is not justified in disclaiming his opinion, because the original documents and vouchers are still available. However, he should qualify his audit report by mentioning the fact of the confiscation of the ledgers, day book etc. by the authorities. He has to mention that he is unable to examine whether proper books of accounts as required by law are maintained due to non-availability of original ledgers. The fact that Xerox copies of such books and ledgers have been produced to him shall also be included in the report.
Q.No.74. The company’s books of accounts were seized by the Enforcement Directorate and were not available for audit. The auditors issued qualified report to the shareholders explaining the position. The company is a public limited company. State with reasons whether or not the form of reporting of the auditor to the shareholders complied with the statutory requirement.
Sol.: From the question it is clear that the books of accounts were not available to the auditor to conduct the audit. Sec.227 requires the auditor to comment on “Whether in his opinion, proper books of accounts, as required by law have been kept by company”. The books are not available to make any such comment. Further, for issuance of a audit report, the auditor must have evidence with him based on the examination of the books of accounts. Such evidence was totally unavailable to the auditor in the present case. As such the auditor should have given a disclaimer of opinion in place of a qualified opinion. Therefore, the auditor has not fulfilled the legal requirements of Sec.227 of the Com¬panies Act.
Q.No.75. The premises of ABC Private Ltd. were raided by the income tax authorities on 15-12-1997. All accounting and statistical records were seized by the department. The company managed to obtain photo copies of cash book and ledger only. The records of the remaining period after the raid up to the date of closing accounts i.e. 31-3-1998 were complete. You are the statutory auditor of ABC Private Ltd. Comment.
Sol.: In the given case, the auditor has to disclaim his opinion because the substantial part of the books of the accounts is not available, since they have been confiscated by the authorities. In the given case, even the original vouchers have been confiscated. This results in limitation of the scope.
Q.No.76. Whether the following persons can be appointed as the auditor of a company?
a. A person who is a Chartered Accountant of the Canadian Insti¬tute of Chartered Accountants but is not a member of the Insti¬tute of Chartered Accountants of India.
b. Mrs. P is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The directors of a limited company say that she being a lady can not be appointed as an auditor of the company.
c. Mr. A owes Rs. 1,000 to A Ltd. of which be is an auditor.
d. Mr. A, a member of the ICAI, does not hold a certificate of practice.
e. Mr. A, who was a member of the ICAI, is of unsound mind.
f. Mr. A, who was a member of the ICAI, is of insolvent/Bankrupt.
g. Abi Consultants Ltd is a registered company with A, K and V as its Directors. All the three Directors are Chartered Accountants. Can the Co. be appointed as auditor of another Company?
h. A, a partner in the firm of M/s Balaji & Co., Chartered Accountants, is the Secretary of C Ltd. Can A or Balaji & Co., be appointed as the Company Auditor?
i. B, Chartered Accountant, is the partner of N, who is a Director in P Ltd. Can B be appointed as Statutory Auditor?
j. A, a Chartered Accountant, is a director of A Ltd., which is a subsidiary of B Ltd. The Board of Directors of B Ltd. proposes to appoint Mr. A as the auditor of B Ltd. Discuss.
a. He cannot be appointed an auditor of a limited company in India. He must be a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
b. Mrs. P can be appointed as an auditor of the company. There is no bar on a lady.
c. Mr. A is not disqualified. He will be disqualified only if he owes an amount in excess of 1,000.
d. A does not hold a COP and hence cannot be appointed as an auditor of a company.
e. Mr. A, being of unsound mind, cannot continue himself to be a member of this Institute. Therefore, he cannot be appointed as the auditor of any company.
f. Mr. A, being insolvent, cannot continue himself to be a member of this Institute. Therefore, he cannot be appointed as the auditor of any company.
g. A Body Corporate cannot be appointed as Statutory Auditor of a Company. In the above case, the Company cannot be appointed as Statutory Auditor of another Company.
h. A, being an Officer of the Company is disqualified. Also, M/s Balaji & Co., is not qualified to be appointed as auditor as one of its partners is an employee of the Company.
i. B is not qualified to be appointed as auditor, as u/s 223(3), a person who is a partner of an officer of a Company cannot be appointed as its auditor.
j. A is not qualified to be appointed as auditor of B Ltd., because a person who is not qualified to be the auditor of a company would also not be qualified to be auditor of such company’s subsidiary, or holding company.
Q.No.77. The auditor of a company was declared insolvent due to a major loss in his family business. The company has removed the auditor on the contention that he cannot continue as auditor due to his disqualification of insolvency
Sol: Insolvency of an auditor is not included under disqualification in Sec.226 but the auditor cannot continue to be a member of the Institute under Sec.8 of the C. A. Act, 1949. Therefore, he is not qualified under Sec.226. (“Not qualified” is different from disqualified.)
Q.No.78. D Ltd is a public Company has defaulted in the filing of annual accounts and annual returns and / or in the repayment of deposits / debentures. H is the Director of that company. Can H hold the Directorship of (1) R Limited (2) N Private Limited? Would it make any difference if D Ltd were a Private Limited Company?
Directors’ Disqualification u/s 274(1)(g): A person shall not be capable of being appointed Director of a Company, if he is already a Director of a public Company which:
a. Has not filed the annual accounts and annual returns for any continuous 3 financial years Or
b. Has failed to repay its deposit or interest thereon on due date or redeem its debentures on due date or pay dividend and such failure continues for one year or more.
In the instant case, it is presumed that the time period of three years/ one year is applicable to D Ltd. Hence, H is disqualified from acting as a director of R Limited & N Private Limited. Section 274(1)(g) is applicable to public and private Companies.
If D Ltd. is a private company: If D Ltd were a Private Limited Company, then 274(1) (g) would not be applicable. Prima facie, there is no express provision in the Act to disqualify Directors if such default is committed by Private Companies.
Q.No.79. The total sales of Z was Rs.1,00,00,000. Out of which, the company failed to submit cash sales vouchers amounting to Rs.25,000. The Co. requested their auditors not to quality their report.
Sol.: Vouchers for each sales amounting to Rs.25,000 were not submitted. The total sales were 1,00,00,000. It covers only 0.25% of total sales which was very insignificant compared to total sales. Considering the adequacy of internal control, the Auditor may not qualify the report.
Q.No.80. The auditor fails to obtain sufficient information to form an overall opinion on the matters contained in the financial statements.
Sol.: The auditor is required to obtain necessary information and explanations which he considers essential for performing his duties as an auditor. However, there may be instances when an auditor fails to obtain sufficient information to form an overall opinion on the matters contained in the financial statements.
Such a situation may happen: Write the “Disclaimer of opinion”.
Q.No.81. After completing the audit of a Company for the first half year of its financial Year, the auditor expires, and in his place you have been appointed. State the extent to which you would rely on the work performed by the later auditor, while completing the audit.
Sol.: The newly appointed auditor should take the following steps in this regard.
a. Examine the audit programme of the late auditor to ensure that all areas were well covered.
b. Carry out test check of the audit already undertaken to determine the nature and extent of audit test to be performed on the audit work already completed.
c. Scrutinize the audit working paper and audit note book carefully and see that explanation in respect of all queries have been duly recorded. If not the present auditor should obtain satisfactory explanation.
d. Study the interim report, if any, submitted by the late auditor.
It should be kept in mind that ultimate responsibility of any differences in accounts even for the first half of the financial year rests on the present auditor. The present auditor cannot deny his responsibility on the ground the first half of the accounts were audited by the late auditor.
Q.No.82. Mr. X, a partner of X’ & Co., chartered Accountant died of a heart attack on 30.3.99 after completing the entire routine audit work of T Ltd. Mr. Y one of the partners of the firm therefore signed the accounts of T Ltd without reviewing the finalisation work done by the assistants. State with reasons your views.
Sol.: As per SAP-1 “when the auditor delegates work to assistants or uses work performed by other auditors and experts, he will continue to be responsible for forming and expressing his opinion on the financial information. However, he will be entitled to rely on work performed by others, provided he exercises adequate skill and care and is not aware of any reason to believe that he should not have so relied”. Further, it states that, “the auditor should carefully direct, supervise and review work delegated to assistants”. In the present case, it is not clear whether Mr.X did review the work performed by assistants or not. Now, it is the duty of Mr. Y to review the work performed by the assistants before he expresses an opinion on financial statements. Accordingly, Mr.Y had failed to exercise adequate skill and care since he did not review the work performed by the assistants.
Q.No.83. The Auditor does not agree with affirmations made in the financial statements.
a. The financial information contained in the financial statements represents affirmations made by the management in respect of various assets and liabilities included therein as to their valuation, existence, completeness, proper presentation and disclosure by the management to arrive at the final amounts being included in the financial statements.
b. When the auditor does not agree with affirmations made in the financial statements he either issues a qualified or negative opinion, based on the seriousness of disagreement.
c. It may be noted that in actual practice it is quite common to come across qualified reports while adverse reports are quite rare.
Q.No.84. After the statutory audit has been completed a fraud has been detected at the office of the client. What is your defense as an auditor?
Sol.: Refer to the last question of the auditor lesson.
Q.No.85. Mr. Y, a chartered accountant, who has been in practice for the last 10 years, has retained his working papers only for the last three years. Is the action of Mr. X correct?
Sol.: As per SAP 3, ICAI prescribed the member’s to retain the working paper’s for a period 10 years. Therefore the member is guilty of professional negligence.
Q.No.86. Special audit can be ordered by the central government U/s 233A of the companies act if a company sustained losses continuously for two years and the special auditor may not be a chartered accountant in practice. Comment.
Sol.: Special Audit U/s 233 A of the Companies Act, 1956 can be ordered by the Central Government, if it is of the opinion:
a. Where the companies affairs are not carried on according to commercially prudent practices.
b. Where the companies affairs are managed in such a manner as to damaging the industry to which the company belongs.
c. When the financial position of the company may result into solvency.
In view of the aforesaid provisions, mere incurrence of loss continuously for two years may not be a valid ground for ordering special audit unless the solvency of the company is endangered. Therefore, the statement is false. However, this section empowers the Central Government to appoint a Chartered Accountant (whether or not such chartered accountant is in practice) or the company’s auditor himself to conduct special audit. Hence the second part of the statement is true.
Q.No.87. The register of members of C Ltd. has not been written up-to-date and as a result the balances in the register do not agree with the amount of issued share capital. Comment.
Sol.: Register of members is a statutory book which every company must keep. Therefore the auditor should advise the company to update the register and then examine its agreement with the amount of issued capital. If the company fails to update the register before completion of audit, he should qualify his report starting that proper books of account and records as required by law have not been kept giving the nature of the defect noticed by him.
Q.No.88. The profit and loss account and balance sheet of a listed company have not been prepared in accordance with some of the applicable accounting standards. Examine the responsibility of the directors and auditors in this regard under the Companies Act, 1956. (Or) The management tells you that there is no need for them to follow accounting standards specified by the ICAI as these are for the Auditor to follow. Comment on the above.
Sol.: Section 211(3A) provides that every Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the Company shall comply with the Accounting Standards (AS). If the AS are not complied with, it is obligatory on the part of the Company to state deviations from the AS, reasons for such deviation; and, the financial effect, if any, arising due to such deviations.
Sec. 217 - Director’s responsibility statement: The board’s report shall also include a Director’s responsibility statement containing, that in the preparation of financial statements accounting standards had been followed. Since in this case the same have not been followed they have to report the same.
Auditor’s Duties: The Auditor is required to state in his report u/s 227, whether, in his opinion, the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet comply with the accounting standards referred to in Section 211(3C).
Q.No.89. X, a CA in practice is a Statutory Auditor of MNO Ltd. He purchased a car from the Company under the hire purchase scheme run by the company on the same terms and conditions as applicable to all other customers. The Auditor has become indebted and is disqualified to act as Auditor. Do you agree? Why?
Sol:. Sec.226 provides that a person who is indebted to the Company for an amount exceeding Rs.1,000 shall be disqualified to act as an Auditor of that Company. He shall vacate his place of office in case he becomes indebted subsequent to his appointment. In this case though the goods are purchased based on the credit allowed to other customers, still these provisions are applicable.
Q.No.90. Can the Board of directors of a company decide to prepare the balance sheet and profit and loss account for a financial year exceeding 12 months?
Sol.: The period for which profit and loss account is prepared shall be referred to as a financial year. It may be less or more than a calendar year, but it shall not exceed 15 months. However, it may extend to 18 months with the special permission of the registrar (Sec.210). Thus, in the given case, the B/s & P&L a/c may be prepared for a period exceeding 12 months but upto a period of 15 months only. However, if special permission of registrar is obtained, this may extend to 18 months.
Q.No.91. A Company has established several plants at different places and ends the accounting year on 31st March. Recently it established another plant, which went into production on 1st July and wants to adopt a separate accounting year for that. How would you deal with the above situation?
Sol.: The Company may follow its own accounting year but there is no scope u/s 210 to adopt different accounting years for the different segments of the Company. In the above case, the new plant, which went into production, is a part and parcel of the existing Company. Hence, a business segment/ plant cannot have a different accounting year other than the one adopted by the company.
Q.No.92. Does the death or retirement of a partner of a firm result in disqualification of the firm to act as an auditor? (Or) One of the partners of a firm of C.A.’s appointed as auditors dies.
Sol.: Where any of the partners of a firm retires or dies, a change in constitution of the firm takes place. However, a partnership firm is dissolved on the death of any of the partner, if provided in the partnership deed. If partnership is dissolved casual vacancy arises. In that case directors can fill up such vacancy. However, if the firm is not dissolved and thus no casual vacancy arises. As such the remaining partners can carry on the existing audits provided the firm continues to be in practice and the fact of retirement or death of the partner is known to the company.
Q.No.93. Mr. A and Mr. B have been carrying on the profession of chartered accountants under the name of M/s Master Minds & Co., since 1996 under a deed of partnership dated 1.5.1996. C was introduced as a partner in M/s Master Minds & Co., on 09.09.03 and the name was changed to M/s New Master Minds & Co. Due to change in name, it is contended by a Company “X Ltd” (For which Master minds is the auditor) that the old firm ceases to be the auditors of the Company & new auditors shall be appointed at an EGM. State your opinions whether such contention is correct.
Sol.: Admission of a partner amounts to Reconstitution of the Firm. After reconstitution, it continues to carry on its profession and the firm is not dissolved as such. The audit Firm should communicate the change in its name to the Company under audit. The question of appointment of new auditors in an EGM does not arise.
Q.No.94. You are the Statutory Auditor of a limited company is engaged in the manufacture of chemicals. The company has a turnover exceeding Rs.5 Crores for a period of three consecutive financial years immediately preceding the financial year concerned, but does not have an internal audit system. Give your views.
Sol.: CARO 2003 requires the statutory auditor to report on the existence of internal audit system in the case of company who’s paid up share capital & reserves has exceeded Rs.50 lakhs at the beginning of the current financial year or whose average annual turnover for the last 3 consecutive financial years has exceeded Rs.5 crores preceding the current financial year.
The non-existence of Internal Audit System will have following impact on the auditor’s work/report:
a. More substantive audit procedures are required since the efficacy of internal control system would itself be questionable.
b. The auditor has to report the non-existence of the Internal Audit system in his Report.
Q.No.95. The directors Report of a Government company is silent on the comments made by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in his supplementary audit report.
Sol: In the absence of provisions requiring the board of directors to give reply on the qualifications made by the C & AG, the board of directors of such a company is not bound to give explanation in respect of such comments. However the boards of directors are still have to reply to the qualifications made by the statutory auditor.
Q.No.96. The cost auditor of a company was appointed by the Board of Directors.
Sol: According to Sec.233B, the cost auditor is to be appointed by the Board with the prior approval of the Central Government.
Q.No.97. M, an officer of the SEBI, reaches the registered office of the company for inspection without any prior notice or appointment. Can the officer be allowed to take inspection?
Sol.: As per Sec. 209A of the Companies Act, 1956 the books of accounts of every company can be inspected by such officers authorised by SEBI. It is further provided that such inspection may be made without giving any previous notice to the company. Thus in the given case M shall be allowed to take inspection of the books of accounts.
Q.No.98. A company paid interest on capital at the rate of 12% during the construction period since the project will take substantial period of time for commencement of production.
Sol.: Sec.208 provides for payment of interest, if the following conditions are satisfied:
a. The AOA shall authorise such payment Or a S.R. shall be passed authorising such payment.
b. The permission from the C.G. shall be obtained.
c. The rate of interest will be determined by C.G. and it shall not exceed 12%.
d. Before permitting the payment, the C.G. may appoint a person for enquiry.
e. Payment of interest shall be made only for such period as may be determined by C.G.
Assuming that the above conditions are satisfied, payment of interest is valid.
Q.No.99. The company had borrowed Rs.100 lakhs from ICICI, which it is unable to repay on the due date. The accrued unpaid interest on the same is Rs.25 lakhs. There is a stipulation that on default in repayment, there would be a penal interest payable, which would amount to Rs.10 lakhs. The company has applied to ICICI for rescheduling the repayment and waiver of a part of the accrued interest and the penal interest. As on the date of audit, the said application is still pending.
Sol.: The contention of the management is not tenable simply because application for rescheduling the repayment and waiver of a part of the accrued interest and the penal interest has been made to the ICICI. In any case, a company has to follow accrual system of accounting as per Sec.209 of the Companies Act, 1956. As a matter of fact, the auditor must ensure that provisions for the entire amount of accrued interest as also the penal interest has been made since the same has not been waived on the date of audit. Since the management does not wish to provide the above amounts, the auditor shall have to qualify the audit report.
Q.No.100. A company has a branch office, which recoded a turnover of Rs.1,99,000 in the current year. The auditor’s report of the current year had no reference regarding the branch although, the branch audit has not been carried out by the statutory auditor.
Sol.: Under Sec. 228(4), the Central Government has formulated Companies (Branch Audit Exemptions) Rules, 1961 to exempt any branch office of a company from being audited having regard to quantum of activity. These Rules require that, if during the said financial year, the average quantum of activity of the branch does not exceed Rs.2 lakhs or 2% of the average of total turnover and the earning from other sources of the company as a whole, whichever is higher, the said branch is exempted. In the case under review, the turnover is below Rs.2 lakhs and other information has not been furnished. Accordingly, it may be presumed, exemption may have been granted but still it is necessary that the fact must be mentioned in the audit report. Since, reference to branch is called for in the auditor’s report even if the same has been exempted by the Central Government, the auditor remains responsible.
Q.No.101. A company does not make provision for gratuity payable to its employees, instead, it accounts for gratuity at the time of actual payment.
Sol.: As per Sec.209 of the companies, the books of accounts are required to be maintained on accrual basis. Further Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956, liabilities for pension and other staff benefit schemes has to be shown as a provision under “Current liabilities and Provisions”. Further AS 15 also recommends that the gratuity is to be recognised on accrual basis. Therefore the company is to be suggested to provide the gratuity on accrual basis and not on cash basis. It not the auditor will quality his report.
Q.No.102. The debenture trust deed executed by T Ltd. stipulated the creation of a sinking fund for redemption of debentures. In terms of the Trust Deed, a specific amount was to be transferred to the sinking fund from out of the profits of each year. In spite of substantial profits in a year, no amount is found transferred to the Sinking Fund. State your views.
In the course of his normal duties, the auditor is expected to check compliance with conditions specified in the Debenture Trust Deed. The auditor should draw the attention of the Shareholders to the failure of the Company to create the Sinking Fund in terms of the Debentures Trust Deed. Since, no amount as stipulated in the Deed has been transferred to Sinking Fund Account as observed by the auditor; the auditor should qualify his audit report.
Q.No.103. State with reasons whether the following items are Reserves or Provisions?
a. The surplus arising on a professional revaluation of the company’s fixed assets.
b. The estimated cost of warranties (maintaining), for the remaining period of warrantee, machines sold during the year by the seller.
c. A sum set aside from profits towards a special publicity campaign, which the directors are considering to start in the following year.
a. The surplus arising on a professional revaluation of the company’s fixed assets is a Capital Reserve, as it would not be free for distribution through the Profit and Loss Account.
b. The estimated cost of maintenance, for the remaining period of warrantee, of machines sold during the year is a provision, as it is a sum retained by way of providing for a known liability the exact amount of which cannot be determined with substantial accuracy.
c. A sum, set aside from profits, towards a special publicity campaign, which the directors are considering to start in the following year, is a Specific Reserve, since no liability in respect of the publicity campaign has not yet arised.
Q.No.104. State the treatment of the following transactions:
a. Substantial Expenditure incurred for the repair of machinery.
b. Expenditure incurred to remove “Overburden” for purposes of facilitating mining activities.
c. Advertisement Campaign Expenditure incurred to introduce a new product in the market.
d. Training Expenses incurred by the company for technical personnel before commencement of commercial production by a new company.
a. Expenses which are essentially of a revenue nature, if incurred for creating an asset or addition to its value or achieving higher productivity are regarded as expenditure of a capital nature. As stated, substantial expenditure was incurred for repair of machinery indicating apparently that it does not amount to normal repair and maintenance expenditure. Therefore if such expenditure has added to its value or achieving higher productivity it needs to be capitalised.
b. The benefit of expenditure incurred to remove the “overburden” for purposes of facilitating mining activities, will be enjoyed so long mineral can be raised. Accordingly, such expenditure amounts to deferred revenue expenditure, the benefit of which is not exhausted within a year. Therefore, expenditure should be charged off on a per ton basis of stock of mineral to be extracted during the entire mining period.
c. The advertisement expenditure was incurred to launch and introduce a new product in the market. The benefits of this campaign will be enjoyed for a number of years to come. Accordingly, it would be incorrect to charge off the same to revenue. The correct policy would be to write off over the period for which the benefit will be enjoyed.
d. Training expenses of an existing company are, generally, charged off to revenue as these represent expenses incurred for upgrading and updating the existing skills of the employees, the benefit of which is of a short-term recurring nature.
However, training expenses incurred by a new company for technical personnel cannot be treated as a recurring expenditure incurred for purposes of updating and/or upgrading their existing level of skill as it has not yet come into commercial production. Such training is being organised as a new production process is being introduced. Accordingly, such expenditure should be treated as Deferred Revenue Expenditure and written over a period of years, as the benefits from such training will be enjoyed over a number of years to come.
Q.No.105. Provision for depreciation has not been made for the following reasons:
a. The present market value of the machinery is more than the original purchase price.
b. The machinery has been maintained in excellent way. The repairs and maintenance charges had been charged to revenue. The machinery is as good as new.
c. By charging the depreciation, the company may not be able to maintain the same rate of dividend as declared in earlier years.
Give your comments as an auditor on each of the above reasons.
a. The argument of the management of the company not to provide for depreciation on its assets on account of big appreciation in the market value of its assets is not acceptable as fixed assets are acquired for carrying on the business to earn profit and not to sell them at a profit. The utility of assets decreases on account of wear and tear, use and other factors. If no depreciation is provided it will not be possible to ascertain the correct cost of production and correct amount of net profit. Further, accounting standard AS 6 on depreciation accounting states that “the depreciable amount of a depreciable asset should be allocated on a systematic basis to each accounting period during the useful life of the asset”. Further as per companies act to declare a dividend providing depreciation is a must.
b. As per the definition of depreciation as given in AS - 6 “depreciation is a measure of the loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, fluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes”. Thus, depreciation arises due to efflux of time and therefore, depreciation should be provided irrespective of whether the assets were maintained very well during the year.
c. The mere fact that the company has not provided for depreciation in the accounts so as to maintain same rate of dividend as declared in earlier years is not accepted under law. Section 205 of the Companies Act provides that a company is not permitted to declare dividend in any year except (a) Out of profits for that year arrived at after providing for depreciation or (b) Out of the undistributed profits of the company for any previous year or years arrived at after providing for depreciation or (c) Out of the balances of profit mentioned in (a) and (b) above.
To the rule ‘no depreciation no dividend’ an exception has been provided in Section 205(1)(c) of the Act, where the Central Government, if its thinks necessary to do so in the public interest, allows any company to declare or pay dividend for any financial year out of the Profits of the company for that year or any previous financial year or years without providing for depreciation.
Q.No.106. The managing director of a company is of the opinion that, since the company is not going to declare any dividend for the financial year, provision for depreciation is not required.
Sol: According to Sec.205 of the Companies act, No dividend shall be declared except after providing for depreciation out of the profits of the current year. However, it is wrong to interpret that if the company is not going to declare any dividend, depreciation need not be provided because according to AS-6, depreciation is a cost to be absorbed in production and is require to keep capital in tact. Further, if provision for depreciation is not made, the profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet will not give a true and fair view. Therefore, the opinion of the MD is wrong.
Q.No.107. State with reasons, how the following items should be allocated to capital and revenue: a) Repairs to building done shortly after purchase & b) Costs of raising a loan
a. If the building was in defective condition at the time of its acquisition and the repairs were done to render it livable, this expenditure may be capitalised as a part of the cost of the building. However, the cost of minor or normal repairs incurred necessary to maintain the building in proper condition should be written off to revenue.
b. The costs of raising a loan are capital expenditure similar to public issue expenses (i.e. the cost of issuing shares and debentures). Since such expenditure is not represented by any available assets, thus it should more normally be written off to revenue. Alternatively, it may be treated as deferred revenue and written off over a short period.
Q.No.108. A company has scrapped a semi automatic part of a machine (not entirely written off) and replaced with a more expensive fully automatic part, which has doubled the output of the machine. At the same time the machine was moved to a more suitable place in the factory, which involved the building of a new foundation in addition to the cost of dismantling and re-erection. The company wants to charge the expenditure to revenue.
Sol.: The written down value of the semi automatic part is required to be written off to the revenue. The whole expenditure incurred in purchasing the fully automatic part and in repositioning the machine is required to be treated as capital expenditure since the amount incurred has increased the earning capacity of the machine. In the instant case, it is clear that such expenditure cannot be treated revenue at any cost because of the enhanced earning capacity of the machine in the future. Therefore, the company’s contention to charge whole expenditure to revenue is not justifiable.
Q.No.109. No depreciation has been charged for the year ended 31st March, 2001, in respect of a spare Bus purchased during the year and kept ready by the company for use as a stand-by on the ground that it was not used during the year.
Sol.: As per AS-6 on Depreciation Accounting, depreciation is a measure of the loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, effluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes. Thus, depreciation has to be charged even in case of these assets which are not used at all during the year but by mere effluxion of time provided such assets qualify as depreciable assets. When the spare bus was kept ready for use as stand-by, it means it was intended to be used for the purpose of business. Depreciation in respect of this bus ought to have been provided in the accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2001. If there is an intention to use an asset, though it may not have actually been used, it is a passive use and eligible for claim of depreciation (i.e. for providing depreciation active usage is not needed).
Q.No.110. Bharat Machines Ltd. purchased two power capacitors for Rs.1,00,000 in the month January 1998. No depreciation was provided in the accounts since both the machines were not drawn from the store, for installation purposes. These items where thus not used. As auditor of the company, what would be your reaction? Will your view be different if the capacitors were drawn from the stores and installed but not used due to strike/lock-out of the factory? Comment.
Sol.: There is no need for providing depreciation in respect of the items kept in the stores as standby. As such, there is no requirement for providing for depreciation in respect of the 2 power capacitors. This is on the principle that the assets have not yet been installed. However the depreciation must be provided in case the capacitors have been installed but not used due to strike or lockout because the capacitors are made available for usage. But as per AS 6 since depreciation also results from efflux of time, depreciation shall be provided though the asset is not installed.
Q.No.111. Cost of structural alterations amounting to 60,000 to self owned factory premises has been charged to building repairs.
Sol.: Any subsequent expenditure on fixed assets which increases the future benefits arising from them beyond their previously assessed standards of performance amounts to capital expenditure. The word structural alteration would generally signify that some significant changes have taken place in the design of building to provide more strength to the building or expansion in the capacity of the building. Therefore, cost of 60,000 represents the cost of expansion or extension or any increase the life span of premises, it is a capital expenditure and an adjustment entry debiting buildings account and crediting building repairs account should be made and depreciation should also be provided accordingly.
Q.No.112. A publishing company undertook repair and overhauling of its machinery at a cost of Rs.250 lakhs to maintain them in good condition and capitalized the amount as it is more than 25% of the original cost of the machinery
Sol.: The money spent on the repair and overhaul of the machinery can be treated as capital expenditure, only if it results in increasing the earning capacity or reduction in the cost of production. In this case, neither the earning capacity has increased nor there is any reduction in the cost of production. In the absence of both these criteria, it is to be treated as revenue expenditure. The fact that maintenance expenditure is more than 25% of the original cost of the machinery would not change its nature, i.e. the amount of the expenditure is highly irrelevant for deciding whether to capitalise or charge to revenue.
Q.No.113. Rs. 5 lakhs paid by a pharma company to the legal advisor defending the patent of a product treated as Capital Expenditure.
Sol.: Legal expenses of Rs.5 lakhs incurred to defend the patent of a product of the Pharma Company is revenue expenditure pertaining to the asset since by this expenditure neither any durable benefit can be obtained in future in addition to what is presently available nor the capacity of the asset would be increased. Payment of legal fees is normally revenue expenditure irrespective of the amount involved unless same is incurred to bring any new asset into existence. Hence, treating such expenditure as capital expenditure is incorrect. The auditor to qualify audit report.
Q.No.114. The method of depreciation on plant and machinery is to be changed from SLM basis to WDV basis from the current year.
Sol.: It amounts to change in accounting policy - Refer to the AS 5 (Or 5th lesson in auditing).
Q.No.115. The management of XYZ Ltd. provided depreciation on plant and Machinery @ 15% on straight line basis, but in auditor’s opinion and as per the Companies act, 1956, the depreciation is required to be provided @ 10% under the same method. The directors of the company arguing that the rates provided in the companies act are minimum but not maximum. Comment.
Sol. The rates specified in companies act (Schedule XIV) are minimum rates only. The management can charge higher rate of depreciation and it shall be disclosed in the accounts. Further, as per schedule VI, if a provision has been made in excess of the amount necessary, the excess shall be treated as reserve.
Q.No.116. A company has made excess provision for depreciation on certain assets and the excess depreciation has not been disclosed separately.
Sol.: Refer to the previous answer.
Q.No.117. A company pulled down a old portion of factory building. The value of salvage material was Rs.25000. The company spent Rs.3,75,000 on reconstruction of old portion.
Sol.: An amount of Rs.375000 should be capitalized. This is so because the amount has been spent for the reconstruction of the old portion of the factory building. By doing so the efficiency and the effective life of the portion of factory building has been improved. The amount of Rs.25000 should be credited to the factory building account.
Q.No.118. Due to fire in the factory the Plant and Machinery got damaged. The estimated cost of repairs was nominal i.e. Rs.5,000. However a suggestion was received that if the design of the Plant and Machinery during such repair could be modified, the production would increase substantially. The cost of such repairs together with modification suggested was Rs.1 Lakhs. The suggestion was accepted and Rs.1 lakh spent for the said purpose. The Company charged the entire expenses to Profit & Loss Account. Do you agree with the company's treatment? If not, please state your views.
Sol.: Expenses which are essentially of revenue in nature, if incurred for creating an asset or adding to its value or achieving higher productivity, are also regarded as expenditure of a capital nature. Therefore major repairs which have the effect of adding to the life of the asset and increasing the earning capacity of the asset should be capitalised. Therefore, the company's policy of charging entire expenses to P & L A/c is not correct. Under the circumstances, the revenue expenditure and expenditure relating to design modification may be segregated and charged to P&L A/c & capitalised.
Q.No.119. Advertisement for a new product was charged to revenue. Comment.
Sol.: Advertisement for a new product is not revenue expenditure and should not be charged to revenue. It should be treated as deferred revenue expenditure and should be written off over a period of 3 to 5 years since the benefit of such advertisement will be realised in future years.
Q.No.120. The value of land and building was not separately disclosed. Also a major repair of the roof amounting to Rs.1,00,000 was carried out during the year, without which the building would have become unusable. Comment.
Sol.: The value of land and building should be separated for purposes of calculation of depreciation. If such segregation is not possible from available documents, the assistance of a valuation expert should be taken to ascertain the same. The amount of Rs.1,00,000 paid for repair of the roof has added to the life of the building. Therefore, the said amount should be added to the cost of the building and not charged off as revenue expenditure incurred for repairs.
Q.No.121. Z Ltd. wanted to treat the heavy advertisement expenditure incurred by them to launch a new product as Revenue Exp. The product’s sales were negligible. Comment.
Sol.: Advertisement expenditure is essentially of revenue nature and it thus written off to the profit and loss account. However Z Ltd. has incurred "heavy" expenditure to launch a new product. Therefore, heavy expenses for a new product campaign are normally treated as deferred revenue expenditure to be written off over a period of three to five years, if successful. Thus deferral of expenditure is done only with the anticipation that benefit is likely to accrue in future accounting periods. It appears from the given facts that the product did not pick up and the sale were negligible. The entire expenses incurred should be written off to the profit and loss Account. Accordingly, the writing off of the entire expenditure to revenue is appropriate and correct.
Q.No.122. A newly set up Private Limited Manufacturing company has incurred following expenditure during its construction period:
a. Foreign tour expenses of directors for purchasing plant and machinery.
b. Technical Staff’s salary for erection of plant and machinery.
c. Non-technical staff’s salary during the period of installation of plant and machinery.
d. Other Sundry Expenses such as Stationery, Printing, Postage, Telegram and Telephones etc.
The company intends to capitalise the above expense. Is the company justified?
a. The expenditure incurred for acquisition of an asset should be capitalised as a part of cost of that asset. Therefore, the company is justified in capitalizing the aforesaid expenditure. However, in case, directors have failed to purchase plant and machinery then such expenses have no connection with acquisition and cannot therefore be capitalised. Under such circumstances, it may be treated as deferred revenue expenditure, to be shown in the Balance Sheet under the group heading of “Miscellaneous expenditure” and should be written off over a reasonable period after commencement of commercial production.
b. Technical staff’s salary for erection of pant and machinery represents and expenditure to bring the plant and machinery in operational condition. Thus, such expenditure is directly of capital nature and hence should be capitalised. Therefore, the company is justified in capitalising the aforesaid expenditure.
c. Non-technical staff’s salary during the period of installation of plant and machinery represents indirect expenditure related to acquisition/construction and is incidental thereto and should be capitalised as part of the construction and is incidental thereto and should be capitalised as part to the acquisition/construction cost. Thus, the company is correct.
d. Sundry expenses such as stationery, printing, postage, telegram and telephone and local conveyance changes etc. also constitute and expenditure which is indirectly related to construction and is incidental thereto and therefore, it is recommended that the same should be capitalised as a part of the construction cost. Thus, the company is justified in capitalising the above expenditure.
Q.No.123. Cost of trial runs before commencement of production was treated as deferred revenue expenditure. Comment.
Sol.: The expenditure incurred on start up and commission’s of the project, includ¬ing the expenditure incurred on test runs and experimental production, is usu¬ally capitalised as an indirect element of the construction cost. However, if the interval between the date of readiness to commence commercial production and the actual date of commercial production is prolonged, the expenditure incurred during this period is noted as deferred revenue expenditure.
Q.No.124. Stamp duty for mortgage of machinery to secure loan was charged to the Revenue Account. Comment.
Sol.: The purpose for which the loan was obtained is the criteria for recording such transaction. If the loan is raised for acquiring capital asset by mortgaging the existing machinery and stamp duty paid thereon is to be charged to the new asset itself. On the other hand, if the loan is obtained for working capital requirement then the amount paid on stamp duty is to be charged to P& L Account.
Q.No.125. Pre-incorporation profit was credited to the Profit & Loss Account. Comment.
Sol.: Pre-incorporation profit is of the nature of Capital Profit. It should not be included in Profit & Loss A/c. Pre-incorporation profit may be utilised for the following: Writing off good will, Writing off assets to their real value. Capital Profits can be distributed as dividends only if Articles of Association permit such distribution, net surplus remains after proper valuation of the whole assets and liabilities and the surplus is realised.
Q.No.126. Profit on revaluation of land and building was credited to the P&L Account.
Sol.: Profit on revaluation of land and building should be credited to Revaluation Reserve account and not to the Profit & Loss account since the profit on re¬valuation is an unrealised gain. According to the convention of conservatism unrealised gains should not be recognised as revenue. Further revaluation profit is not available for distribution as dividends.
Q.No.127. The company has charged depreciation on straight line method while computing net profit for the determination of managerial remuneration for the year ended 31.3.2002.
Sol.: Before the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000 came into effect for the purpose of calculating the net profit for computation of managerial remuneration depreciation is to be charged only on WDV basis. But after the amendment deprecation for this purpose can be charged either on WDV or SLM basis. Therefore what the company has done is correct.
Q.No.128. Fixed assets have been revalued and the resulting surplus has been adjusted against the brought forward losses.
Sol.: AS-10 on ‘Accounting for Fixed Assets’ requires that an increase in net book value arising on revaluation of fixed assets is normally credited directly to revaluation reserves and is regarded as not available for distribution. Thus, creation of revaluation reserves does not result into any cash inflows and represents unrealized gains. However, brought forward losses are in the nature of revenue losses. As a matter of prudence, revenue losses can be adjusted against revenue reserves only and not against the capital reserves. Therefore the accounting treatment following by the entity is not correct and the auditor should qualify the audit report by mentioning the above fact.
Q.No.129. Dunlop India Ltd. has been making substantial losses during the last few years. Such losses have set off against the available revenue reserves which are now exhausted. The balance of the excess of the debit balance of the profit and loss account is now sought by the company to be set off against the capital reserve which still stands in the books. Capital Reserve has resulted out of excess of sale price received by the company on the sale of its fixed assets over their original cost. Do you, as auditor of the company, agree with the proposed treatment?
Sol.: The proposed treatment of setting-off of the accumulated losses in the form of debit balances in profit and loss account is not in accordance with Schedule VI requirements, because only the general/uncommitted reserves can be used for setting off debit balance in the profit and loss account.
In this connection the company should also comply with the requirements of the conditions proposed in the decided cases - Foster Vs New Trinidad Asphalte Company & Lubbock Vs British Bank of South America. The conditions are:
a. The Articles of Association should contain a provision in this regard.
b. The profit should have been realised in cash.
The other assets and liabilities should be revalued and any loss on such revaluation should be set-off against the profits thus arrived at and the balance, if any, shall be available for dividend purposes.
Q.No.130. The Directors of a company propose to transfer to the profit and Loss Account a large sum lying in unclaimed dividends accounts. The dividends remained unclaimed over the last seven years.
Sol.: Sec.205 of the companies Act, 1956 requires that dividends remaining unclaimed for seven years to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund of the Central Government. There fore the proposal of the directors is not correct.
Q.No.131. X Ltd. commenced commercial production fifteen days before the close of the year. The management seeks your opinion as the auditor of the company on the following accounting treatment carried out by them in the financial statements:
a. Abnormal loss aggregating to Rs.24 lakhs has been capitalised as it occurred prior to the date of commercial production.
b. Rs.1 lakh being expenses incurred on training of employees for operating and maintaining imported machinery was added to the cost of machinery.
c. Fixed assets included interest charges incurred during construction period.
d. However, interest paid to shareholders under Sec.208 of the Companies Act, 1956, was not capitalised.
a. Abnormal loss aggregating to Rs.24 lakhs should not be capitalised but should be written of over a period of 3-5 years after commencement of production. (Type 2 deferred revenue expenditure).
b. General expenses unrelated to the construction activity should be treated as deferred Revenue Expenditure to be written off within a reasonable period after the commencement of production. Hence Rs.1 lakh should not be capitalised.
c. Borrowing cost incurred during the construction period on loans for financing the construction of the project should be included in the capital cost as indirect construction cost.
d. The interest paid to shareholders under Sec.208 of the companies Act, 1956 should be capitalised & shown under the head Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
Q.No.132. Dividends remaining unclaimed for several years were transferred to the P&L A/c.
Sol.: Sec.205 lay down various provisions relating to procedure to be adopted in respect of unpaid dividend. The total amount of dividends unpaid or unclaimed should within 5 days from the date of expiry of the said period of 30 days, be kept in a separate special account with any scheduled bank which would be called the ‘Unpaid Dividend Account of … Company Limited/ Private Limited’. The entire unclaimed dividend lying in the “Unpaid Dividend Ac-count” for a period of more than 7 years will have to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund.
Q.No.133. A company declared a dividend of 12% on equity shares but did not transfer any amount to reserves. Give your opinion as an auditor of the company.
Sol.: Sec. 205(2A) of the companies act provides that no dividend shall be declared by a company out of its profits for the current year without transferring to the reserves such percentage of the profits prescribed under Companies (Transfer of Profits to Reserves) Rules:
Percentage Rate of Dividend Proposed Minimum Percentage of profits to be transferred to Reserves
10% to l2.5%
12.5% to l5%
15% to 20%
20% and above 2.5%
As per the above table, the company has to make a transfer of 2.5% of profits to reserves.
Q.No.134. Y Ltd. has accumulated losses of Rs. 12 crores. The Company intends to adjust the accumulated losses against the “Share Premium Account”. Is the Company permitted to do so under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956?
Sol.: As per Sec.78, securities premium account can be utilised only for the following purposes:
a. Issuing fully paid bonus shares to members.
b. Writing off the balance of the preliminary expenses of the company.
c. Writing off commission paid or discount allowed, or the expenses incurred on issue of shares or debentures of the company.
d. For providing for the premium payable on redemption of any redeemable preference shares or debentures of the company.
e. For buy back of shares u/s 77A
Hence, the Company is not permitted to adjust its accumulated losses.
Q.No.135. The sale proceeds of machinery have been credited to the P&M Account. Comment.
Sol.: As per the generally accepted accounting principles, it is not proper to credit sale proceeds of machinery to the plant and machinery account because the plant and machinery account of a company must show the original cost of plant and machinery while the depreciation provided in respect thereof must be recorded in a separate account called "Provision for Depreciation Account". If the sale proceeds of machinery sold are credited to the plant and machinery account without any further adjustment, that account will not show the original cost of the remaining plant and machinery. Therefore, the following adjusting entries must be made:
a. The depreciation provide in respect of machinery sold must be transferred from the provision for Depreciation account to the credit of Plant and Machinery Disposal Account.
b. The original cost must also be transferred to Plant & Machinery disposal account.
c. The profit or loss must be transferred from the plant and machinery disposal account to the profit and loss account of the company.
After making these adjustments the balance of the plant and machinery account will correctly reflect the cost of machinery.
Q.No.136. An amount of Rs.5,00,000 in respect of insurance of machinery for the period from 1st January, 1994 to 31st December, 1994 has been shown as insurance in the Profit and Loss Account. (Year ending is 31.3). Comment.
Sol.: The accounting treatment of debiting the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 1994 with the full amount of Rs.5,00,000, is not proper, because Rs.3,75,000 out of it is on account of the next accounting year. Therefore Rs.3,75,000 must be transferred from Insurance Account to Prepaid insurance Account, so that the amount of insurance to be debited to the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March be Rs.1,25,000, Rs.3,75,000 being the amount of prepaid insurance will then be shown in the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 1994 as an asset.
Q.No.137. Calls in Arrears included an amount of Rs.20,000 due from Directors of the company. The Articles of Association provided for charging interest on calls in arrears. The company did not provided interest on the amount due from Directors. Comment.
Sol.: The articles of ABC Ltd. provided for charging interest on calls in arrears. Accordingly, interest due from Directors on account of calls in Arrears need to be provided for. Part I of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 requires that the calls due from directors and by others, should be shown separately in the Balance Sheet. Therefore, neither the disclosure requirements as specified in Schedule VI have been followed nor the interest has been properly charged as required by the articles of Association. Auditor should qualify the audit report.
Q.No.138. The company has sent semi-finished goods to third parties for further processing, which is lying with them at the end of the year. Comment.
Sol.: Semi-finished goods being composite part of the inventories, normally, constitute significant item in case of any entity. It is the duty of the auditor to ensure that entire inventories which are owned by the enterprise on the date of balance sheet have been included for in valuation of inventories. The auditor should also obtain direct confirmation about the quantity of inventories lying with the processors at the end of the year. Also, the auditor should see that the valuation has been made properly with reference to the stage of completion in respect of work-in-process inclusive of expenses incurred in sending the goods for processing. In case, the amount happens to be material, such stock may be disclosed separately as stocks with processors.
Q.No.139. X Ltd. closes its accounts on 31st March every year. The fee for audit of accounts is fixed at Rs.5000 plus reimbursement of the out pocket expenses after the completion of audit. How the audit fees, be disclosed in the financial statements, in case the submission of bills by the auditor’s for reimbursement of expenses was not made on the b/s date.
Sol.: Since the amount of audit fees is already fixed and known, it can be provided for in the accounts. However the out-of-pocket expenses cannot be provided for because of the delayed submission of the bill of cost by the auditor. Based on the previous experience, an estimation or reimbursement shall be made and a provision shall be created in the books of accounts. On the other hand such reimbursement is not big in amount it can be ignored and accounted for as a expenditure in the year of payment.
Q.No.140. M Ltd. had filled suit against income tax liability on certain grounds which were not prima facie bonafide. What should be the manner of disclosure of these liabilities? Will your answer be different in case the liabilities have been contested on bonafide ground?
Sol.: Where the income tax liability has been contested not on bonafide grounds it does not fall with in the word “contingent liabilities” but it is a real liability. The answer will be different if they have been contested on bonafide grounds because in such case they have to be disclosed as a foot note in the accounts as contingent liability.
Q.No.141. Plant & Machinery have been shown in Balance Sheet at Rs.1,00,000 (at cost less depreciation) against market value of Rs. 40,000. Comment.
Sol.: Plant & machinery are fixed assets and held permanently for maintaining the revenue earning capacity of the business and as such is not affected at all by fluctuations on their market value. In view of this, showing the plant & machinery at Rs.1,00,000 (Cost less depreciation) when their market values is Rs.40,000 is in conformity with the accounting principle. The auditor should, however, ensure the adequacy of the provision of depreciation charged in the accounts. When the fall in market value is heavy and permanent, a note may be given in the balance sheet.
Q.No.142. At the end of the financial year, inventory included goods already billed to customers but not dispatched. Comment.
Sol.: The Inventory value shown in the Balance Sheet should include only those goods/materials which are the property of the company valued at lower of cost and Market Price. In the problem the property held as custodian of the customer which are already billed and not dispatched. The same should be excluded from Inventory. Thus the auditor should qualify the audit report stating the impact of the same on the financial statements.
Q.No.143. There is no provision for Income Tax of 50 lakhs in respect of profits made in the financial year. Comment.
Sol.: Income-tax in respect of profits made in the financial year should be provided for in the accounts. Liability for income-tax arises with the earning of income, though the amount of liability is quantified subsequently after the close of financial year, in assessment proceedings. Though the exact amount of tax liability cannot be anticipated, liability for taxation having been incurred for the profit made, liability for tax should be provided for on a reasonable basis. There fore the auditor can qualify the audit report.
Q.No.144. A company manufacturing pharmaceutical intermediates receives its raw materials in big plastic containers. These containers are sold or discarded by the company depending upon their condition. The containers lying in the godown at the year end, are neither valued nor accounted for. Containers sold are accounted for on cash basis. Comment and give your views with reasons.
Sol.: The policy of the company to account for containers on cash basis as and when sold is correct in case the amount is respect of such containers is not material. Where however the amount involved is material, they shall be shown under the head “Current Assets” valued at their estimated net realizable value since their cost cannot be ascertained.
Q.No.145. Share application money pending allotment has been disclosed in the Balance sheet of a company as current liability.
Sol.: Should be disclosed as a separate item in the Balance sheet after ‘share capital’ and before ‘reserves and surplus’
Q.No.146. The company entered into "an agreement for sale" to purchase an office space in a commercial complex. The company with the consent of the promoters started operations from the said place upon signing of the said agreement and included under fixed assets, the total consideration payable.
Sol.: The Company has entered into an "agreement for sale" only. The ownership of the asset has not yet passed on to the buyer from the seller since merely an agreement to sell does not confer transfer of title from seller to buyer. Occupancy and operation from the said office space also does not confer ownership. Unless the transfer of the asset is affected through a sale deed, the company does not become the owner of the said asset. Therefore, it would be incorrect to show the same under fixed assets. Hence auditor must qualify his report.
Q.No.147. The debit balance in the profit & loss a/c is shown as a deduction from investment allowance reserve on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. Comment.
Sol.: Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 clearly stipulates that the Debit Balance in the Profit and Loss Account should be disclosed under the head called miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off Or shown as a deduction from the general reserve. Since investment allowance reserve is a specific reserve the treatment given by the company in the accounts is not correct.
Q.No.148. Sundry debtors include charges made for returnable packing cases. Comment.
Sol.: It is not correct to include the cost of returnable packing cases in the accounts of Sundry Debtors. The packing cases are with the customers and are returnable and, therefore, unless the customers do not return the packing cases within the stipulated time, their accounts should not be debited with the cost of such items. The cost of packing cases should be shown in the Balance Sheet on the Assets side as "Packing cases with customers" and should be valued at cost price less depreciation. It should, however, not be included in the account of the sundry Debtors.
Q.No.149. Due to oversight, Directors’ Remuneration was not provided for in the accounts.
Sol.: Items requiring disclosure under law, such as, directors’ remuneration - whether material or not have to be specifically disclosed. In this case the auditor will qualify his report specifically mentioning the resultant impact on the P & L a/c.
Q.No.150. S Ltd. has issued debentures, which has been guaranteed by the Government of India both as to the repayment of the principal and interest. The company disclosed the same as “Secured Loans” in their Balance Sheet.
Sol.: The expression ‘secured Loans’ covers only those loans which are secured by way of a charge on tangible assets whether or not belonging to the borrower. Debentures which are guaranteed by Government cannot be classified as secured since they are not secured by any tangible assets. Of course, for debenture holders, there is a greater security as the repayment is guaranteed by the Government, but that does not make the debentures secured. According to Part I of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 the nature of security should be specified in case of Secured Loans which include debentures. Therefore, the debentures, under the given case, should be classified as “Unsecured Loans’ in the balance sheet with a disclosure of the fact of the Government guarantee.
Q.No.151. A company has acquired a 10 Tonne delivery van valued at Rs.6.5 lakhs an installment basis from a dealer. During the year, the company paid Rs.1.15 lakhs being the installment for the year and provided depreciation on the said amount paid.
Sol.: The delivery van was purchased at Rs.6.5 lakhs on installment basis and accordingly, the property passed on to the purchaser immediately whereas in the case of hire-purchase basis, property in goods passes only after payment of last installment. Therefore, the gross book value of the delivery van will be Rs.6.5 lakhs. Depreciation should thus, be provided on Rs.6.5 lakhs and not on the installment amount of Rs.1.5 lakhs paid. Auditor will have to qualify the audit report.
Q.No.152. Assets purchased under hire-purchase system were reflected at their full value and the outstanding installments payable have been included under sundry creditors.
Sol.: In case of assets acquired under Hire Purchase System, the capital portion of the installments paid up to date of Balance Sheet should be debited to the Asset Account and the interest included in each installment to be charged off to revenue. However, if the full capital value of the asset has been adjusted at the outset, the total installments outstanding under the agreement will have to be reduced from the value of the asset. Therefore the treatment followed is not correct.
Q.No.153. Z Ltd. acquired a car for its Managing Director, for official traveling, on Hire-purchase basis. The interest payable was added to the cost of the car. Comment.
Sol.: The Managing Director's car was acquired on hire purchase basis and should, therefore, be recorded in accounts at its cash price. The interest payable along with each installment should be debited to the interest account and not to the asset account. Under the circumstances, the auditor shall have to qualify his report.
Q.No.154. The amount payable to suppliers of machinery under deferred payment arrangements has been shown as current liabilities. The company accepted the bills drawn by the supplier and offered its other fixed assets as a collateral security. Comment.
Sol.: The machineries were purchased under deferred payment arrangements with the supplier and company accepted the bills drawn by the suppliers and offered its other fixed assets as a collateral security. If fixed assets are offered as primary security, then the loans has to be shown under "secured loans'. Since the fixed assets are not offered as primary security these are to be shown as a long term liability under 'Unsecured Loans'. However, the installments payable within 12 months of the date of the Balance sheet should be shown as current liabilities. Therefore, amount payable to supplier under deferred payment arrangement as "Current Liabilities" is not correct.
Q.No.155. Certain Advances to suppliers totaling to Rs.1,00,000 still continue to be shown as advances though the final bills of such suppliers have already been settled.
Sol.: In this case there are two points for consideration by the auditor, namely, whether the entries of the accounts are due to genuine mistake or whether they are manipulated for a fraudulent purpose. If there is an honest mistake the suppliers’ accounts are credited with the full amount of purchases but they are debited with only the actual cash paid representing the net amount of bills. In such a case the supplier’s accounts will have credit balance equal to rupees one lakh. In order to correct this mistake, the advances account should be transferred to the debit of suppliers’ accounts. On the other hand, if there is a fraudulent manipulation of accounts, the suppliers’ accounts are credited with only the net amount of bills and debited with the same amount, thus omitting purchases to the extent of rupees one lakh. This may have been done to increase profits. In order to correct this mistake the suppliers’ accounts should be credited with rupees one lakh more purchases and debited with the amount of advances of rupees one lakh.
Q.No.156. A sum of Rs.25,070 has been shown as “paid” salaries to staff. However on your physical verification of cash, you find the money lying with the cashier in his cash-box in separate envelopes bearing the names and code numbers of the concerned employees.
Sol.: It is wrong to say that Rs.25,070 has been paid for salaries while the amount is lying undisturbed with the cashier. An entry should be made in the books debiting salaries account and crediting salaries outstanding account. Then only the amount of cash in sealed envelopes lying with the cashier can be regarded as part of the cash balance. Such a practice previously followed is highly objectionable and the directors should be advised to stop it.
Q.No.157. Various staff members have taken advances worth Rs.5,500 against slips signed by them. However since none of these payments have been recorded in the cash-book, the amount continue to be shown as part of cash balance.
Sol.: Assuming that the advances to staff are made with the approval of some responsible officials of the company and that they are purely temporary, their treatment as part of the cash balance is improper because it omits to record the transactions taking place from day to day and in such a case it cannot be said that proper books of account as required by law have been kept. Therefore, Rs.5,500 should be debited to advances account and credited to cash account, thus decreasing the amount of cash in hand. Such advances will appear on the assets side of the balance sheet.
Q.No.158. A secured loan of Rs.25 lakhs borrowed from one of its Directors remains unpaid. Interest accrued but not due on the loan is Rs.1.25 lakhs. Both the loan and the interest have been shown under “Secured Loan” - “Other Loans & Advances from Directors”. Comment.
Sol.: The sum of Rs.1.25 lakhs represents interest accrued but not due on the loan. This cannot be included under “other secured loans and advances”. This should be correctly exhibited at the appropriate place under “Current Liabilities” with a suitable disclosure that the amount related to Director’s loan. The disclosure of loan outstanding on date as “other loans and advances” under the head “secured loans” is proper.
Q.No.159. One of your clients complaints that he has incurred loss during the year as against profit in last year even though the total turnover is same and there is no change in the commodities dealt with and the purchase and sale price remained unchanged. The other total expenses are also same. There is no fraud or error. Give the reasons with example.
Sol.: Normally speaking, the main reasons for incurring loss during a particular year as against the profits during previous year may be as under:
a. Change in the purchase/sale prices, i.e. higher purchase prices or lower sales price or both.
b. Decrease in total turnover i.e. the client has not been able to sell the goods.
c. Change in the composition of turnover i.e. if the client is selling number of commodities, it is quite possible that all of them do not contribute equally to the profit of the client. If the commodities having lower contribution have been sold in larger quantity in the current year as compared to the previous year, it may reduce profit or even lead to a loss.
d. Increase in total expenses.
e. Omission of recording of sales.
f. Change in method of valuation of stock.
g. Misappropriation and defalcation of assets.
It has, however, been reported that the total turnover was same and there was no change in the commodities dealt with and the purchase and sale prices remained unchanged. The method of valuation of closing stock and other total expenses were also same as those of the previous year. There are no defalcations or misappropriations. If commodities with higher returns were sold in lesser quantities and the total turnover was maintained by sale of lower profit yielding or loss yielding items, there can arise a situation of loss, as illustrated here under:
Products Gross Profit Sales (lacks) Gross Profit Sales (lacks) Gross Profit
Net Result 30%
10% 6
10 1,80,000
40,000 2
10 60,000
Q.No.160. While auditing the accounts of a manufacturing company, you discover that the rate of Gross Profit on Sales has sharply risen in comparison to the previous year. State the causes.
Sol.: There are several possible causes of the sharp increase in the rate of gross profit on sales as compared with that for the previous year, the most likely of which are as follows:
a. The selling price of the finished products may have been increased. A number of sales invoices in the current year should be compared with invoice in the previous year in order to ascertain the extent of any price changes.
b. The costs of manufacture may have reduced substantially. This could be due to major reduction in raw material costs, as wages rates have tended to fall rather than rise.
c. The ‘mix’ of sales may have been altered, resulting in the sales of more profitable items.
d. The mechanisation of certain manufacturing processes may have resulted in considerable savings in labour cost of production, and this possibility could be easily verified by comparisons of wages records with those in previous periods, expressing the total labour costs as a percentage of the total cost of production.
e. The company’s cut-off procedures as regards closing stock and work in progress should be investigated. The auditor should test transactions near the company’s year end, ensuring that items included in sales have been excluded from stock and that items included in purchases have likewise been included in the closing stock, even though undelivered at the balance sheet date.
f. The possibility of items which have been sent to customer on ‘sale or return’ basis being included in sales, should be investigated.
g. If the investigation along the lines suggested above fails to account entirely for the increase, the closing stock and work in progress valuation will have to be re-checked, particularly if the amount of closing stock, as shown, is a larger proportion of total purchases than was in the previous year.
Q.No.161. You have been approached by the Marketing Director of your company with a trend analysis of the sales for the two quarters ending March 1995, as per details below:
Month Sales
[Rs. in lakhs] Selling overhead
[Rs. in lakhs]
1994 Oct.
1995 Jan.
Mar. 50.00
85.00 30.00
You are required to analyse the given data and suggest your auditing procedures.
Sol.: Sales have increased at a steady rate over the past 6 months. While the increase in sale is only 70% as compared to the base period of October 1994, selling overheads have gone up nearly by 100%. Thus the increase in selling overhead is disproportionate to the increase in sales.
In such circumstances the auditor should apply additional substantive tests to check the expenditure. The increase in selling overhead may be due to:
a. Wrong classification of expenses (Like AOH taken as SOH).
b. Recording and inclusion of non-business expenses.
c. Taking prepaid expenses as current expenses.
d. Prior period adjustments/expenses might have been included.
Auditor should ensure while checking that:
a. Administrative or other unrelated expenses are not classified as selling expenses.
b. Advance payments for selling programmes of subsequent months are not included in current month expenses.
c. Personal expenses of sales executives are not charged under selling overhead.
Q.No.162. An assistant of X & Co., Chartered Accountants detected an error of Rs.5 for interest payment which occurred number of times. The General Manager (Finance) of T Ltd. advised him not to request for passing any adjustment entry as individually the errors were of small amounts. The company had 2,000 deposit Accounts and interest was paid quarterly.
Sol.: The auditor is primarily concerned with items which either individually or as a group are material in relation to the affairs of an enterprise. Therefore, the auditor while carrying out his audit function needs to consider the possibility of misstatements of relatively small amounts, that, cumulatively could have a material effect on the financial statements. In the instant case, an error of Rs.5 in the interest computation, even if small individually, will have a material effect due to the number of transactions. Therefore, the request made by the manager is not acceptable and adjustment entry shall be passed.
Q.No.163. As an auditor, how will you react to an expenditure incurred by a government department which was sanctioned by a fellow officer of the competent authority as the concerned officer was on leave.
Sol.: The auditor has to ensure that each item of government expenditure is covered by a sanction of the competent authority. The audit of sanction is directed both in respect of ensuring that the expenditure is properly covered by a sanction and the authority sanctioning is competent for the purpose. Accordingly, if the fellow officer has not been delegated the financial power by the competent authority, the sanction of expenditure should be treated as improper.
Q.No.164. The assessing officer in order to ensure that there was no loss of revenue, increased the income of all assessee’s between 50% to 100%.
Sol.: Audit of receipts provides for checking whether debts due to government have been correctly assed, realised and credited to government account by the designated authorities. The main emphasis is on examining the procedure regarding the assessment, collection and refund of all revenue receipts. A review of the judicial decisions taken by tax authorities is also done to judge the effectiveness of the assessment procedure. It is normal that the claim should not be increased or reduced except with adequate justification and proper authority. From the above, the action of assessing officer is the unjustifiable & it violates the principal of natural justice as well.
Q.No.165. Balance confirmations from debtors/creditors can only be obtained for balances standing in their accounts at the year-end.
Sol.: Direct confirmation of balances from debtors\creditors is the best method of ascertaining whether the balances are genuine. The confirmation date, method of requesting confirmation, etc. are to be determined by the auditor. Debtors may be requested to confirm the balance either (a) as at the date of the balances sheet, or (b) as at any other selected date which is reasonably close to the date of the balance sheet. Therefore, it is not necessary that balances of debtors/ creditors should necessarily be verified only at the end of the year only.
Q.No.166. Trucks owned by the company could not be physically verified as they were let on hire. Comment.
Sol.: The cost of Trucks should be verified with the invoices of the suppliers/manufacturers and the ownership is to be verified with documents relating to registration. Permits and Insurance Policy. A register if any on Trucks let out on hire should be verified. Confirmation from the party taken the Trucks on hire should be taken.
Q.No.167. “The audit of financial statements relieves management of its responsibilities”.
Sol.: Basically, it is the management of an enterprise which is responsible for preparation of financial statements. Management’s responsibilities include maintaining an adequate accounting system, proper internal control system, selection and application of accounting policies and the safeguarding the assets of the enterprise. Under no circumstances, the audit of financial statement would relieve the management of its responsibilities.
It must be understood clearly that the role of auditor is to express an independent opinion on the financial statements prepared by the management of an enterprise. In fact, it is the management which is entrusted with the responsibility by the shareholders to manage the enterprise in the most efficient and effective manner. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the management to maintain books of account and prepare financial statements in a manner so that same portray a true and fair picture of the enterprise. Thus the basic responsibilities of the management are much broader which in any case can not be reduced by audit.
Q.No.168. While carrying on the audit as stated above, you find that the Company has kept Few lakhs of Rupees as cash in hand and when questioned, the Directors stated, that present amount of cash is not within the purview of audit and also this is a matter of policy, and that the auditor not question this.
Sol.: The director’s plea that the present amount of cash is not within purview of the audit is not acceptable because the verification of cash even on a date beyond the accounting period under review is an accepted auditing procedure. The contention of the directors that keeping such a heavy balance is a matter of policy is also not tenable. While it cannot be argued the companies should not have huge cash in hand, particularly at outlying places where banking facilities are not available, the amount of cash held should have relation to the current needs of the business.
Q.No.169. The Company produced photocopies of fixed deposit receipts (FDR) as the original Fixed deposit receipts were kept in the iron safe of the director finance who was presently out of the country on Company business. Comment.
Sol.: SAP-5 'Audit Evidence' requires that an auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, evaluate the same and draw reasonable conclusions there from. The auditor is generally required to inspect and physically verify the fixed deposit receipts representing the assets on the last day of the accounting period. Thus the photocopies of the receipts cannot serve the desired purpose. Reliance can be placed by the auditor on such evidence provided photocopies are certified as true copies by the management as also backed by a letter from Director (Finance) may also be asked to confirm in writing from abroad in that respect and the same shall be produced to auditors as soon as he returns from business trip.
Q.No.170. The sale and purchase of Investments of Z Ltd. was controlled through a committee. Mr. S sold some of the investments without discussing the same with the other members of the committee as they were out of station and Mr. S believed that its price would fall and the company would suffer a loss if it is not sold. Z Ltd. earned a profit of Rs. 1 lakhs from such sale. Comment.
Sol.: There should be proper authority for sale of investments. In the instant case, Mr. S had sold the investments without discussing the mater with the other committee members. The fact that Mr. S believed that the prices would fall and the company would suffer a loss if the investments are not sold is not good enough for Mr. S to act as per his discretion. A profit of Rs.1 lakh from such sale is also not a sufficient reason to act. In any case, the Committee must approve the transaction. This matter therefore, needs to be qualified by the auditor.
Q.No.171. An assistant of X & Co., Chartered Accountants wanted to verify the cash in hand and investments of T Ltd. the general Manager (Finance) of T Ltd. suggested to the assistant of X & Co. that it was not necessary as his staff had done the same only few days back and no discrepancies were noted.
Sol.: It is the responsibility of the auditor to ensure that an audit is organized to cover adequately all aspects of the enterprise as far as they are relevant to the financial statements been; audited. Generally, both cash and investments constitute a significant proportion of the total assets of an entity. Physical verification of both these items to verify their existence constitute an important auditing procedure. If necessary, in case of investments in the custody of third parties confirmations shall have to be obtained. Therefore, the auditor has to verify the cash in hand and investments even though the same has been verified by personnel of the Finance Department of T ltd. for obtaining reliance regarding the existence of the assets through physical verification or obtaining confirmation as the case may be.
Q.No.172. A sum of Rs.10,00,000 is received from Insurance company in respect of a claim for loss of goods in transit costing Rs.8,00,000. The amount is credited to the Purchases Account.
Sol.: As per AS-5 receipt of such claim is an ordinary item. However, the cost of goods lost in transit is only Rs.8,00,000 while the insurance money received is 10,00,000. Purchases account need not be credited since it would distort the purchases done during the year and as also the gross profit. Therefore, entire amount of Rs.10 lakhs needs to be taken to profit and loss accounts under an appropriate head. But as per AS 5, when items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately.
Q.No.173. Credit for the profit arising out of a hire-purchase sale was fully adjusted in the year of Sale.
Sol.: The nature of a hire-purchase transaction makes it absolutely clear that a person does not become owner till the last installment has been paid. As per AS-9 on “Revenue Recognition”, credit for the amount of profit arising from hire purchase sales is not taken into account until the installments of sales price have been realised. Therefore it is distributed proportionately over the hire purchase period. Accordingly, in the instance case, credit for the amount of profit arising from hire purchase sale is not to be taken into account until the last installment of sales price have been realised. Accordingly, in case where profit arising on a hire purchase sale has been adjusted fully in the year of sale, a provision equal to the amount of profit which has not accrued, should be created. The amount of provision so made should also be deducted from the ‘hire purchase debtors” for purposes of disclosure in the balance sheet.
Q.No.174. A senior assistant of X & Co. Chartered Accountants drew up his audit programme without evaluating internal controls of T Ltd. When the partner asked firm for the reason, he stated that the controls were developed by the General Manager (Finance) of T Ltd., who is a Chartered Accountant and had written a few books on “Internal Control” and therefore there was no need to review the said area.
Sol.: A proper understanding of the internal control system enables the auditor to decide upon the nature, extent and timing of the audit procedures. The mere fact that the controls have been developed by a chartered accountant is not important. In any case, the auditor should independently gain an understanding of the accounting system and related internal controls and should study and evaluate the operation of those internal controls upon which he wishes to rely in determining the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures. Where the auditor concludes that he can rely on certain internal controls, his substantive procedures would normally be less extensive. In cases where internal control is weak, the auditor might extend tests to cover a large number of transactions. Accordingly, just because the internal control was developed by a chartered accountant who had also authored a book on internal control is of no consequence. The auditor must understand and evaluate internal controls to develop a proper audit programme.
Q.No.175. While auditing the books of ABC Ltd, a manufacturing company, for the year ended 31-12-1998, you observe:
a. That the company is holding certain shares and debentures as investments which are not shown as such since the company is holding the same as nominees.
b. That no evidence is available in the records showing that the company is holding the shares in its capacity of a nominee.
State how you would deal with this situation while reporting to the shareholders of ABC Ltd.
Sol.: According to SSAP 5 the auditor has to collect adequate evidence with reference to the transactions. In the given case, there is no written evidence available with regard to the fact that the company is holding the investments as nominees. As such, the matter should be brought to the attention of the shareholders by qualifying the audit report.
Q.No.176. X Ltd holds 4 to 5 boards meeting per year. The directors are reimbursed to the extent of actual air fair, and in addition an allowance of Rs. 300 per day is paid for covering hotel bills etc. The auditor of the company seeks the actual bills/vouchers as evidence in respect of stay charges. The director contention is that the board attendance register containing the signature of director is sufficient evidence. Give your views as a Chartered Accountant.
Sol.: According to AAS 5 the auditor should collect adequate and appropriate evidences in respect of the transaction entered in the books of accounts. In the given case, if the hotel charges are to be reimbursed, then the directors have to provide hotel bills etc. for reimbursement purposes. This is because reimbursement is done on an actual basis. In case the hotel charges are covered by a fixed allowances payable by the co., then there is no need for the directors to submit actual bills. Since in this case director’s were given a fixed allowance, supporting evidences are not required.
Q.No.177. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
a. No difference between Auditing & Accounting, since both deals with financial statements.
b. Accounts not maintained as per the Double Entry System becomes incorrect in the eyes of an auditor of a company.
c. The functions of the auditor are to bring to the notice of the management, if there exist any loopholes/flaws in the system of accounting.
d. If there is any non-compliance of Co.’s Act, auditor should include the same in his report.
e. If the auditor finds that the entries in the books of accounts are supported by vouchers, his job is done.
f. The auditor should ascertain contingent liability from entries in the books of prime entry.
g. The auditor will be guilty of negligence when it is found that he did not exercise reasonable skill and care.
h. The auditor is expected to approach the accounts of a new client with a pre-supposition that the accounting method employed has certain loopholes.
i. Appointment of both the external and internal auditors is done by shareholders in general meeting.
j. Cost Audit is compulsory in all companies who maintain cost records.
k. Capital Reserve and Reserve Capital are same.
l. An auditor cannot be held responsible for misconduct in cases he places absolute reliance on certificates given by the management.
a. False g. True
b. True h. False
c. True i. False
d. True j. False
e. False k. False
f. False l. False
Q.No.178. Z & Co. Chartered Accountants required the Manager of a branch of the company to physically verify the cash and issue a certificate to them. Comment.
Sol.: It may not be feasible for an auditor to be physically present or send his representative to all the branches of a company to verify the cash balance on a particular date and certify the same. In such circumstances his request to the Manager of the branch to physically verify the cash on the last day of the financial year and certify the same is in order. But the Auditor should during his or his team’s visit of that branch for audit purposes verify the cash balance as on that date and ensure that the actual balance tallies with the balance on that date as per the Cash Book.
Q.No.179. A shortage of stock worth Rs. 1 lakh was noticed at the time of physical verification during the period under audit.
Sol.: The auditor should ascertain that the reasons for shortage have been properly investigated by the management and corrective measures have been taken on the report of the investigation. If the shortage valuing Rs.1 lakh is considered significant in comparison to the total value of stock, the auditor should ensure that the shortage is adjusted in the books of accounts in the year under audit. The auditor should also mention this and the action taken by the Management in his Report.
Q.No.180. Interest accrued on overdraft not-charged by the Bank within 31st March 1997, was not accounted for. Comment.
Sol.: The auditor should qualify this as non-provision of interest accrued on Bank overdraft amounting to Rs…… with consequential effect on Profits and Revenues.
Q.No.181. The total Provident Fund dues was kept by the company and invested in the shares of a Subsidiary Company.
Sol.: A company is required to deposit the P.F. dues of employees in special account to be opened by the company for the purpose. The employees and employer’s contributions have to be deposited regularly and within the stipulated time. Hence it is wrong to keep the total amount of P.F. with the company itself and invest in the shares of its subsidiary company. The auditor should report that such action on the part of the company is in contravention of the provisions of the Act.
Q.No.182. The work-in-progress is valued by company consistently at direct material cost.
Sol.: Work-in-progress includes direct material cost as well as direct labour and proportion of factory overhead for attaining the appropriate stage of production. Valuation of work-in-progress at direct material cost only is not inconsistent with normally accepted accounting principle. In view of this, the auditor should qualify his report, if the impact is material, notwithstanding the fact that this method has been followed consistently.
Q.No.183. M/s. XYZ, a partnership firm, approaches you and enquires, whether it is necessary for them, under any statute or otherwise, to get their accounts audited. You are required to advise them, explaining briefly the objectives and advantages of audit of a partnership firm.
Sol.: Refer to the special audit lesson (Audit of Partnership).
Q.No.184. Internal control systems design for functional areas.
A. Treasury:
1. Coverage: This covers cash, bank, and investments transaction
2. System:
a. There should be a separate mail department which is a responsible for opening and distribution of incoming mail.
b. All the incoming cheques and drafts should be crossed A/c payee.
c. The cashier should not be made responsible for the preparation of receipts.
d. The cheques and drafts should be handed over to another assistant who is responsible for the preparation of pay in lips and deposit the same for collection into the bank.
e. Receipts should be pre numbered and such number shall be cross referred in the cash book.
f. The unused receipt book shall be kept under lock.
g. The receipts should be authorised by responsible official.
h. All the cash payments should be made against the printed vouchers, which are pre numbered.
i. If petty cash book is maintained, proper control should be exercised over the petty cashier.
j. Where payments are made to supplier by cheque, the statement of account should be referred to by the approving authorities.
k. All the cheques issued should be crossed A/c payee.
l. The authority for signing the cheques should be specified clearly by the management.
m. A senior executive shall carryout surprise cash check at periodic intervals.
n. A limit shall be fixed with regard to the balance of cash which can be held by the entity.
o. There should be insurance policies covering the cash chest and the fidelity of the cashier.
p. Periodic BRS should be prepared by a person who is not connected with the bank transactions.
q. The unused cheque leaves should be kept under safe custody of a responsible officer.
B. Purchases:
Coverage: This covers purchases on credit basis from suppliers (from local and foreign sources).
a. There should be a separate purchase department for purchase of raw material, assets etc.
b. The purchase department should maintain a list of suppliers or directory of suppliers.
c. The stores department shall raise requisition on purchase department on the basis of ordering and reordering levels determined on a scientific basis.
d. The emergency purchases must be excluded from the procedure described later.
e. The purchase department should call for quotation from selected suppliers.
f. When the quotations are received they will be open at the appointed time in the presence of the purchase manager.
g. Purchase orders shall be raised in quadruplicate and distributed as follows - (1) suppliers (2) Accounts, (3) stores and (4) Retention in the file.
h. The goods shall be subject to inspection regarding the quality and quantity.
i. Stores department shall raise GRN wherein the quality control personnel shall sign.
j. On the basis of GRN entry shall be made in the bincard by the storekeepers.
k. In the case of shortages or damages, the purchase department shall be notified by a report who in turn shall communicate with the supplier for obtaining credit notes.
l. A separate claim register shall be maintained by the purchase department wherein the claims lodged in the insurance Co's or transporters shall be entered.
m. When the invoice is received by the entity it shall forwarded to the purchase department.
n. The purchase department shall compare the purchase order GRN, and the bill and forward the approved bill to the accounts section.
o. Periodical surprise check is to be done on the implementation of control procedures.
C. Sales:
a. There should be a separate sales department.
b. The incoming orders from the following sources shall be entered in an order register (a) through sales man (b) through telephone and (c) by post directly.
c. The sales department should have a separate credit rating section for ascertaining the credit worthiness of the customers.
d. The finished goods stores should forward periodic statements of stock preferably on a weekly basis to the sales department.
e. The customers purchase order shall be confirmed and by the issuance of sales order in triplicate original to the customer, first copy to accounts and second copy to file.
f. The order receiving section shall arrange for despatch through the despatch section.
g. The latter department will raise despatch advice/packing ship/delivery notes in set of 5 copies distributed as follows: original customer, 1st copy, order receiving section; 2nd copy - accounts; 3rd copy - file; 4th copy - to customer (to enable customer to acknowledge & return the same)
h. Invoices will be prepared by the billing section in sets of 5 and distributed as: customers; accounts; finished goods; godown, sales tax, official, file.
i. On receipt of advice from customer regarding shortages/damages, billing section shall raise credit notes.
j. Periodical surprise check is to be done on the implementation of control procedures.
Q.No.185. Discuss briefly the features of an effective system of internal control over wages and salaries in a large factory.
a. Personnel Department should keep record for each employee showing particulars of employment, retirement or dismissal, rates of pay, increment, leave, specimen signatures etc.
b. Identity cards should be issued to all employees at the time of employment.
c. Time keeping and attendance recording function should be separated from pay roll preparation.
d. Overtime should be authorised by a competent official.
e. Preparation of wages and salary bills should be done by members of the staff who are not connected with maintaining a record of their attendance.
f. Gross pay for each wage period should be compared with the corresponding amount for the previous wage period and differences due to increments, promotions etc. should be reconciled.
g. Duties of different clerks employed for preparation of wages and salaries bills should be rotated so that the calculations, additions & extensions are not carried out by same clerk every month.
h. Supervisor authorities should be present at the time of payment to identify the employees.
i. The system of engaging casual Labourers should receive particular attention. Functions like engagement of casual labour, record of their work, and payment of their wages should be properly segregated.
j. Signatures of the employees to whom the payment is being made should also be obtained. In case the payment is made to someone else, written authority should be obtained.
k. Surprise checks should be conducted at the time of wage payment by a responsible official independent of the wages and salaries department.
l. Unclaimed wages and salaries should be immediately recorded in the unpaid wages and salaries register & their subsequent payment should be made only on the specific claim of the employees.
m. Deductions on account of Provident funds, Employees State Insurance contributions etc. should be regularly made. A responsible person should satisfy himself whether remittances of such deductions have been properly made to the statutory authorities.
n. Recoveries in respect of loans towards house building, P.F. loans etc. should be regularly made.
o. Examine reimbursement of certain expenses like conveyance charges, mileage claims etc.
Q.No.186. Evaluation of internal control over after sales service.
a. Nature of after-sale-services rendered by the enterprise.
b. Maintenance of adequate records such as customer cards of after-sales-services provided to each customer indicating the period, etc.
c. Manner of distinction should be made between the customers being serviced under warranty period and those under the annual maintenance contract.
d. Type of a form describing date-wise the services rendered or parts replaced on each visit by service engineers, & also verify whether the form requires the countersignature of the customer.
e. Manner of collecting service charges on annual basis or on periodic visits from customers who are not covered by annual maintenance contract by service engineers and issue provisional receipts to customers in the case of changeable parts.
f. Existence of any system of reconciliation of stores and spare parts issued with the cash received.
Q.No.187. State the steps for proper internal control over stores of a large textile mill company?
a. When the ordering level of any particular kind of stores has been reached, the storekeeper should send a purchase requisition to the buying department.
b. Two copies of each purchase order should be made out, one copy being sent to the storekeeper and the other retained in the buying department.
c. When a large quantity is to be purchased, it is advisable to invite tenders before placing an order.
d. On receipt of stores, details thereof should be entered in a Goods Inward Book kept at the gate and the goods should then be passed on to the storekeeper together with delivery notes.
e. The storekeeper should then check the quantity and quality of stores with the copy of the order. He should make a detailed report on any deliveries which are not in accordance with the order.
f. The storekeeper should not issue any material to anyone unless a properly signed requisition is produced to him. Details of materials withdrawn from bins must be entered on the bin cards.
g. The payment of invoices should be passed by a responsible official of the company.
h. All stores returned to suppliers should be recorded in the Goods Outward Book kept at the gate of the factory. A credit note should be obtained from the suppler for each return of stores.
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Q.No.1. Ram & Hanuman Associates, Chartered Accountants, in practice have been appointed as Statutory Auditor of Krishna Ltd. for the accounting year 02-03. Mr. Hanuman holds 100 equity shares of Shiva Ltd., a subsidiary company of Krishna Ltd.
a. As per Sec.226, a person holding any security of the company is not qualified for appointment as auditor of that company.
b. It is further given in Sec.226(4), that a person is not eligible for appointment as an auditor of any company, if he is disqualified from acting as auditor of that company’s subsidiary or holding company or of any other subsidiary of the same holding company.
c. It further provides that if an auditor, after his appointment, becomes subject to any disqualifications, he shall be deemed to have automatically vacated his office. A firm would also be disqualified to be appointed as an auditor even when one partner is disqualified u/s.226.
d. In the present case, Mr. Hanuman, a partner of M/s Ram and Hanuman Associates, holds 100 equity shares of Shiva Ltd. which is a subsidiary of Krishna Ltd. As such, the firm, M/s Ram and Hanuman Associates would be disqualified to be appointed and it will be automatically vacated from its auditorship of Krishna Ltd.
Q.No.2. Mr. Rajendra, a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, working as Manager of Shrivastav and Co., a Chartered Accountant firm, signed the audit report of Om Ltd. on behalf of Shrivastav & Co.
1. Companies act: As per Sec.229 of the act the audit report shall be signed by:
a. If the appointment is made in the individual name - Only by the person appointed as an auditor Or
b. Where a firm is appointed - By any of the partners in the firm practicing in India.
Therefore, Mr. Rajendra, a fellow member of the Institute and a manager of M/s Shrivastav & Co., Chartered Accountants, can’t sign on behalf of firm, since he not being the partner of firm.
2. Chartered accountants act: Further, the Chartered Accountants act says that a chartered accountant shall not allow any person to sign the audit report on his behalf unless the other person is a chartered accountant & partner of him.
Q.No.3. Mr. Y a practicing chartered Accountant met with an accident and hence authorised his employee Mr. B who is a qualified chartered Accountant to sign the audit report of the company as it was getting delayed. Explain and justify your views.
Sol.: Write the above ans. with necessary modifications.
Q.No.4. B is appointed auditor of PQR Ltd., at a total remuneration of Rs.50, 000, classified as under: (i) For Unit X of the Company Rs.20,000; (ii) For Unit Y of the Company Rs.20,000 and (iii) For Head Office Rs. 10,000. As per terms of appointment, B can collect his fees on progressive basis, on completion of audits of unit X and /or Y. B completed the audit of unit Y and recovered Rs.20,000 on account of the audit fees though the entire audit is not completed. Explain whether B is indebted to the Company for an amount exceeding Rs. 1,000 and therefore disqualified. (Or) Will an auditor who received the audit fees from the co. on progressive basis, is called indebted.
Sol.: Auditor cannot be said to be indebted to the Company at any stage if he recovers his fees on a progressive basis. As and when a part of the work is done, he can recover his fees in accordance with the terms of his engagement with the client, without waiting for the completion of the whole job. Hence, B is not indebted to the Company and is qualified to act as its Statutory Auditor.
Q.No.5. C is a partner in ABC Associates, Chartered Accountants. Analyse whether disqualification provisions are attracted in the following cases:
a. C is indebted for an amount exceeding Rs.1,000. Can C be appointed as an auditor in his individual name?
b. The firm is indebted for > 1,000. Can C be appointed as an auditor in his individual name?
Sol.: In both the given cases, the disqualification will apply because:
a. When a firm is appointed as auditor, each partner is deemed to be so indebted.
b. When a firm is indebted, each partner is deemed to be so indebted.
Q.No.6. In case the existing auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting refused to accept the appointment, whether the Board of Directors could fill up the vacancy?
Sol.: Sec.224 (3) of the Companies Act, 1956, empowers the Central Government of fill a vacancy in case on auditors are appointed or reappointed at an annual general meeting Since the appointment of an auditor is complete only on the acceptance of the office by the auditor, it can be deemed in such a case that no auditor has been appointed and the C.G. may appoint a person to fill the vacancy as provided in Sec.224 (3). Therefore, the Board is not empowered to fill such a vacancy.
Q.No.7. X, C.A., who was appointed as the first auditors, of the company, was removed without the prior approval of the C.G., before the expiry of their term, by calling an EGM.
Sol.: An auditor may be removed before the expiry of his term by the company in a general meeting only after obtaining the prior approval of the C.G. An exception to this rule is that no such approval is required for the removal of the first auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, X, Chartered Accountant, being the first auditors of the company can be removed without the approval of the C.G. by the company by passing a resolution to that effect in the EGM.
Q.No.8. Some of your friends are forming a new company. They wish to include the following clause in the Articles of Association of the company. “The first auditors of the company will be M/s XY & Co, Chartered Accountants who will hold office for five years”. They seek your advice in the matter.
Sol.: It is obvious that the above clause will not be valid. The first auditors can be appointed only by a resolution of the board of directors, or by the shareholders in a general Meeting if the board fails to appoint the first auditors. Moreover, the first auditors can hold office only until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting (provided they are not removed by the shareholders earlier at a G.M).
Q.No.9. At the Annual General Meeting of a company in which a nationalised bank held 20% of the subscribed capital, X and Co., Chartered accountants were appointed as auditors by passing an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Sec.224A of the Act provides that in case of a company in which not less than 25% of subscribed share capital is held, whether singly or in any combination, amongst others, by a nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business, the appointment or reappointment at each AGM of an auditor or auditors shall be made by a special resolution. In the given case, the nationalised bank held only 20 per cent of the subscribed share capital which in fact is less than 25 per cent. Thus the appointment of M/s. X & Co., Chartered Accountants, by an ordinary resolution at the Annual General Meeting is valid.
Q.No.10. At the AGM of Navkar Ltd., Om is appointed as the auditor. Om refuses to accept the audit. The company holds another general meeting and appoints a new auditor.
Sol.: The appointment of a new auditor in place of Om by the company in general meeting convened for the purpose is not because refusal of Om to accept the appointment does not result in a casual vacancy. The appointment of an auditor is complete and effective only when the auditor has accepted the office of an auditor. In such a case it can be deemed that no auditor has been appointed by the company at its annual general meeting. Sec.224(3) comes into picture (i.e. C.G. gets the power to appoint auditor).
Q.No.11. The auditor of Y Ltd. resigned after valid and accepted appointment whereupon the Board of Directors appointed another auditor treating it as a casual vacancy.
Sol.: Sec.224 states that the Board may fill any casual vacancy, provided such vacancy has not been caused by the resignation of the auditor. In the instant case, a casual vacancy has arisen on account of resignation since the auditor of Y Ltd resigned after accepting the appointment. Under these circumstances, the shareholder’s can only fill the vacancy in the general meeting.
Q.No.12. Paras is appointed the auditor of a government company at its AGM. Is it correct?
Sol.: The appointment of paras as the auditor of a Government company at it’s A.G.M is not valid. As per Sec.619, the auditor of a Government company shall be appointed and re-appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Q.No.13. After the incorporation of a private limited company, its Board of Directors, primarily busy in proper functioning of the company, suddenly discovered after the lapse of about 6 months that the company requires to appoint an auditor. What should Board do?
Sol.: The Board should arrange to convene a general meeting and appoint the first auditor in that meeting since the Board has failed to appoint the auditor within 1 month of incorporation.
Q.No.14. The Board of Directors of Z Ltd., whose 25% subscribed share capital is held by State Government, proposes to appoint Mr.K, a Chartered Accountant, as its statutory auditor in the next Annual General Meeting. Advice it.
Sol.: Sec.224A provides that a company in which not less than 25% of the subscribed share capital is held by any state government shall appoint an auditor in the annual general meeting (AGM) only by passing a special resolution.
Q.No.15. The Government of Assam holds 27,000 shares out of the total 1,00,000 subscribed shares of Forest Products Ltd. At the 37th AGM of the company, 41,000 votes are cast in favour of a resolution reappointing Mr. A as the auditor and 27,000 votes are cast against the resolution. There are no absentations. Is Mr. A reappointed as auditor of the company?
Sol.: It is evident that the company is covered by Sec.224A since the Assam Government holds more than 25% of its subscribed share capital. Therefore the auditor of such company shall be appointed by passing a special resolution. A is not reappointed as audi¬tor of the company since the resolution of his appointment did not receive the requisite three-fourths of the votes.
Q.No.16. The Statutory Auditors of a Public Limited company received letters from shareholders either directly or through the company seeking information like details of expenses, explanation for not qualifying the report for one reasons or the other, etc. You are required to advise the Statutory Auditor whether under any circumstances they are bound to entertain such letters and give detailed reply to individual shareholders.
Sol.: The Statutory Auditors are appointed by the ‘Company’, i.e., body of shareholders and not by individual shareholders. The Auditors are required to disclose to the shareholders as a body, only that information which has been prescribed under the Act. Hence, the Statutory Auditors are not required to provide any information / explanations to individual shareholders.
Q.No.17. A Ltd. requiring to maintain cost accounts contends that the auditor need not report on the non-maintenance of them because the provisions of cost audit were not made applicable to it.
Sol.: Sec.209(1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956 requires that every company shall maintain books of accounts containing particulars relating to the utilization of material or labour or to other items of cost if such class of companies are notified by the Central Government. As per Sec.227(3) the auditor has to comment whether the company has maintained proper books or not. The cost records prescribed under Sec.209(1)(d) also form part of books accounts required to be maintained as per law. Therefore whether cost audit is ordered or not in respect of A Ltd., the auditor should report upon the non-maintenance of the cost records.
Further as per the CARO, 2003 where maintenance of cost records has been prescribed by the Central Government, auditor of the company is specifically required to state whether such accounts and records as prescribed have been properly maintained.
Q. No.18. XYZ Limited wants to remove their existing auditors before the expiry of their terms.
Sol.: Refer to the question removal of auditors before expiry of their term question (Auditor lesson).
Q.No.19. XYZ& Company Limited by passing a resolution by the entire body of shareholders wants to limit the powers of the statutory auditors.
a. The Companies Act specifies the rights of a company auditor which include right of access to the books of accounts, right to receive notices, right to seek information and explanations, right to visit branches, etc. These rights have been granted to the auditor to carry out his duties and responsibilities prescribed under the Act.
b. The rights of the auditor cannot be restricted in any manner.
c. Any resolution passed by the entire body of shareholders limiting the powers of the auditor or any such provisions in the Articles of Association is void.
d. In the case of Newton V.Birmingham Small Arms Co., the same was upheld.
Q.No.20. The auditor’s lien on client’s books and records is unconditional. Comment.
Sol.: Auditor’s lien on client’s books is subject to the following conditions i.e. Conditional:
a. Documents retained must belong to the client who owes the money.
b. Documents must have come into possession of the auditor on the authority of the client. They must not have been received through irregular or illegal means. In case of a company client, they must be received on the authority of the board of directors.
c. The auditor can retain the documents only if he has done work on such documents.
d. Such of the documents can be retained which are connected with the work on which fees have not been paid.
Q.No.21. Can the shareholders delegate authority to the Directors to appoint Auditors?
Sol.: Sec. 224 of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with the appointment of auditors. Sec.224(1) requires that every company shall appoint auditors of the company at each annual general meeting. Under no circumstances, the company can delegate its authority to the Board of Directors because it is a matter of supreme importance. He should, therefore, be independent of the management. To ensure his independence, the Board of Directors must not have any authority to appoint him. Therefore, the company cannot delegate its authority to the Board of Directors to appoint auditors.
Q.No.22. Mr. ‘A’ is a part-time practicing Chartered Accountant and is the financial controller of X Ltd. The company wants to appoint him as its auditor in the next annual general meeting. Offer your comments in the matter.
Sol.: In the present case Mr. A is the financial controller and thus an officer of the company. As per Sec.226, an officer or an employee of the company is disqualified to be appointed as auditor’s.
Q.No.23. Can a director of the company be appointed as an auditor?
Sol.: There is no express prohibition that a director can not be appointed as an auditor. But the below given two provisions of the companies act prohibits a director to be appointed as an auditor:
a. Sec.226 enumerates that an officer of the company cannot be appointed as an auditor.
b. Sec.2(30) of companies act, which defines the officer to include the director.
Q.No.24. NM & Co., chartered accountants were appointed as the auditors of a public limited company in their Annual General Meeting. Various co-operative and term lending institutions held 51% of the paid-up share capital of the company.
Sol.: As per Sec.224A, a company in which not less than 25% of the subscribed capital is held by:
a. A public financial institution or a Government co. or the C.G. or any state government; or
b. Any financial or other institution established by any Provincial or State Act in which a State Government holds not less than 51% of subscribed share capital; or
c. A nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general insurance business.
The appointment in the Annual General Meeting shall be made only by passing a special resolution.
In this case, NM & Co was appointed as auditors of the public limited company where 51% of the paid-up share capital was held by co-operatives and term lending institutions. Presuming that such institutions are covered by the aforesaid criteria, passing a special resolution was necessary. Hence, the appointment of NM & Co., chartered accountants, was null and void provided such institutions are covered by section 224A.
Q.No.25. The Board of Directors of X Ltd., whose 20% of subscribed capital is held by A.P. Government, proposes to appoint Mr.Hari, a C.A., as its statutory auditor in the next AGM.
a. What type of resolution is necessary for his appointment?
b. Will it make any difference if the shareholding of A.P.Government is 28%?
a. First write the provisions of Sec.224A of the companies act. Since in the present case the shareholding is less than 25%, an ordinary resolution is sufficient for the appointment.
b. A special resolution will be necessary for the appointment of Mr.Hari as the statutory auditor in the next AGM as the shareholding by the State Government is 28%.
Q.No.26. Can a P’ firm be appointed as an auditor, if one of the partners happens to be a relative of the directors of the Co. Will your answer differ if the partner is the employee of the director?
a. Can be appointed.
b. Cannot be appointed. (Sec.226 an employee of an officer of the company can’t be appointed)
Q.No.27. You are the auditor of Injamam Ltd. During the course of audit for the year ended 31.3.2004 you come across the following transactions - What is your treatment:
1. The Company has given a loan of Rs. 10,000 to X, a supplier of the company on the security of a life insurance policy of the face value of Rs. 50,000 and whose surrender value as on 31.3. 2004 was Rs. 7,500. The company is in possession of the policy. However, an assignment in favour of Injamam Ltd. has not been registered with LIC.
2. The company recorded on 31.3. 2004 a sale of goods to the tune of Rs. 10,000 to A & Co. Ltd., a sister concern and recognised a profit of Rs. 2,500 for the year-ended 31.3. 2004. On April 1, 2004 a purchase of the goods of the same description amounting to Rs. 10,000 from A & Co. Ltd. was found to be recorded.
3. The company has sold during the year 200 shares of Shoaib Akhtar Ltd., for Rs. 20,000. The cost of shares at the time of acquisition was Rs. 40,000. It is also noted that during 2003-04 Shoaib Akhtar Ltd. had lost 3 out of 4 ships owned by it in a storm near India. There are definite indications that the company might go into liquidation.
4. The company has given Rs. 50,000 to A & Co., a partnership firm very remotely connected with one of its senior employees. A & Co. does not customarily accept deposits. Injamam Ltd. does not owe any obligation in respect of A & Co. The above amount of Rs. 50,000 has been classified as “deposits” in the company’s accounts.
5. One of the directors of the company celebrated the marriage of his daughter during 2004. Two cars of the company had been lent to the director and the petrol bills amounting to Rs. 2,500 have been paid by the company.
6. The company owed Rs. 10,000 to Sachin Tendulkar. It issued equity shares amounting to Rs. 10,000 in cancellation of the above debt.
Sol.: The transactions mentioned above are within the scope of enquiry u/s 227(1A) of the Act.
1. Loans on inadequate security [Sec.227(1A)(a)]:
a. The Auditor should ascertain whether the Company holds a legally enforceable security and the value of the security fully covers the amount lent.
b. In this case, the Loan of Rs.10,000 has been made on the basis of security having a surrender value of Rs.7,500 only. Hence the loan is not adequately secured. Also the security cannot be legally enforced since the company has not registered the assignment in its favour.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the shareholders u/s 227(1A) (a).
2. Book Entry Transactions: [Sec. 227(1A)(b)]:
a. The Auditor should enquire whether transactions of the Company which are represented merely by book entries are not prejudicial to the interests of the Company.
b. In this case, the sale and purchase transactions represented by book entries only (without actual movement of goods) are intended to boost the profits of the Company.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the members u/s 227(1A)(b).
3. Sale of Investments below cost [Sec.227(1A)(c)]:
a. Whether any of the assets of the company con¬sisting of shares, debentures etc. have been sold at a price less than the cost of such shares etc.
b. This clause is not a prohibition for sale of investments below cost. The auditor should ascertain that the sale is bonafide and the price realised is reasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case. In the given circumstances, the sale of investments seems to be bonafide as Shoaib Akhtar Ltd. is not in a sound financial position.
c. Hence the auditor need not report this matter to the members u/s 227(1A)(c).
4. Classification of Deposits [Sec.227(1A)(d)]:
a. The Auditor has to enquire whether loans and advances made by the company have been shown as deposits.
b. In this case, A & Co., in general does not accept deposits and also the Company has no obligation against A & Co.,
c. The Auditor should instruct the Company to show the amount as “Loans and Advances”. If the Company refuses a reclassification and continues to shown them as “Deposits”, the Auditor should report the same u/s 227(1A)(d).
5. Personal Expenses charged to Revenue [Sec.227 (1A)(e)]:
a. The auditor should enquire whether personal expenses have been charged to P&L a/c.
b. In this case, the personal expenses of the director have been clearly charged to the P&L a/c.
c. Hence, the Auditor should report this matter to the shareholders u/s 227(1A)(e).
6. Allotment of Shares [Sec.227(1A)(f)]:
a. The Auditor should enquire “Where it is stated in the books of accounts that any shares have been allotted for cash, then the cash has been actually so received”.
b. As per DCA notification - Shares allotted against a debt payable by the company shall be taken as ‘shares allotted for cash. The issue of equity shares is legal.
c. Hence, the auditor has no duty to report in this instance.
Q.No.28. Marriage expenses of M.D’s daughter amounting to Rs.25 lakhs charged to P & L A/c.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227 (1A)(e) in the previous question. The auditor should advice the company to transfer the personal expenses to the personal account of managing director and disclose the same distinctly under “Loans and advances” on the asset side of the balance sheet.
Q.No.29. Wile vouching traveling expenses of directors, the auditor found that certain bills were in the names of the directors and they were not authorised by the Board of directors of the company.
Sol.: Write the previous answer.
Q.No.30. There are a few entries in the cash book indicating cash receipts & payments from or to a proprietary concern of one of the directors of the co. On enquiry, the auditor finds that no cash was in fact received or paid but the entries were made only to adjust the cash balances in the book.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227(1A)(b) in the previous but 2nd question.
Q.No.31. A company sold certain investments during the financial year at a price less than its purchase price due to poor market conditions.
Sol.: Refer to Sec.227(1A)(c) in the previous but 3rd question.
Q.No.32. Will the following be included for the purpose of calculation under Sec. 224(1B)?
Government companies Yes
Sec.25 companies Yes
Unlimited liability company Yes
Special audit No
Tax audit No
Joint audit Yes
Foreign company audit No
Internal audit No
Private company audit No
Branch audit No
Audit of statutory corporation No
Investigation No
Guarantee companies having no share capital No
ICAI has issued a notification which specifically restricts the number of audits to be done by a member to 30, including audit of private companies.
Q.No.33. KBC & Co. a firm of Chartered Accountants has three partners, K, B & C. K is also in whole time employment elsewhere. The firm is offered the audit of ABC Ltd. and its twenty branches. The firm already holds audit of 40 companies including audit of one foreign company.
Sol.: In the case of firm of chartered accountants, the specified number should be construed as twenty companies (out of which not more than ten may have a paid-up share capital of rupees twenty five lakhs or more) per such partner who is not in whole-time employment elsewhere. In the firm of KBC & Co., K is in whole-time employment elsewhere, therefore, he will be excluded in determining the number of company audits that the firm can hold. The total number of company audits that can be accepted by KBC & Co., is forty, out of which not more than twenty companies may have a paid-up share capital of rupees twenty five lakhs or more. Audits of the accounts of foreign companies are also not to be included. Since the number of audits that goes for counting is only 39, it can accept one more audit. Branch audits are not to be counted in computing this specified number. Therefore, it does not matter whether ABC Ltd. is having twenty branches. Thus the acceptance of audit of ABC Ltd. and its 20 branches will accordingly be within specified limits.
Q.No.34. The Company had also appointed a Cost Auditor and therefore, the management had requested you not to review the cost records. Comment.
Sol.: As per Sec.209 of the companies act the term books of accounts included the cost records and the auditor has the duty to state in the audit report u/s 227(3) whether proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the company. Accordingly, the auditors cannot be requested not to review the cost records as a cost auditor has been appointed by the company. The statutory auditor’s duties cannot be limited in any way either by the Articles or by the Directors or members. This is confirmed by the judgement given in Newton vs. Birmingham small arms co. case.
Q.No.35. A is appointed as the auditor of X Ltd. on 26th July, 2003. He informs the company that he will visit its head office on August 13, 2003 (a holiday for the company, being a Sunday) and examine the cash book. The accountant argues that A should come after March 31, 2004 when the accounts are closed. Moreover, he should not come on a Sunday as the office is closed on that day. Is the position taken by the accountant legally correct?
Sol.: The auditor has access to books etc. “at all times”. This implies that he can examine them at any time after assuming his office as the auditor and he need out wait for the closing of the accounts, i.e., March 31, 2004. However, the expression “at all times” refers to only the normal business hours on any working day. Thus, A cannot examine the books on a holiday.
Q.No.36. AB Ltd. does not send to its auditors the notice of an extraordinary general meeting on the plea that accounts are not being discussed at the aforesaid meeting.
Sol.: This is not correct since the requirements of Sec.231 apply to all general meetings held during the period when the auditor holds his office.
Q.No.37. At the AGM of CU Ltd., Mr. L is appointed as the auditor which later is held to be void ab initio. The company holds another general meeting and appoints a new auditor.
Sol.: In case the requirements of Sec.224A (Special resolution) & Sec.224(1B) (Ceiling certificate) have not been complied with then in such cases, the appointment of any person as the auditor at the Annual General Meeting would be void ab initio. Under the circumstances in view of the fact that the company failed to appoint an auditor, the provisions of section 224(3) would be attracted and the appointment of the auditor can be made by the Central Government only. Accordingly, the appointment of a new auditor at the subsequent general meeting will not be valid.
Q.No.38. At an Annual General Meeting, Mr. R a retiring auditor claims that he has been reappointed automatically, as the intended resolution of which a notice had been given to appoint Mr. P in place of him could not be proceeded with, due to Mr. P’s death.
Sol.: According to Sec.224(2) an auditor cannot be reappointed if “If a notice of the intended resolution has been served on him by the company proposing to remove him and appoint somebody else in his place and such notice could not be proceeded with in the AGM due to death of the latter.
Q.No.39. The shareholding of LIC and UTI increased from 23% to 27% of the subscribed share capital of the company after issue of notice of the annual general meeting. Explain how the appointment of auditors will be made.
Sol.: The material date for determining whether section 224A is attracted is the date of AGM and not the date of issuing notice. Therefore, if the required percentage is held on the date of the AGM, the provisions of section 224A will apply. In such a case, the company has two options:
a. The company may adjourn the AGM and later issue the required notice in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The S.R. appointing the auditors shall be passed in the adjourned AGM.
b. The company may omit the item in the agenda regarding the appointment of auditors. The auditors shall be appointed by the Central Government in such a case.
Q.No.40. MNC Ltd in which 24% of the subscribed capital is held by a public financial institution at the time of issuing the notice for the AGM, appoints RK & Co. as auditors by an ordinary resolution at the AGM when the Public Financial Institution increased its stake in MNC Ltd to 25 % of its subscribed capital after issue of such notice.
Sol.: Write the previous answer with necessary modifications.
Q.No.41. At the AGM of a company in which a nationalised bank held 20% of the subscribed capital, X, a C.A., was appointed as auditors by passing an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Sec.224A of the Act provides in case of a company in which not less 25% of subscribed share capital is held, whether singly or in any combination, amongst others, by a nationalised bank or an insurance company carrying on general meeting of an auditor or auditors shall be made by a special resolution. In the given case, the nationalised bank held only 20% of the subscribed share capital which in fact is less than 25%. Thus, the appointment of X, by an ordinary resolution is valid.
Q.No.42. An auditor purchased goods worth Rs. 1,500 on credit from a company being audited by him. The company allowed him normal credit which is allowed to all others.
Sol.: Sec. 226(3) of the Companies Act, 1956 specifies that a person shall be disqualified to act as an auditor if he is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees. Where an auditor purchases goods from a company audited by him on credit, he is definitely indebted to the company and if the amount outstanding exceeds rupees one thousand, he is disqualified for appointment as an auditor of the company, consequently he has deemed to have vacated his office. It will not make any difference even if the company allows him the same period of credit as it allows to other customers on the normal terms and conditions of the business.
Q.No.43. An auditor became aware a matter regarding a Company, only after he had issued his audit opinion. Had he become aware of the same prior to his issuing the audit report, he would have issued a different opinion. Advice the auditor about the action to be taken.
Sol.: Sec.231 of the Companies Act, 1956 empowers the auditors of a company to attend any general meeting of the company. Normally speaking, an auditor considers subsequent events only upto the date of issuance of the audit report. The discovery of a fact after the issuance of the financial statements that existed at the date of the audit report which would have caused the revision of the audit report requires that the auditor bring this to the notice of shareholders. Likewise, it may be advisable for the auditor to attend the meeting with a view to bringing to the notice of the shareholders any matter which came to his knowledge after signing the report.
Q.No.44. X Ltd. was incorporated on 1.2.1998 and Mr. P who is related to the chairman of the company was appointed as auditor by the Board of Directors on 3.3.1998. Comment.
Sol.: There are two issues arising out of this problem viz.,¬ first one relates to appointment of auditor by the Board of Directors & second would pertain to relation of such an auditor with the chairman of the company. As per Sec.224 of the Act, the first auditor of a company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within 1 month of the date of registration of the company. As per the facts given in the case, the board has failed to appoint the first auditor within one month of the registration of company. Therefore the appointment shall be made by shareholder’s in general meeting. Thus, the appointment of Mr. P is not valid. Relation with the chairman is not a matter to be considered.
Q.No.45. The Board of Directors of X Ltd. are desirous of appointing CD & Co. as their auditors, what qualifications are necessary for the auditor to be so appointed?
Sol.: Refer to the “Qualifications of an auditor” question in auditor lesson - Sec. 226..
Q.No.46. You are appointed as the auditor of space Travels ltd. for audit fees of Rs.15,000. You purchased air ticket from Bombay to madras valued for 3,500 from them and the amount remains unpaid at the end of the year. Comment.
Sol.: Since the amount exceeded 1,000 the disqualifications given in Sec.226 are attached to the auditor and therefore the office of auditor is deemed to be vacated.
Q.No.47. The liability of audit fees of a company has been outstanding since last two years. This year after completion of audit, the auditor informs to the secretary of the company to bring the cheque of all the 3 years fees and take delivery of the audit report.
Sol.: Sec.224(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with fixation of remuneration of an auditor. However, the Act is silent on the mode of recovery of remuneration by an auditor. Normally speaking, an auditor has right to receive his remuneration after com¬pleting his work, that is, submission of the audit report. But as a matter of professional ethics, it would not be proper for the auditor if he links delivery of the audit report conditional upon receipt of audit fees. Moreover he would not be performing his duties under the companies act, 1956 in such case. It would be better to approach the Court of Law only after submitting his audit report.
Q.No.48. The auditor appointed by a company accepted the audit on the basis of a certificate issued by the directors that company has complied with the requirements of the companies Act, 1956 relating to his appointment. Subsequently it was found that the company had failed to pass the special resolution required for his appointment.
Sol.: An auditor cannot merely rely on the certificate of the directors. The company has failed to comply with Sec.224A, and therefore the appointment is invalid. Sec. 224(3) is attracted (i.e. appointment by C.G.). Further as per C.A. act, 1949, if a member accepts audit of a company without checking that the company has complied with the requirements of Sec.224 and 225, he is guilty of professional misconduct.
Q.No.49. Mr. X a practicing chartered accountant, holds 35 company audits including 15 public companies, 7 other companies having paid capital exceeding 25 lakhs of which 2 are private companies and the rest are audit of branches of companies. Has Mr. X violated any provisions of the companies Act, 1956 or is he guilty of professional misconduct?
Sol.: Audits which are taken for counting as per Sec.224(1B):
Public companies
Companies (> 25Lakhs, excluding private co.’s) 15
The audits are within the ceiling limit (i.e. 20 excluding private co.’s, branches etc.) prescribed by the act. Therefore there is no violation of the act.
Note: ICAI has issued a notification which specifically restricts the number of audits to be handled by a member to 30, including audit of private companies. If the member exceeds the said ceiling, he is guilty of professional misconduct even through there may not be any violation u/s 224 (1B).
Q.No.50. The incoming auditor of a company did not communicate with the previous auditor on the contention that the previous auditor had resigned on health grounds and not due to professional reasons.
Sol.: As per C.A. Act, 1949, a Chartered Accountant in practice should not accept a position as an auditor previously held by another chartered accountant without first communicating with him in writing. The object of this clause is to enable the auditor to find whether there exist reasonable reasons as to why he should not accept the appointment.
Q.No.51. The statutory auditor need not examine matters reported by the branch auditor since he is not responsible for the work of the branch auditor.
Sol.: Though he is not responsible for work performed by branch auditor, he is responsible to consider the Report of the branch auditor in preparing his report as required by Sec.227 (3). Further, the qualifications made by the branch auditor in his report will be dealt with by the company auditor in following two ways:
1. 1st way: Put the same in the company auditor’s audit report.
2. 2nd way: Ignore the same in the following cases:
a. The objections of the branch auditor have been met while conducting the head office audit.
b. The matter on which the qualification is made by the branch auditor is not so material in comparison of the company as a whole.
c. Due to the availability of information, which was not available to branch auditor, the qualifications made by the branch auditor get settled.
Q.No.52. The statutory auditor while reporting on the accounts dropped all the qualifications made by the branch auditor of the company even without consulting the branch auditor.
Sol.: Refer to the previous ans.
Q.No.53.The audit report of a branch auditor contains some qualifications. Comment.
Sol.: Refer to the previous ans.
Q.No.54. The branch auditors of a company were appointed by the central statutory auditors. In terms of their appointment letter, they were not permitted to include any comment or make any qualification unless agreed to by the central statutory auditors.
Sol.: The branch Auditors are to be appointed by the Company/Board with or without consulting the Statutory Auditors. The Central Statutory Auditors cannot appoint the Branch Auditor nor can they restrict their scope of work. The Central Statutory Auditor cannot prevent the Branch Auditor from making any comments or qualifications on the accounts audited by the Branch Auditor. The Central Statutory Auditor, however, has discretionary powers not to incorporate the Branch Auditor’s comments/qualifications in their final report.
Q.No.55. While conducting the audit of a limited company for the year ended 31st March, 2003, the auditor called for the ledger for ascertaining the details of a particular account. The ledger could not be made available to him as it was destroyed due to space constraint as per the instruction of the Executive Director of the company.
Sol.: The non-availability of the ledger in respect of accounting year ended on March 31, 2003 to ascertain the details of a particular account by the auditor has 3 fold implications viz., first, the auditor is not able to obtain sufficient audit evidence, 2nd violation of Sec.209 of the Companies Act & 3rd is Sec.227.
As far as the first aspect is concerned, the auditor may even consider disclaimer of opinion depending upon materiality of the amount particularly having regard to overall impact the violation of provisions of the Companies Act by the company Act by the company on financial statements.
As far as the 2nd aspect is concerned, it is clear that the company has violated the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 since the books of account relating to accounting period for not less than eight years immediately preceding the current year are to be preserved in goods order by ever company.
As far as the 3rd aspect is concerned, the auditor is also required to report whether the company has maintained proper books of account or not as per Sec.227.
Q.No.56. The Managing Director of a company has issued instruction to maintain the books of account of the company for the last five years in good condition.
Sol.: Refer to the previous question.
Q.No.57. No resolution was passed by a company for remuneration of the retiring auditor at the time of his re-appointment.
Sol.: If no resolution is passed for remuneration of the retiring auditor at the time of his re-appointment, the existing remuneration will continue.
Q.No.58. After re-appointment of the retiring auditor at the annual general meeting of a company, it was found that the auditor has borrowed Rs.50,000 from the company.
Sol.: In this case, it is clear that the re-appointment of the auditor by the company is defective and it will attract Sec.224 (3) i. e. Power of the Central Government to appoint auditor of the company.
Q.No.59. A Ltd. holds 40% of the shares of B Ltd., which were pledged by A Ltd. to a nationalized bank for a term loan. The auditor of B Ltd. was re-appointed in the AGM by ordinary resolution.
Sol.: As per the DCA notification, if a nationalised bank holds shares of a company (whether by way of investment or as a security for a loan or advance) and if the name of the bank is entered on the Register of Members of the company as a beneficial holder, then holding of shares by the nationalized bank will attract section 224A i. e. appointment of auditor by special resolution. Therefore, appointment, of auditor of B Ltd by ordinary resolution in the AGM is void and it is deemed that no auditor has been appointed and Sec.224 (3) is attracted i.e. Power of the Central Government to appoint auditor of the company.
Q.No.60. A firm of chartered accountants was appointed as auditor of a company and one of the partners of the firm was holding shares in that company. However the audit report was signed by another partner of the firm. Will your answer be different if a relative of the partner was holding the said shares?
Sol.: One of the disqualifications as per Sec.226 is holding securities of the company. Further, according to Sec.226, even if one partner is disqualified, the firm is disqualified. It is immaterial whether one partner is holding shares and another is singing the audit report. However, the said disqualification under section 226 will not be attracted if a relative of the partner is holding the said shares. But as per the code of conduct as given by the Chartered accountants regulation act, 1949, a member will be held guilty of professional misconduct, if he or his partner or his firm or their relatives hold substantial interest in an enterprise & he expresses his opinion on the financial statements of such enterprise without disclosing such interest in his report.
Q.No.61. Can a person holding any security of a company be appointed as an auditor of that company? What will be the position, if his relative holds such securities?
Sol.: As per Sec.226, a person shall not be qualified for appointment as an auditor of a company if he holds any security of that company. The expression ‘security’ for this purpose means any instrument which carries voting rights. In case any security of the company is held by a relative of an auditor, the above clause is not attracted. However, as per Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, the auditor should disclose his interest while making the report. If this disclosure is not made, it would amount to misconduct under that act.
Q.No.62. The first auditor did not give notice to the ROC for accepting the audit.
Sol.: The requirement of giving notice to the ROC has been prescribed only in respect of appointment in an AGM under Sec.224(1) and therefore is not applicable to appointment of First auditor being appointed by the Board of director’s in board meeting.
Q.No.63. A, a chartered accountant has been appointed as auditor of Laxman Ltd. in the Annual General Meeting of the company held in September, 2000, which assignment he accepted. Subsequently in January, 2001 he joined B, another chartered accountant, who is the Manager Finance of Laxman Ltd., as partner.
Sol.: Sec. 226(3) prescribes that any person who is a partner of an officer or employee of the company will be disqualified to act as an auditor of a company. It further says that an auditor who becomes subject, after his appointment, to any of the disqualifications he shall be deemed to have vacated his office as an auditor. In the present case, A an auditor of M/s Laxman Ltd., joined as partner with B, who is Manager Finance of M/s Laxman Limited, has attracted Sec.226 and, therefore, he shall be deemed to have vacated office of the auditor of M/s. Laxman Limited.
Q.No.64. The statutory auditor of a government company was appointed by the C.G.
Sol.: The appointment is to be made by the C & AG and not by the Central Government.
Q.No.65. K, a chartered accountant, was appointed as auditor of Y Ltd. in the 12th Annual general Meeting of the company in September, 1999. In June, 2000 the company removed him through a resolution in the general meeting and appointed Ram as its auditor.
Sol.: The removal of auditor K, a chartered accountant, before the expiry of the term of an auditor’s appointment by Y Ltd. is invalid. An auditor may be removed from office before the expiry of his term, by the company only in a general meeting after obtaining the prior approval of the Central Government in that behalf. However such approval is not required for the removal of the first auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. Since prior approval of the C.G. has not been obtained, the removal of K is not valid & K continues to be the auditor. Appointment of Ram is void.
Q.No.66. Y is the auditor of X Pvt Ltd. in which there are four shareholders only, who are also the Director’s of the company. On account of bad business and for reducing the expenses, the directors asked Y to accept a reduced fee and for that he has been offered not to carry out full audit. Y accepted the suggestions of the directors.
Sol.: Duties as a company auditor are laid down by law and no restriction of any kind can restrict the scope of his work either by the director or even by the entire body shareholders. There is no concept of full or part audit under Sec.227 of the Companies Act, 1956 and remuneration is a matter of arrangement between the auditor and the shareholders. Y, therefore, should, not accept the suggestions of the directors regarding the scope of the work to be done. But Y may agree to temporary reduction in audit fees. Y is violating the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
Q.No.67. While conducting the audit of a limited company, the auditor wanted to refer to the Minute Books. The Board of Directors refused to show the Minute Books to the auditor.
Sol.: Sec.227 grants powers to the auditor right of access, at all times, to the books and account including all statutory records such as minute books fixed assets register etc. In order to verify actions taken by the company and to vouch and verify some of the transactions of the company, it is necessary for the auditor to refer to the decisions of the shareholders and the directors of the company. In case the directors have refused to produce the Minute Books the auditor may consider extending the audit procedure as also consider qualifying his report in any appropriate manner.
Q.No.68. Due to the resignation of the existing auditor(s) the board of directors of X Ltd appointed Mr.Hari as the auditor. Is it valid?
Sol.: The resignation of the existing auditor(s) would give rise to a casual vacancy. As per the companies act casual vacancy can be filled by the Board of Directors, provided such vacancy has not been caused by the resignation of the auditor. The rationale behind such a provision is to ensure that resignation is a matter of great concern and, thus, it is necessary that all shareholders must be known of reasons connected with resignation. The vacancy can be filled by shareholders.
Q.No.69. Abishek, a practicing C.A. is attending to the tax matters of A Ltd., and for that purpose he has to regularly attend to the company from 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days. He is paid Rs. 5,000 p.m. for the same. A Ltd., intends to appoint Abishek as its auditor at the next general meeting. Advise whether Abishek can accept the appointment.
Sol.: According to Section 226(3), an employee or an officer of a Company cannot be appointed as its Auditor. An auditor may render services to the Company in matters relating to Taxation, Management Consultancy or other related area as long as his contract is a “Contract for services” (retainer ship) and not a “Contract of service” (i.e. employment). There is no prohibition for charging fee on monthly basis.
In the given case, Abishek attends office regularly from 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days. Assuming he is not bound by the office timings but is attending to tax matters regularly during office working hours according to his own convenience. If it is a part-time service contract, he cannot be appointed. On the other hand, if it is a retainer ship, he may be appointed.
Q.No.70. The first auditor of ‘AB’ Ltd. was appointed by the directors 2 months after registration of the Company;
Sol.: Sec.224 states that the first auditors of the company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within one month from the date of Registration of the Company. In case the Board fails to make the appointment within the time allowed the company in general meeting shall appoint the first auditor. In view of the above legal requirement, the appointment of the first auditor of AB Ltd. by the Board of Directors after the expiry of period prescribed is not valid.
Q.No.71. Core Ltd. is a Public Ltd. Company with 25% of Subscribed Share Capital (both equity and preference) being held by a Nationalised Bank. The auditor was appointed by the Company in General Meeting by an ordinary resolution.
Sol.: Normally the auditor is appointed by an ordinary resolution. However, as per Sec.224 A of Companies Act, 1956, special resolution is required to be passed if not less then 25% of the subscribed share capital (both equity and preference) is held either jointly or individually by the following institutions:¬
a. Any public financial institution, Central or State Government companies.
b. State financial institutions created by special Acts in which at least 51% of the share capital is held by the State Government.
c. Nationalised Bank or Insurance Companies doing General insurance business.
If the appointment of the auditor in such cases is by ordinary resolution instead of by special resolution, it is deemed that no auditor had been appointed and the Central Government shall have the power to fill the vacancy of auditor. Hence, the appointment by ordinary resolution is invalid.
Q.No.72. At the AGM of ICCI Ltd. Mr. X was appointed as the statutory auditor. He, however, resigned after 3 months since he wants to shift from practice to job. State how the new auditor will be appointed by ICCI Ltd.
1. Meaning: No definition is given in the act. In the opinion of the DCA, it means a vacancy in the position/office of the auditor after he was validly appointed and the appointment was accepted.
2. Reasons: This may arise due to death, disqualification, dissolution of the firm of auditors or resignation, etc.
3. Who has to fill this?
a. If it was due to resignation - only by shareholders.
b. If it was due to other reasons - By board of directors.
4. Thus, in this case ICCI Ltd will have to call an extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM) and appoint another auditor. The new auditor so appointed shall hold office only till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.
Q.No.73. Triveni Sugars Ltd. Allahabad, closes its books on 31st March every year. For the year 1996-97, the original books comprising of cash book, purchases and sales day books, ledgers are confiscated by the CBI authorities for an inquiry on a complaint by the workers. The documents/records such as vouchers, correspondence etc. were still in the custody of the company. For the completion of the audit, the company made an extract of cash book, ledgers, etc. and duly certified the same as true copies. Assuming you is the statutory auditor of the company, how would you deal with this situation?
Sol.: In given case, the auditor, is not justified in disclaiming his opinion, because the original documents and vouchers are still available. However, he should qualify his audit report by mentioning the fact of the confiscation of the ledgers, day book etc. by the authorities. He has to mention that he is unable to examine whether proper books of accounts as required by law are maintained due to non-availability of original ledgers. The fact that Xerox copies of such books and ledgers have been produced to him shall also be included in the report.
Q.No.74. The company’s books of accounts were seized by the Enforcement Directorate and were not available for audit. The auditors issued qualified report to the shareholders explaining the position. The company is a public limited company. State with reasons whether or not the form of reporting of the auditor to the shareholders complied with the statutory requirement.
Sol.: From the question it is clear that the books of accounts were not available to the auditor to conduct the audit. Sec.227 requires the auditor to comment on “Whether in his opinion, proper books of accounts, as required by law have been kept by company”. The books are not available to make any such comment. Further, for issuance of a audit report, the auditor must have evidence with him based on the examination of the books of accounts. Such evidence was totally unavailable to the auditor in the present case. As such the auditor should have given a disclaimer of opinion in place of a qualified opinion. Therefore, the auditor has not fulfilled the legal requirements of Sec.227 of the Com¬panies Act.
Q.No.75. The premises of ABC Private Ltd. were raided by the income tax authorities on 15-12-1997. All accounting and statistical records were seized by the department. The company managed to obtain photo copies of cash book and ledger only. The records of the remaining period after the raid up to the date of closing accounts i.e. 31-3-1998 were complete. You are the statutory auditor of ABC Private Ltd. Comment.
Sol.: In the given case, the auditor has to disclaim his opinion because the substantial part of the books of the accounts is not available, since they have been confiscated by the authorities. In the given case, even the original vouchers have been confiscated. This results in limitation of the scope.
Q.No.76. Whether the following persons can be appointed as the auditor of a company?
a. A person who is a Chartered Accountant of the Canadian Insti¬tute of Chartered Accountants but is not a member of the Insti¬tute of Chartered Accountants of India.
b. Mrs. P is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The directors of a limited company say that she being a lady can not be appointed as an auditor of the company.
c. Mr. A owes Rs. 1,000 to A Ltd. of which be is an auditor.
d. Mr. A, a member of the ICAI, does not hold a certificate of practice.
e. Mr. A, who was a member of the ICAI, is of unsound mind.
f. Mr. A, who was a member of the ICAI, is of insolvent/Bankrupt.
g. Abi Consultants Ltd is a registered company with A, K and V as its Directors. All the three Directors are Chartered Accountants. Can the Co. be appointed as auditor of another Company?
h. A, a partner in the firm of M/s Balaji & Co., Chartered Accountants, is the Secretary of C Ltd. Can A or Balaji & Co., be appointed as the Company Auditor?
i. B, Chartered Accountant, is the partner of N, who is a Director in P Ltd. Can B be appointed as Statutory Auditor?
j. A, a Chartered Accountant, is a director of A Ltd., which is a subsidiary of B Ltd. The Board of Directors of B Ltd. proposes to appoint Mr. A as the auditor of B Ltd. Discuss.
a. He cannot be appointed an auditor of a limited company in India. He must be a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
b. Mrs. P can be appointed as an auditor of the company. There is no bar on a lady.
c. Mr. A is not disqualified. He will be disqualified only if he owes an amount in excess of 1,000.
d. A does not hold a COP and hence cannot be appointed as an auditor of a company.
e. Mr. A, being of unsound mind, cannot continue himself to be a member of this Institute. Therefore, he cannot be appointed as the auditor of any company.
f. Mr. A, being insolvent, cannot continue himself to be a member of this Institute. Therefore, he cannot be appointed as the auditor of any company.
g. A Body Corporate cannot be appointed as Statutory Auditor of a Company. In the above case, the Company cannot be appointed as Statutory Auditor of another Company.
h. A, being an Officer of the Company is disqualified. Also, M/s Balaji & Co., is not qualified to be appointed as auditor as one of its partners is an employee of the Company.
i. B is not qualified to be appointed as auditor, as u/s 223(3), a person who is a partner of an officer of a Company cannot be appointed as its auditor.
j. A is not qualified to be appointed as auditor of B Ltd., because a person who is not qualified to be the auditor of a company would also not be qualified to be auditor of such company’s subsidiary, or holding company.
Q.No.77. The auditor of a company was declared insolvent due to a major loss in his family business. The company has removed the auditor on the contention that he cannot continue as auditor due to his disqualification of insolvency
Sol: Insolvency of an auditor is not included under disqualification in Sec.226 but the auditor cannot continue to be a member of the Institute under Sec.8 of the C. A. Act, 1949. Therefore, he is not qualified under Sec.226. (“Not qualified” is different from disqualified.)
Q.No.78. D Ltd is a public Company has defaulted in the filing of annual accounts and annual returns and / or in the repayment of deposits / debentures. H is the Director of that company. Can H hold the Directorship of (1) R Limited (2) N Private Limited? Would it make any difference if D Ltd were a Private Limited Company?
Directors’ Disqualification u/s 274(1)(g): A person shall not be capable of being appointed Director of a Company, if he is already a Director of a public Company which:
a. Has not filed the annual accounts and annual returns for any continuous 3 financial years Or
b. Has failed to repay its deposit or interest thereon on due date or redeem its debentures on due date or pay dividend and such failure continues for one year or more.
In the instant case, it is presumed that the time period of three years/ one year is applicable to D Ltd. Hence, H is disqualified from acting as a director of R Limited & N Private Limited. Section 274(1)(g) is applicable to public and private Companies.
If D Ltd. is a private company: If D Ltd were a Private Limited Company, then 274(1) (g) would not be applicable. Prima facie, there is no express provision in the Act to disqualify Directors if such default is committed by Private Companies.
Q.No.79. The total sales of Z was Rs.1,00,00,000. Out of which, the company failed to submit cash sales vouchers amounting to Rs.25,000. The Co. requested their auditors not to quality their report.
Sol.: Vouchers for each sales amounting to Rs.25,000 were not submitted. The total sales were 1,00,00,000. It covers only 0.25% of total sales which was very insignificant compared to total sales. Considering the adequacy of internal control, the Auditor may not qualify the report.
Q.No.80. The auditor fails to obtain sufficient information to form an overall opinion on the matters contained in the financial statements.
Sol.: The auditor is required to obtain necessary information and explanations which he considers essential for performing his duties as an auditor. However, there may be instances when an auditor fails to obtain sufficient information to form an overall opinion on the matters contained in the financial statements.
Such a situation may happen: Write the “Disclaimer of opinion”.
Q.No.81. After completing the audit of a Company for the first half year of its financial Year, the auditor expires, and in his place you have been appointed. State the extent to which you would rely on the work performed by the later auditor, while completing the audit.
Sol.: The newly appointed auditor should take the following steps in this regard.
a. Examine the audit programme of the late auditor to ensure that all areas were well covered.
b. Carry out test check of the audit already undertaken to determine the nature and extent of audit test to be performed on the audit work already completed.
c. Scrutinize the audit working paper and audit note book carefully and see that explanation in respect of all queries have been duly recorded. If not the present auditor should obtain satisfactory explanation.
d. Study the interim report, if any, submitted by the late auditor.
It should be kept in mind that ultimate responsibility of any differences in accounts even for the first half of the financial year rests on the present auditor. The present auditor cannot deny his responsibility on the ground the first half of the accounts were audited by the late auditor.
Q.No.82. Mr. X, a partner of X’ & Co., chartered Accountant died of a heart attack on 30.3.99 after completing the entire routine audit work of T Ltd. Mr. Y one of the partners of the firm therefore signed the accounts of T Ltd without reviewing the finalisation work done by the assistants. State with reasons your views.
Sol.: As per SAP-1 “when the auditor delegates work to assistants or uses work performed by other auditors and experts, he will continue to be responsible for forming and expressing his opinion on the financial information. However, he will be entitled to rely on work performed by others, provided he exercises adequate skill and care and is not aware of any reason to believe that he should not have so relied”. Further, it states that, “the auditor should carefully direct, supervise and review work delegated to assistants”. In the present case, it is not clear whether Mr.X did review the work performed by assistants or not. Now, it is the duty of Mr. Y to review the work performed by the assistants before he expresses an opinion on financial statements. Accordingly, Mr.Y had failed to exercise adequate skill and care since he did not review the work performed by the assistants.
Q.No.83. The Auditor does not agree with affirmations made in the financial statements.
a. The financial information contained in the financial statements represents affirmations made by the management in respect of various assets and liabilities included therein as to their valuation, existence, completeness, proper presentation and disclosure by the management to arrive at the final amounts being included in the financial statements.
b. When the auditor does not agree with affirmations made in the financial statements he either issues a qualified or negative opinion, based on the seriousness of disagreement.
c. It may be noted that in actual practice it is quite common to come across qualified reports while adverse reports are quite rare.
Q.No.84. After the statutory audit has been completed a fraud has been detected at the office of the client. What is your defense as an auditor?
Sol.: Refer to the last question of the auditor lesson.
Q.No.85. Mr. Y, a chartered accountant, who has been in practice for the last 10 years, has retained his working papers only for the last three years. Is the action of Mr. X correct?
Sol.: As per SAP 3, ICAI prescribed the member’s to retain the working paper’s for a period 10 years. Therefore the member is guilty of professional negligence.
Q.No.86. Special audit can be ordered by the central government U/s 233A of the companies act if a company sustained losses continuously for two years and the special auditor may not be a chartered accountant in practice. Comment.
Sol.: Special Audit U/s 233 A of the Companies Act, 1956 can be ordered by the Central Government, if it is of the opinion:
a. Where the companies affairs are not carried on according to commercially prudent practices.
b. Where the companies affairs are managed in such a manner as to damaging the industry to which the company belongs.
c. When the financial position of the company may result into solvency.
In view of the aforesaid provisions, mere incurrence of loss continuously for two years may not be a valid ground for ordering special audit unless the solvency of the company is endangered. Therefore, the statement is false. However, this section empowers the Central Government to appoint a Chartered Accountant (whether or not such chartered accountant is in practice) or the company’s auditor himself to conduct special audit. Hence the second part of the statement is true.
Q.No.87. The register of members of C Ltd. has not been written up-to-date and as a result the balances in the register do not agree with the amount of issued share capital. Comment.
Sol.: Register of members is a statutory book which every company must keep. Therefore the auditor should advise the company to update the register and then examine its agreement with the amount of issued capital. If the company fails to update the register before completion of audit, he should qualify his report starting that proper books of account and records as required by law have not been kept giving the nature of the defect noticed by him.
Q.No.88. The profit and loss account and balance sheet of a listed company have not been prepared in accordance with some of the applicable accounting standards. Examine the responsibility of the directors and auditors in this regard under the Companies Act, 1956. (Or) The management tells you that there is no need for them to follow accounting standards specified by the ICAI as these are for the Auditor to follow. Comment on the above.
Sol.: Section 211(3A) provides that every Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the Company shall comply with the Accounting Standards (AS). If the AS are not complied with, it is obligatory on the part of the Company to state deviations from the AS, reasons for such deviation; and, the financial effect, if any, arising due to such deviations.
Sec. 217 - Director’s responsibility statement: The board’s report shall also include a Director’s responsibility statement containing, that in the preparation of financial statements accounting standards had been followed. Since in this case the same have not been followed they have to report the same.
Auditor’s Duties: The Auditor is required to state in his report u/s 227, whether, in his opinion, the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet comply with the accounting standards referred to in Section 211(3C).
Q.No.89. X, a CA in practice is a Statutory Auditor of MNO Ltd. He purchased a car from the Company under the hire purchase scheme run by the company on the same terms and conditions as applicable to all other customers. The Auditor has become indebted and is disqualified to act as Auditor. Do you agree? Why?
Sol:. Sec.226 provides that a person who is indebted to the Company for an amount exceeding Rs.1,000 shall be disqualified to act as an Auditor of that Company. He shall vacate his place of office in case he becomes indebted subsequent to his appointment. In this case though the goods are purchased based on the credit allowed to other customers, still these provisions are applicable.
Q.No.90. Can the Board of directors of a company decide to prepare the balance sheet and profit and loss account for a financial year exceeding 12 months?
Sol.: The period for which profit and loss account is prepared shall be referred to as a financial year. It may be less or more than a calendar year, but it shall not exceed 15 months. However, it may extend to 18 months with the special permission of the registrar (Sec.210). Thus, in the given case, the B/s & P&L a/c may be prepared for a period exceeding 12 months but upto a period of 15 months only. However, if special permission of registrar is obtained, this may extend to 18 months.
Q.No.91. A Company has established several plants at different places and ends the accounting year on 31st March. Recently it established another plant, which went into production on 1st July and wants to adopt a separate accounting year for that. How would you deal with the above situation?
Sol.: The Company may follow its own accounting year but there is no scope u/s 210 to adopt different accounting years for the different segments of the Company. In the above case, the new plant, which went into production, is a part and parcel of the existing Company. Hence, a business segment/ plant cannot have a different accounting year other than the one adopted by the company.
Q.No.92. Does the death or retirement of a partner of a firm result in disqualification of the firm to act as an auditor? (Or) One of the partners of a firm of C.A.’s appointed as auditors dies.
Sol.: Where any of the partners of a firm retires or dies, a change in constitution of the firm takes place. However, a partnership firm is dissolved on the death of any of the partner, if provided in the partnership deed. If partnership is dissolved casual vacancy arises. In that case directors can fill up such vacancy. However, if the firm is not dissolved and thus no casual vacancy arises. As such the remaining partners can carry on the existing audits provided the firm continues to be in practice and the fact of retirement or death of the partner is known to the company.
Q.No.93. Mr. A and Mr. B have been carrying on the profession of chartered accountants under the name of M/s Master Minds & Co., since 1996 under a deed of partnership dated 1.5.1996. C was introduced as a partner in M/s Master Minds & Co., on 09.09.03 and the name was changed to M/s New Master Minds & Co. Due to change in name, it is contended by a Company “X Ltd” (For which Master minds is the auditor) that the old firm ceases to be the auditors of the Company & new auditors shall be appointed at an EGM. State your opinions whether such contention is correct.
Sol.: Admission of a partner amounts to Reconstitution of the Firm. After reconstitution, it continues to carry on its profession and the firm is not dissolved as such. The audit Firm should communicate the change in its name to the Company under audit. The question of appointment of new auditors in an EGM does not arise.
Q.No.94. You are the Statutory Auditor of a limited company is engaged in the manufacture of chemicals. The company has a turnover exceeding Rs.5 Crores for a period of three consecutive financial years immediately preceding the financial year concerned, but does not have an internal audit system. Give your views.
Sol.: CARO 2003 requires the statutory auditor to report on the existence of internal audit system in the case of company who’s paid up share capital & reserves has exceeded Rs.50 lakhs at the beginning of the current financial year or whose average annual turnover for the last 3 consecutive financial years has exceeded Rs.5 crores preceding the current financial year.
The non-existence of Internal Audit System will have following impact on the auditor’s work/report:
a. More substantive audit procedures are required since the efficacy of internal control system would itself be questionable.
b. The auditor has to report the non-existence of the Internal Audit system in his Report.
Q.No.95. The directors Report of a Government company is silent on the comments made by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in his supplementary audit report.
Sol: In the absence of provisions requiring the board of directors to give reply on the qualifications made by the C & AG, the board of directors of such a company is not bound to give explanation in respect of such comments. However the boards of directors are still have to reply to the qualifications made by the statutory auditor.
Q.No.96. The cost auditor of a company was appointed by the Board of Directors.
Sol: According to Sec.233B, the cost auditor is to be appointed by the Board with the prior approval of the Central Government.
Q.No.97. M, an officer of the SEBI, reaches the registered office of the company for inspection without any prior notice or appointment. Can the officer be allowed to take inspection?
Sol.: As per Sec. 209A of the Companies Act, 1956 the books of accounts of every company can be inspected by such officers authorised by SEBI. It is further provided that such inspection may be made without giving any previous notice to the company. Thus in the given case M shall be allowed to take inspection of the books of accounts.
Q.No.98. A company paid interest on capital at the rate of 12% during the construction period since the project will take substantial period of time for commencement of production.
Sol.: Sec.208 provides for payment of interest, if the following conditions are satisfied:
a. The AOA shall authorise such payment Or a S.R. shall be passed authorising such payment.
b. The permission from the C.G. shall be obtained.
c. The rate of interest will be determined by C.G. and it shall not exceed 12%.
d. Before permitting the payment, the C.G. may appoint a person for enquiry.
e. Payment of interest shall be made only for such period as may be determined by C.G.
Assuming that the above conditions are satisfied, payment of interest is valid.
Q.No.99. The company had borrowed Rs.100 lakhs from ICICI, which it is unable to repay on the due date. The accrued unpaid interest on the same is Rs.25 lakhs. There is a stipulation that on default in repayment, there would be a penal interest payable, which would amount to Rs.10 lakhs. The company has applied to ICICI for rescheduling the repayment and waiver of a part of the accrued interest and the penal interest. As on the date of audit, the said application is still pending.
Sol.: The contention of the management is not tenable simply because application for rescheduling the repayment and waiver of a part of the accrued interest and the penal interest has been made to the ICICI. In any case, a company has to follow accrual system of accounting as per Sec.209 of the Companies Act, 1956. As a matter of fact, the auditor must ensure that provisions for the entire amount of accrued interest as also the penal interest has been made since the same has not been waived on the date of audit. Since the management does not wish to provide the above amounts, the auditor shall have to qualify the audit report.
Q.No.100. A company has a branch office, which recoded a turnover of Rs.1,99,000 in the current year. The auditor’s report of the current year had no reference regarding the branch although, the branch audit has not been carried out by the statutory auditor.
Sol.: Under Sec. 228(4), the Central Government has formulated Companies (Branch Audit Exemptions) Rules, 1961 to exempt any branch office of a company from being audited having regard to quantum of activity. These Rules require that, if during the said financial year, the average quantum of activity of the branch does not exceed Rs.2 lakhs or 2% of the average of total turnover and the earning from other sources of the company as a whole, whichever is higher, the said branch is exempted. In the case under review, the turnover is below Rs.2 lakhs and other information has not been furnished. Accordingly, it may be presumed, exemption may have been granted but still it is necessary that the fact must be mentioned in the audit report. Since, reference to branch is called for in the auditor’s report even if the same has been exempted by the Central Government, the auditor remains responsible.
Q.No.101. A company does not make provision for gratuity payable to its employees, instead, it accounts for gratuity at the time of actual payment.
Sol.: As per Sec.209 of the companies, the books of accounts are required to be maintained on accrual basis. Further Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956, liabilities for pension and other staff benefit schemes has to be shown as a provision under “Current liabilities and Provisions”. Further AS 15 also recommends that the gratuity is to be recognised on accrual basis. Therefore the company is to be suggested to provide the gratuity on accrual basis and not on cash basis. It not the auditor will quality his report.
Q.No.102. The debenture trust deed executed by T Ltd. stipulated the creation of a sinking fund for redemption of debentures. In terms of the Trust Deed, a specific amount was to be transferred to the sinking fund from out of the profits of each year. In spite of substantial profits in a year, no amount is found transferred to the Sinking Fund. State your views.
In the course of his normal duties, the auditor is expected to check compliance with conditions specified in the Debenture Trust Deed. The auditor should draw the attention of the Shareholders to the failure of the Company to create the Sinking Fund in terms of the Debentures Trust Deed. Since, no amount as stipulated in the Deed has been transferred to Sinking Fund Account as observed by the auditor; the auditor should qualify his audit report.
Q.No.103. State with reasons whether the following items are Reserves or Provisions?
a. The surplus arising on a professional revaluation of the company’s fixed assets.
b. The estimated cost of warranties (maintaining), for the remaining period of warrantee, machines sold during the year by the seller.
c. A sum set aside from profits towards a special publicity campaign, which the directors are considering to start in the following year.
a. The surplus arising on a professional revaluation of the company’s fixed assets is a Capital Reserve, as it would not be free for distribution through the Profit and Loss Account.
b. The estimated cost of maintenance, for the remaining period of warrantee, of machines sold during the year is a provision, as it is a sum retained by way of providing for a known liability the exact amount of which cannot be determined with substantial accuracy.
c. A sum, set aside from profits, towards a special publicity campaign, which the directors are considering to start in the following year, is a Specific Reserve, since no liability in respect of the publicity campaign has not yet arised.
Q.No.104. State the treatment of the following transactions:
a. Substantial Expenditure incurred for the repair of machinery.
b. Expenditure incurred to remove “Overburden” for purposes of facilitating mining activities.
c. Advertisement Campaign Expenditure incurred to introduce a new product in the market.
d. Training Expenses incurred by the company for technical personnel before commencement of commercial production by a new company.
a. Expenses which are essentially of a revenue nature, if incurred for creating an asset or addition to its value or achieving higher productivity are regarded as expenditure of a capital nature. As stated, substantial expenditure was incurred for repair of machinery indicating apparently that it does not amount to normal repair and maintenance expenditure. Therefore if such expenditure has added to its value or achieving higher productivity it needs to be capitalised.
b. The benefit of expenditure incurred to remove the “overburden” for purposes of facilitating mining activities, will be enjoyed so long mineral can be raised. Accordingly, such expenditure amounts to deferred revenue expenditure, the benefit of which is not exhausted within a year. Therefore, expenditure should be charged off on a per ton basis of stock of mineral to be extracted during the entire mining period.
c. The advertisement expenditure was incurred to launch and introduce a new product in the market. The benefits of this campaign will be enjoyed for a number of years to come. Accordingly, it would be incorrect to charge off the same to revenue. The correct policy would be to write off over the period for which the benefit will be enjoyed.
d. Training expenses of an existing company are, generally, charged off to revenue as these represent expenses incurred for upgrading and updating the existing skills of the employees, the benefit of which is of a short-term recurring nature.
However, training expenses incurred by a new company for technical personnel cannot be treated as a recurring expenditure incurred for purposes of updating and/or upgrading their existing level of skill as it has not yet come into commercial production. Such training is being organised as a new production process is being introduced. Accordingly, such expenditure should be treated as Deferred Revenue Expenditure and written over a period of years, as the benefits from such training will be enjoyed over a number of years to come.
Q.No.105. Provision for depreciation has not been made for the following reasons:
a. The present market value of the machinery is more than the original purchase price.
b. The machinery has been maintained in excellent way. The repairs and maintenance charges had been charged to revenue. The machinery is as good as new.
c. By charging the depreciation, the company may not be able to maintain the same rate of dividend as declared in earlier years.
Give your comments as an auditor on each of the above reasons.
a. The argument of the management of the company not to provide for depreciation on its assets on account of big appreciation in the market value of its assets is not acceptable as fixed assets are acquired for carrying on the business to earn profit and not to sell them at a profit. The utility of assets decreases on account of wear and tear, use and other factors. If no depreciation is provided it will not be possible to ascertain the correct cost of production and correct amount of net profit. Further, accounting standard AS 6 on depreciation accounting states that “the depreciable amount of a depreciable asset should be allocated on a systematic basis to each accounting period during the useful life of the asset”. Further as per companies act to declare a dividend providing depreciation is a must.
b. As per the definition of depreciation as given in AS - 6 “depreciation is a measure of the loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, fluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes”. Thus, depreciation arises due to efflux of time and therefore, depreciation should be provided irrespective of whether the assets were maintained very well during the year.
c. The mere fact that the company has not provided for depreciation in the accounts so as to maintain same rate of dividend as declared in earlier years is not accepted under law. Section 205 of the Companies Act provides that a company is not permitted to declare dividend in any year except (a) Out of profits for that year arrived at after providing for depreciation or (b) Out of the undistributed profits of the company for any previous year or years arrived at after providing for depreciation or (c) Out of the balances of profit mentioned in (a) and (b) above.
To the rule ‘no depreciation no dividend’ an exception has been provided in Section 205(1)(c) of the Act, where the Central Government, if its thinks necessary to do so in the public interest, allows any company to declare or pay dividend for any financial year out of the Profits of the company for that year or any previous financial year or years without providing for depreciation.
Q.No.106. The managing director of a company is of the opinion that, since the company is not going to declare any dividend for the financial year, provision for depreciation is not required.
Sol: According to Sec.205 of the Companies act, No dividend shall be declared except after providing for depreciation out of the profits of the current year. However, it is wrong to interpret that if the company is not going to declare any dividend, depreciation need not be provided because according to AS-6, depreciation is a cost to be absorbed in production and is require to keep capital in tact. Further, if provision for depreciation is not made, the profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet will not give a true and fair view. Therefore, the opinion of the MD is wrong.
Q.No.107. State with reasons, how the following items should be allocated to capital and revenue: a) Repairs to building done shortly after purchase & b) Costs of raising a loan
a. If the building was in defective condition at the time of its acquisition and the repairs were done to render it livable, this expenditure may be capitalised as a part of the cost of the building. However, the cost of minor or normal repairs incurred necessary to maintain the building in proper condition should be written off to revenue.
b. The costs of raising a loan are capital expenditure similar to public issue expenses (i.e. the cost of issuing shares and debentures). Since such expenditure is not represented by any available assets, thus it should more normally be written off to revenue. Alternatively, it may be treated as deferred revenue and written off over a short period.
Q.No.108. A company has scrapped a semi automatic part of a machine (not entirely written off) and replaced with a more expensive fully automatic part, which has doubled the output of the machine. At the same time the machine was moved to a more suitable place in the factory, which involved the building of a new foundation in addition to the cost of dismantling and re-erection. The company wants to charge the expenditure to revenue.
Sol.: The written down value of the semi automatic part is required to be written off to the revenue. The whole expenditure incurred in purchasing the fully automatic part and in repositioning the machine is required to be treated as capital expenditure since the amount incurred has increased the earning capacity of the machine. In the instant case, it is clear that such expenditure cannot be treated revenue at any cost because of the enhanced earning capacity of the machine in the future. Therefore, the company’s contention to charge whole expenditure to revenue is not justifiable.
Q.No.109. No depreciation has been charged for the year ended 31st March, 2001, in respect of a spare Bus purchased during the year and kept ready by the company for use as a stand-by on the ground that it was not used during the year.
Sol.: As per AS-6 on Depreciation Accounting, depreciation is a measure of the loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, effluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes. Thus, depreciation has to be charged even in case of these assets which are not used at all during the year but by mere effluxion of time provided such assets qualify as depreciable assets. When the spare bus was kept ready for use as stand-by, it means it was intended to be used for the purpose of business. Depreciation in respect of this bus ought to have been provided in the accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2001. If there is an intention to use an asset, though it may not have actually been used, it is a passive use and eligible for claim of depreciation (i.e. for providing depreciation active usage is not needed).
Q.No.110. Bharat Machines Ltd. purchased two power capacitors for Rs.1,00,000 in the month January 1998. No depreciation was provided in the accounts since both the machines were not drawn from the store, for installation purposes. These items where thus not used. As auditor of the company, what would be your reaction? Will your view be different if the capacitors were drawn from the stores and installed but not used due to strike/lock-out of the factory? Comment.
Sol.: There is no need for providing depreciation in respect of the items kept in the stores as standby. As such, there is no requirement for providing for depreciation in respect of the 2 power capacitors. This is on the principle that the assets have not yet been installed. However the depreciation must be provided in case the capacitors have been installed but not used due to strike or lockout because the capacitors are made available for usage. But as per AS 6 since depreciation also results from efflux of time, depreciation shall be provided though the asset is not installed.
Q.No.111. Cost of structural alterations amounting to 60,000 to self owned factory premises has been charged to building repairs.
Sol.: Any subsequent expenditure on fixed assets which increases the future benefits arising from them beyond their previously assessed standards of performance amounts to capital expenditure. The word structural alteration would generally signify that some significant changes have taken place in the design of building to provide more strength to the building or expansion in the capacity of the building. Therefore, cost of 60,000 represents the cost of expansion or extension or any increase the life span of premises, it is a capital expenditure and an adjustment entry debiting buildings account and crediting building repairs account should be made and depreciation should also be provided accordingly.
Q.No.112. A publishing company undertook repair and overhauling of its machinery at a cost of Rs.250 lakhs to maintain them in good condition and capitalized the amount as it is more than 25% of the original cost of the machinery
Sol.: The money spent on the repair and overhaul of the machinery can be treated as capital expenditure, only if it results in increasing the earning capacity or reduction in the cost of production. In this case, neither the earning capacity has increased nor there is any reduction in the cost of production. In the absence of both these criteria, it is to be treated as revenue expenditure. The fact that maintenance expenditure is more than 25% of the original cost of the machinery would not change its nature, i.e. the amount of the expenditure is highly irrelevant for deciding whether to capitalise or charge to revenue.
Q.No.113. Rs. 5 lakhs paid by a pharma company to the legal advisor defending the patent of a product treated as Capital Expenditure.
Sol.: Legal expenses of Rs.5 lakhs incurred to defend the patent of a product of the Pharma Company is revenue expenditure pertaining to the asset since by this expenditure neither any durable benefit can be obtained in future in addition to what is presently available nor the capacity of the asset would be increased. Payment of legal fees is normally revenue expenditure irrespective of the amount involved unless same is incurred to bring any new asset into existence. Hence, treating such expenditure as capital expenditure is incorrect. The auditor to qualify audit report.
Q.No.114. The method of depreciation on plant and machinery is to be changed from SLM basis to WDV basis from the current year.
Sol.: It amounts to change in accounting policy - Refer to the AS 5 (Or 5th lesson in auditing).
Q.No.115. The management of XYZ Ltd. provided depreciation on plant and Machinery @ 15% on straight line basis, but in auditor’s opinion and as per the Companies act, 1956, the depreciation is required to be provided @ 10% under the same method. The directors of the company arguing that the rates provided in the companies act are minimum but not maximum. Comment.
Sol. The rates specified in companies act (Schedule XIV) are minimum rates only. The management can charge higher rate of depreciation and it shall be disclosed in the accounts. Further, as per schedule VI, if a provision has been made in excess of the amount necessary, the excess shall be treated as reserve.
Q.No.116. A company has made excess provision for depreciation on certain assets and the excess depreciation has not been disclosed separately.
Sol.: Refer to the previous answer.
Q.No.117. A company pulled down a old portion of factory building. The value of salvage material was Rs.25000. The company spent Rs.3,75,000 on reconstruction of old portion.
Sol.: An amount of Rs.375000 should be capitalized. This is so because the amount has been spent for the reconstruction of the old portion of the factory building. By doing so the efficiency and the effective life of the portion of factory building has been improved. The amount of Rs.25000 should be credited to the factory building account.
Q.No.118. Due to fire in the factory the Plant and Machinery got damaged. The estimated cost of repairs was nominal i.e. Rs.5,000. However a suggestion was received that if the design of the Plant and Machinery during such repair could be modified, the production would increase substantially. The cost of such repairs together with modification suggested was Rs.1 Lakhs. The suggestion was accepted and Rs.1 lakh spent for the said purpose. The Company charged the entire expenses to Profit & Loss Account. Do you agree with the company's treatment? If not, please state your views.
Sol.: Expenses which are essentially of revenue in nature, if incurred for creating an asset or adding to its value or achieving higher productivity, are also regarded as expenditure of a capital nature. Therefore major repairs which have the effect of adding to the life of the asset and increasing the earning capacity of the asset should be capitalised. Therefore, the company's policy of charging entire expenses to P & L A/c is not correct. Under the circumstances, the revenue expenditure and expenditure relating to design modification may be segregated and charged to P&L A/c & capitalised.
Q.No.119. Advertisement for a new product was charged to revenue. Comment.
Sol.: Advertisement for a new product is not revenue expenditure and should not be charged to revenue. It should be treated as deferred revenue expenditure and should be written off over a period of 3 to 5 years since the benefit of such advertisement will be realised in future years.
Q.No.120. The value of land and building was not separately disclosed. Also a major repair of the roof amounting to Rs.1,00,000 was carried out during the year, without which the building would have become unusable. Comment.
Sol.: The value of land and building should be separated for purposes of calculation of depreciation. If such segregation is not possible from available documents, the assistance of a valuation expert should be taken to ascertain the same. The amount of Rs.1,00,000 paid for repair of the roof has added to the life of the building. Therefore, the said amount should be added to the cost of the building and not charged off as revenue expenditure incurred for repairs.
Q.No.121. Z Ltd. wanted to treat the heavy advertisement expenditure incurred by them to launch a new product as Revenue Exp. The product’s sales were negligible. Comment.
Sol.: Advertisement expenditure is essentially of revenue nature and it thus written off to the profit and loss account. However Z Ltd. has incurred "heavy" expenditure to launch a new product. Therefore, heavy expenses for a new product campaign are normally treated as deferred revenue expenditure to be written off over a period of three to five years, if successful. Thus deferral of expenditure is done only with the anticipation that benefit is likely to accrue in future accounting periods. It appears from the given facts that the product did not pick up and the sale were negligible. The entire expenses incurred should be written off to the profit and loss Account. Accordingly, the writing off of the entire expenditure to revenue is appropriate and correct.
Q.No.122. A newly set up Private Limited Manufacturing company has incurred following expenditure during its construction period:
a. Foreign tour expenses of directors for purchasing plant and machinery.
b. Technical Staff’s salary for erection of plant and machinery.
c. Non-technical staff’s salary during the period of installation of plant and machinery.
d. Other Sundry Expenses such as Stationery, Printing, Postage, Telegram and Telephones etc.
The company intends to capitalise the above expense. Is the company justified?
a. The expenditure incurred for acquisition of an asset should be capitalised as a part of cost of that asset. Therefore, the company is justified in capitalizing the aforesaid expenditure. However, in case, directors have failed to purchase plant and machinery then such expenses have no connection with acquisition and cannot therefore be capitalised. Under such circumstances, it may be treated as deferred revenue expenditure, to be shown in the Balance Sheet under the group heading of “Miscellaneous expenditure” and should be written off over a reasonable period after commencement of commercial production.
b. Technical staff’s salary for erection of pant and machinery represents and expenditure to bring the plant and machinery in operational condition. Thus, such expenditure is directly of capital nature and hence should be capitalised. Therefore, the company is justified in capitalising the aforesaid expenditure.
c. Non-technical staff’s salary during the period of installation of plant and machinery represents indirect expenditure related to acquisition/construction and is incidental thereto and should be capitalised as part of the construction and is incidental thereto and should be capitalised as part to the acquisition/construction cost. Thus, the company is correct.
d. Sundry expenses such as stationery, printing, postage, telegram and telephone and local conveyance changes etc. also constitute and expenditure which is indirectly related to construction and is incidental thereto and therefore, it is recommended that the same should be capitalised as a part of the construction cost. Thus, the company is justified in capitalising the above expenditure.
Q.No.123. Cost of trial runs before commencement of production was treated as deferred revenue expenditure. Comment.
Sol.: The expenditure incurred on start up and commission’s of the project, includ¬ing the expenditure incurred on test runs and experimental production, is usu¬ally capitalised as an indirect element of the construction cost. However, if the interval between the date of readiness to commence commercial production and the actual date of commercial production is prolonged, the expenditure incurred during this period is noted as deferred revenue expenditure.
Q.No.124. Stamp duty for mortgage of machinery to secure loan was charged to the Revenue Account. Comment.
Sol.: The purpose for which the loan was obtained is the criteria for recording such transaction. If the loan is raised for acquiring capital asset by mortgaging the existing machinery and stamp duty paid thereon is to be charged to the new asset itself. On the other hand, if the loan is obtained for working capital requirement then the amount paid on stamp duty is to be charged to P& L Account.
Q.No.125. Pre-incorporation profit was credited to the Profit & Loss Account. Comment.
Sol.: Pre-incorporation profit is of the nature of Capital Profit. It should not be included in Profit & Loss A/c. Pre-incorporation profit may be utilised for the following: Writing off good will, Writing off assets to their real value. Capital Profits can be distributed as dividends only if Articles of Association permit such distribution, net surplus remains after proper valuation of the whole assets and liabilities and the surplus is realised.
Q.No.126. Profit on revaluation of land and building was credited to the P&L Account.
Sol.: Profit on revaluation of land and building should be credited to Revaluation Reserve account and not to the Profit & Loss account since the profit on re¬valuation is an unrealised gain. According to the convention of conservatism unrealised gains should not be recognised as revenue. Further revaluation profit is not available for distribution as dividends.
Q.No.127. The company has charged depreciation on straight line method while computing net profit for the determination of managerial remuneration for the year ended 31.3.2002.
Sol.: Before the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000 came into effect for the purpose of calculating the net profit for computation of managerial remuneration depreciation is to be charged only on WDV basis. But after the amendment deprecation for this purpose can be charged either on WDV or SLM basis. Therefore what the company has done is correct.
Q.No.128. Fixed assets have been revalued and the resulting surplus has been adjusted against the brought forward losses.
Sol.: AS-10 on ‘Accounting for Fixed Assets’ requires that an increase in net book value arising on revaluation of fixed assets is normally credited directly to revaluation reserves and is regarded as not available for distribution. Thus, creation of revaluation reserves does not result into any cash inflows and represents unrealized gains. However, brought forward losses are in the nature of revenue losses. As a matter of prudence, revenue losses can be adjusted against revenue reserves only and not against the capital reserves. Therefore the accounting treatment following by the entity is not correct and the auditor should qualify the audit report by mentioning the above fact.
Q.No.129. Dunlop India Ltd. has been making substantial losses during the last few years. Such losses have set off against the available revenue reserves which are now exhausted. The balance of the excess of the debit balance of the profit and loss account is now sought by the company to be set off against the capital reserve which still stands in the books. Capital Reserve has resulted out of excess of sale price received by the company on the sale of its fixed assets over their original cost. Do you, as auditor of the company, agree with the proposed treatment?
Sol.: The proposed treatment of setting-off of the accumulated losses in the form of debit balances in profit and loss account is not in accordance with Schedule VI requirements, because only the general/uncommitted reserves can be used for setting off debit balance in the profit and loss account.
In this connection the company should also comply with the requirements of the conditions proposed in the decided cases - Foster Vs New Trinidad Asphalte Company & Lubbock Vs British Bank of South America. The conditions are:
a. The Articles of Association should contain a provision in this regard.
b. The profit should have been realised in cash.
The other assets and liabilities should be revalued and any loss on such revaluation should be set-off against the profits thus arrived at and the balance, if any, shall be available for dividend purposes.
Q.No.130. The Directors of a company propose to transfer to the profit and Loss Account a large sum lying in unclaimed dividends accounts. The dividends remained unclaimed over the last seven years.
Sol.: Sec.205 of the companies Act, 1956 requires that dividends remaining unclaimed for seven years to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund of the Central Government. There fore the proposal of the directors is not correct.
Q.No.131. X Ltd. commenced commercial production fifteen days before the close of the year. The management seeks your opinion as the auditor of the company on the following accounting treatment carried out by them in the financial statements:
a. Abnormal loss aggregating to Rs.24 lakhs has been capitalised as it occurred prior to the date of commercial production.
b. Rs.1 lakh being expenses incurred on training of employees for operating and maintaining imported machinery was added to the cost of machinery.
c. Fixed assets included interest charges incurred during construction period.
d. However, interest paid to shareholders under Sec.208 of the Companies Act, 1956, was not capitalised.
a. Abnormal loss aggregating to Rs.24 lakhs should not be capitalised but should be written of over a period of 3-5 years after commencement of production. (Type 2 deferred revenue expenditure).
b. General expenses unrelated to the construction activity should be treated as deferred Revenue Expenditure to be written off within a reasonable period after the commencement of production. Hence Rs.1 lakh should not be capitalised.
c. Borrowing cost incurred during the construction period on loans for financing the construction of the project should be included in the capital cost as indirect construction cost.
d. The interest paid to shareholders under Sec.208 of the companies Act, 1956 should be capitalised & shown under the head Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
Q.No.132. Dividends remaining unclaimed for several years were transferred to the P&L A/c.
Sol.: Sec.205 lay down various provisions relating to procedure to be adopted in respect of unpaid dividend. The total amount of dividends unpaid or unclaimed should within 5 days from the date of expiry of the said period of 30 days, be kept in a separate special account with any scheduled bank which would be called the ‘Unpaid Dividend Account of … Company Limited/ Private Limited’. The entire unclaimed dividend lying in the “Unpaid Dividend Ac-count” for a period of more than 7 years will have to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund.
Q.No.133. A company declared a dividend of 12% on equity shares but did not transfer any amount to reserves. Give your opinion as an auditor of the company.
Sol.: Sec. 205(2A) of the companies act provides that no dividend shall be declared by a company out of its profits for the current year without transferring to the reserves such percentage of the profits prescribed under Companies (Transfer of Profits to Reserves) Rules:
Percentage Rate of Dividend Proposed Minimum Percentage of profits to be transferred to Reserves
10% to l2.5%
12.5% to l5%
15% to 20%
20% and above 2.5%
As per the above table, the company has to make a transfer of 2.5% of profits to reserves.
Q.No.134. Y Ltd. has accumulated losses of Rs. 12 crores. The Company intends to adjust the accumulated losses against the “Share Premium Account”. Is the Company permitted to do so under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956?
Sol.: As per Sec.78, securities premium account can be utilised only for the following purposes:
a. Issuing fully paid bonus shares to members.
b. Writing off the balance of the preliminary expenses of the company.
c. Writing off commission paid or discount allowed, or the expenses incurred on issue of shares or debentures of the company.
d. For providing for the premium payable on redemption of any redeemable preference shares or debentures of the company.
e. For buy back of shares u/s 77A
Hence, the Company is not permitted to adjust its accumulated losses.
Q.No.135. The sale proceeds of machinery have been credited to the P&M Account. Comment.
Sol.: As per the generally accepted accounting principles, it is not proper to credit sale proceeds of machinery to the plant and machinery account because the plant and machinery account of a company must show the original cost of plant and machinery while the depreciation provided in respect thereof must be recorded in a separate account called "Provision for Depreciation Account". If the sale proceeds of machinery sold are credited to the plant and machinery account without any further adjustment, that account will not show the original cost of the remaining plant and machinery. Therefore, the following adjusting entries must be made:
a. The depreciation provide in respect of machinery sold must be transferred from the provision for Depreciation account to the credit of Plant and Machinery Disposal Account.
b. The original cost must also be transferred to Plant & Machinery disposal account.
c. The profit or loss must be transferred from the plant and machinery disposal account to the profit and loss account of the company.
After making these adjustments the balance of the plant and machinery account will correctly reflect the cost of machinery.
Q.No.136. An amount of Rs.5,00,000 in respect of insurance of machinery for the period from 1st January, 1994 to 31st December, 1994 has been shown as insurance in the Profit and Loss Account. (Year ending is 31.3). Comment.
Sol.: The accounting treatment of debiting the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 1994 with the full amount of Rs.5,00,000, is not proper, because Rs.3,75,000 out of it is on account of the next accounting year. Therefore Rs.3,75,000 must be transferred from Insurance Account to Prepaid insurance Account, so that the amount of insurance to be debited to the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March be Rs.1,25,000, Rs.3,75,000 being the amount of prepaid insurance will then be shown in the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 1994 as an asset.
Q.No.137. Calls in Arrears included an amount of Rs.20,000 due from Directors of the company. The Articles of Association provided for charging interest on calls in arrears. The company did not provided interest on the amount due from Directors. Comment.
Sol.: The articles of ABC Ltd. provided for charging interest on calls in arrears. Accordingly, interest due from Directors on account of calls in Arrears need to be provided for. Part I of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 requires that the calls due from directors and by others, should be shown separately in the Balance Sheet. Therefore, neither the disclosure requirements as specified in Schedule VI have been followed nor the interest has been properly charged as required by the articles of Association. Auditor should qualify the audit report.
Q.No.138. The company has sent semi-finished goods to third parties for further processing, which is lying with them at the end of the year. Comment.
Sol.: Semi-finished goods being composite part of the inventories, normally, constitute significant item in case of any entity. It is the duty of the auditor to ensure that entire inventories which are owned by the enterprise on the date of balance sheet have been included for in valuation of inventories. The auditor should also obtain direct confirmation about the quantity of inventories lying with the processors at the end of the year. Also, the auditor should see that the valuation has been made properly with reference to the stage of completion in respect of work-in-process inclusive of expenses incurred in sending the goods for processing. In case, the amount happens to be material, such stock may be disclosed separately as stocks with processors.
Q.No.139. X Ltd. closes its accounts on 31st March every year. The fee for audit of accounts is fixed at Rs.5000 plus reimbursement of the out pocket expenses after the completion of audit. How the audit fees, be disclosed in the financial statements, in case the submission of bills by the auditor’s for reimbursement of expenses was not made on the b/s date.
Sol.: Since the amount of audit fees is already fixed and known, it can be provided for in the accounts. However the out-of-pocket expenses cannot be provided for because of the delayed submission of the bill of cost by the auditor. Based on the previous experience, an estimation or reimbursement shall be made and a provision shall be created in the books of accounts. On the other hand such reimbursement is not big in amount it can be ignored and accounted for as a expenditure in the year of payment.
Q.No.140. M Ltd. had filled suit against income tax liability on certain grounds which were not prima facie bonafide. What should be the manner of disclosure of these liabilities? Will your answer be different in case the liabilities have been contested on bonafide ground?
Sol.: Where the income tax liability has been contested not on bonafide grounds it does not fall with in the word “contingent liabilities” but it is a real liability. The answer will be different if they have been contested on bonafide grounds because in such case they have to be disclosed as a foot note in the accounts as contingent liability.
Q.No.141. Plant & Machinery have been shown in Balance Sheet at Rs.1,00,000 (at cost less depreciation) against market value of Rs. 40,000. Comment.
Sol.: Plant & machinery are fixed assets and held permanently for maintaining the revenue earning capacity of the business and as such is not affected at all by fluctuations on their market value. In view of this, showing the plant & machinery at Rs.1,00,000 (Cost less depreciation) when their market values is Rs.40,000 is in conformity with the accounting principle. The auditor should, however, ensure the adequacy of the provision of depreciation charged in the accounts. When the fall in market value is heavy and permanent, a note may be given in the balance sheet.
Q.No.142. At the end of the financial year, inventory included goods already billed to customers but not dispatched. Comment.
Sol.: The Inventory value shown in the Balance Sheet should include only those goods/materials which are the property of the company valued at lower of cost and Market Price. In the problem the property held as custodian of the customer which are already billed and not dispatched. The same should be excluded from Inventory. Thus the auditor should qualify the audit report stating the impact of the same on the financial statements.
Q.No.143. There is no provision for Income Tax of 50 lakhs in respect of profits made in the financial year. Comment.
Sol.: Income-tax in respect of profits made in the financial year should be provided for in the accounts. Liability for income-tax arises with the earning of income, though the amount of liability is quantified subsequently after the close of financial year, in assessment proceedings. Though the exact amount of tax liability cannot be anticipated, liability for taxation having been incurred for the profit made, liability for tax should be provided for on a reasonable basis. There fore the auditor can qualify the audit report.
Q.No.144. A company manufacturing pharmaceutical intermediates receives its raw materials in big plastic containers. These containers are sold or discarded by the company depending upon their condition. The containers lying in the godown at the year end, are neither valued nor accounted for. Containers sold are accounted for on cash basis. Comment and give your views with reasons.
Sol.: The policy of the company to account for containers on cash basis as and when sold is correct in case the amount is respect of such containers is not material. Where however the amount involved is material, they shall be shown under the head “Current Assets” valued at their estimated net realizable value since their cost cannot be ascertained.
Q.No.145. Share application money pending allotment has been disclosed in the Balance sheet of a company as current liability.
Sol.: Should be disclosed as a separate item in the Balance sheet after ‘share capital’ and before ‘reserves and surplus’
Q.No.146. The company entered into "an agreement for sale" to purchase an office space in a commercial complex. The company with the consent of the promoters started operations from the said place upon signing of the said agreement and included under fixed assets, the total consideration payable.
Sol.: The Company has entered into an "agreement for sale" only. The ownership of the asset has not yet passed on to the buyer from the seller since merely an agreement to sell does not confer transfer of title from seller to buyer. Occupancy and operation from the said office space also does not confer ownership. Unless the transfer of the asset is affected through a sale deed, the company does not become the owner of the said asset. Therefore, it would be incorrect to show the same under fixed assets. Hence auditor must qualify his report.
Q.No.147. The debit balance in the profit & loss a/c is shown as a deduction from investment allowance reserve on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. Comment.
Sol.: Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 clearly stipulates that the Debit Balance in the Profit and Loss Account should be disclosed under the head called miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off Or shown as a deduction from the general reserve. Since investment allowance reserve is a specific reserve the treatment given by the company in the accounts is not correct.
Q.No.148. Sundry debtors include charges made for returnable packing cases. Comment.
Sol.: It is not correct to include the cost of returnable packing cases in the accounts of Sundry Debtors. The packing cases are with the customers and are returnable and, therefore, unless the customers do not return the packing cases within the stipulated time, their accounts should not be debited with the cost of such items. The cost of packing cases should be shown in the Balance Sheet on the Assets side as "Packing cases with customers" and should be valued at cost price less depreciation. It should, however, not be included in the account of the sundry Debtors.
Q.No.149. Due to oversight, Directors’ Remuneration was not provided for in the accounts.
Sol.: Items requiring disclosure under law, such as, directors’ remuneration - whether material or not have to be specifically disclosed. In this case the auditor will qualify his report specifically mentioning the resultant impact on the P & L a/c.
Q.No.150. S Ltd. has issued debentures, which has been guaranteed by the Government of India both as to the repayment of the principal and interest. The company disclosed the same as “Secured Loans” in their Balance Sheet.
Sol.: The expression ‘secured Loans’ covers only those loans which are secured by way of a charge on tangible assets whether or not belonging to the borrower. Debentures which are guaranteed by Government cannot be classified as secured since they are not secured by any tangible assets. Of course, for debenture holders, there is a greater security as the repayment is guaranteed by the Government, but that does not make the debentures secured. According to Part I of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 the nature of security should be specified in case of Secured Loans which include debentures. Therefore, the debentures, under the given case, should be classified as “Unsecured Loans’ in the balance sheet with a disclosure of the fact of the Government guarantee.
Q.No.151. A company has acquired a 10 Tonne delivery van valued at Rs.6.5 lakhs an installment basis from a dealer. During the year, the company paid Rs.1.15 lakhs being the installment for the year and provided depreciation on the said amount paid.
Sol.: The delivery van was purchased at Rs.6.5 lakhs on installment basis and accordingly, the property passed on to the purchaser immediately whereas in the case of hire-purchase basis, property in goods passes only after payment of last installment. Therefore, the gross book value of the delivery van will be Rs.6.5 lakhs. Depreciation should thus, be provided on Rs.6.5 lakhs and not on the installment amount of Rs.1.5 lakhs paid. Auditor will have to qualify the audit report.
Q.No.152. Assets purchased under hire-purchase system were reflected at their full value and the outstanding installments payable have been included under sundry creditors.
Sol.: In case of assets acquired under Hire Purchase System, the capital portion of the installments paid up to date of Balance Sheet should be debited to the Asset Account and the interest included in each installment to be charged off to revenue. However, if the full capital value of the asset has been adjusted at the outset, the total installments outstanding under the agreement will have to be reduced from the value of the asset. Therefore the treatment followed is not correct.
Q.No.153. Z Ltd. acquired a car for its Managing Director, for official traveling, on Hire-purchase basis. The interest payable was added to the cost of the car. Comment.
Sol.: The Managing Director's car was acquired on hire purchase basis and should, therefore, be recorded in accounts at its cash price. The interest payable along with each installment should be debited to the interest account and not to the asset account. Under the circumstances, the auditor shall have to qualify his report.
Q.No.154. The amount payable to suppliers of machinery under deferred payment arrangements has been shown as current liabilities. The company accepted the bills drawn by the supplier and offered its other fixed assets as a collateral security. Comment.
Sol.: The machineries were purchased under deferred payment arrangements with the supplier and company accepted the bills drawn by the suppliers and offered its other fixed assets as a collateral security. If fixed assets are offered as primary security, then the loans has to be shown under "secured loans'. Since the fixed assets are not offered as primary security these are to be shown as a long term liability under 'Unsecured Loans'. However, the installments payable within 12 months of the date of the Balance sheet should be shown as current liabilities. Therefore, amount payable to supplier under deferred payment arrangement as "Current Liabilities" is not correct.
Q.No.155. Certain Advances to suppliers totaling to Rs.1,00,000 still continue to be shown as advances though the final bills of such suppliers have already been settled.
Sol.: In this case there are two points for consideration by the auditor, namely, whether the entries of the accounts are due to genuine mistake or whether they are manipulated for a fraudulent purpose. If there is an honest mistake the suppliers’ accounts are credited with the full amount of purchases but they are debited with only the actual cash paid representing the net amount of bills. In such a case the supplier’s accounts will have credit balance equal to rupees one lakh. In order to correct this mistake, the advances account should be transferred to the debit of suppliers’ accounts. On the other hand, if there is a fraudulent manipulation of accounts, the suppliers’ accounts are credited with only the net amount of bills and debited with the same amount, thus omitting purchases to the extent of rupees one lakh. This may have been done to increase profits. In order to correct this mistake the suppliers’ accounts should be credited with rupees one lakh more purchases and debited with the amount of advances of rupees one lakh.
Q.No.156. A sum of Rs.25,070 has been shown as “paid” salaries to staff. However on your physical verification of cash, you find the money lying with the cashier in his cash-box in separate envelopes bearing the names and code numbers of the concerned employees.
Sol.: It is wrong to say that Rs.25,070 has been paid for salaries while the amount is lying undisturbed with the cashier. An entry should be made in the books debiting salaries account and crediting salaries outstanding account. Then only the amount of cash in sealed envelopes lying with the cashier can be regarded as part of the cash balance. Such a practice previously followed is highly objectionable and the directors should be advised to stop it.
Q.No.157. Various staff members have taken advances worth Rs.5,500 against slips signed by them. However since none of these payments have been recorded in the cash-book, the amount continue to be shown as part of cash balance.
Sol.: Assuming that the advances to staff are made with the approval of some responsible officials of the company and that they are purely temporary, their treatment as part of the cash balance is improper because it omits to record the transactions taking place from day to day and in such a case it cannot be said that proper books of account as required by law have been kept. Therefore, Rs.5,500 should be debited to advances account and credited to cash account, thus decreasing the amount of cash in hand. Such advances will appear on the assets side of the balance sheet.
Q.No.158. A secured loan of Rs.25 lakhs borrowed from one of its Directors remains unpaid. Interest accrued but not due on the loan is Rs.1.25 lakhs. Both the loan and the interest have been shown under “Secured Loan” - “Other Loans & Advances from Directors”. Comment.
Sol.: The sum of Rs.1.25 lakhs represents interest accrued but not due on the loan. This cannot be included under “other secured loans and advances”. This should be correctly exhibited at the appropriate place under “Current Liabilities” with a suitable disclosure that the amount related to Director’s loan. The disclosure of loan outstanding on date as “other loans and advances” under the head “secured loans” is proper.
Q.No.159. One of your clients complaints that he has incurred loss during the year as against profit in last year even though the total turnover is same and there is no change in the commodities dealt with and the purchase and sale price remained unchanged. The other total expenses are also same. There is no fraud or error. Give the reasons with example.
Sol.: Normally speaking, the main reasons for incurring loss during a particular year as against the profits during previous year may be as under:
a. Change in the purchase/sale prices, i.e. higher purchase prices or lower sales price or both.
b. Decrease in total turnover i.e. the client has not been able to sell the goods.
c. Change in the composition of turnover i.e. if the client is selling number of commodities, it is quite possible that all of them do not contribute equally to the profit of the client. If the commodities having lower contribution have been sold in larger quantity in the current year as compared to the previous year, it may reduce profit or even lead to a loss.
d. Increase in total expenses.
e. Omission of recording of sales.
f. Change in method of valuation of stock.
g. Misappropriation and defalcation of assets.
It has, however, been reported that the total turnover was same and there was no change in the commodities dealt with and the purchase and sale prices remained unchanged. The method of valuation of closing stock and other total expenses were also same as those of the previous year. There are no defalcations or misappropriations. If commodities with higher returns were sold in lesser quantities and the total turnover was maintained by sale of lower profit yielding or loss yielding items, there can arise a situation of loss, as illustrated here under:
Products Gross Profit Sales (lacks) Gross Profit Sales (lacks) Gross Profit
Net Result 30%
10% 6
10 1,80,000
40,000 2
10 60,000
Q.No.160. While auditing the accounts of a manufacturing company, you discover that the rate of Gross Profit on Sales has sharply risen in comparison to the previous year. State the causes.
Sol.: There are several possible causes of the sharp increase in the rate of gross profit on sales as compared with that for the previous year, the most likely of which are as follows:
a. The selling price of the finished products may have been increased. A number of sales invoices in the current year should be compared with invoice in the previous year in order to ascertain the extent of any price changes.
b. The costs of manufacture may have reduced substantially. This could be due to major reduction in raw material costs, as wages rates have tended to fall rather than rise.
c. The ‘mix’ of sales may have been altered, resulting in the sales of more profitable items.
d. The mechanisation of certain manufacturing processes may have resulted in considerable savings in labour cost of production, and this possibility could be easily verified by comparisons of wages records with those in previous periods, expressing the total labour costs as a percentage of the total cost of production.
e. The company’s cut-off procedures as regards closing stock and work in progress should be investigated. The auditor should test transactions near the company’s year end, ensuring that items included in sales have been excluded from stock and that items included in purchases have likewise been included in the closing stock, even though undelivered at the balance sheet date.
f. The possibility of items which have been sent to customer on ‘sale or return’ basis being included in sales, should be investigated.
g. If the investigation along the lines suggested above fails to account entirely for the increase, the closing stock and work in progress valuation will have to be re-checked, particularly if the amount of closing stock, as shown, is a larger proportion of total purchases than was in the previous year.
Q.No.161. You have been approached by the Marketing Director of your company with a trend analysis of the sales for the two quarters ending March 1995, as per details below:
Month Sales
[Rs. in lakhs] Selling overhead
[Rs. in lakhs]
1994 Oct.
1995 Jan.
Mar. 50.00
85.00 30.00
You are required to analyse the given data and suggest your auditing procedures.
Sol.: Sales have increased at a steady rate over the past 6 months. While the increase in sale is only 70% as compared to the base period of October 1994, selling overheads have gone up nearly by 100%. Thus the increase in selling overhead is disproportionate to the increase in sales.
In such circumstances the auditor should apply additional substantive tests to check the expenditure. The increase in selling overhead may be due to:
a. Wrong classification of expenses (Like AOH taken as SOH).
b. Recording and inclusion of non-business expenses.
c. Taking prepaid expenses as current expenses.
d. Prior period adjustments/expenses might have been included.
Auditor should ensure while checking that:
a. Administrative or other unrelated expenses are not classified as selling expenses.
b. Advance payments for selling programmes of subsequent months are not included in current month expenses.
c. Personal expenses of sales executives are not charged under selling overhead.
Q.No.162. An assistant of X & Co., Chartered Accountants detected an error of Rs.5 for interest payment which occurred number of times. The General Manager (Finance) of T Ltd. advised him not to request for passing any adjustment entry as individually the errors were of small amounts. The company had 2,000 deposit Accounts and interest was paid quarterly.
Sol.: The auditor is primarily concerned with items which either individually or as a group are material in relation to the affairs of an enterprise. Therefore, the auditor while carrying out his audit function needs to consider the possibility of misstatements of relatively small amounts, that, cumulatively could have a material effect on the financial statements. In the instant case, an error of Rs.5 in the interest computation, even if small individually, will have a material effect due to the number of transactions. Therefore, the request made by the manager is not acceptable and adjustment entry shall be passed.
Q.No.163. As an auditor, how will you react to an expenditure incurred by a government department which was sanctioned by a fellow officer of the competent authority as the concerned officer was on leave.
Sol.: The auditor has to ensure that each item of government expenditure is covered by a sanction of the competent authority. The audit of sanction is directed both in respect of ensuring that the expenditure is properly covered by a sanction and the authority sanctioning is competent for the purpose. Accordingly, if the fellow officer has not been delegated the financial power by the competent authority, the sanction of expenditure should be treated as improper.
Q.No.164. The assessing officer in order to ensure that there was no loss of revenue, increased the income of all assessee’s between 50% to 100%.
Sol.: Audit of receipts provides for checking whether debts due to government have been correctly assed, realised and credited to government account by the designated authorities. The main emphasis is on examining the procedure regarding the assessment, collection and refund of all revenue receipts. A review of the judicial decisions taken by tax authorities is also done to judge the effectiveness of the assessment procedure. It is normal that the claim should not be increased or reduced except with adequate justification and proper authority. From the above, the action of assessing officer is the unjustifiable & it violates the principal of natural justice as well.
Q.No.165. Balance confirmations from debtors/creditors can only be obtained for balances standing in their accounts at the year-end.
Sol.: Direct confirmation of balances from debtors\creditors is the best method of ascertaining whether the balances are genuine. The confirmation date, method of requesting confirmation, etc. are to be determined by the auditor. Debtors may be requested to confirm the balance either (a) as at the date of the balances sheet, or (b) as at any other selected date which is reasonably close to the date of the balance sheet. Therefore, it is not necessary that balances of debtors/ creditors should necessarily be verified only at the end of the year only.
Q.No.166. Trucks owned by the company could not be physically verified as they were let on hire. Comment.
Sol.: The cost of Trucks should be verified with the invoices of the suppliers/manufacturers and the ownership is to be verified with documents relating to registration. Permits and Insurance Policy. A register if any on Trucks let out on hire should be verified. Confirmation from the party taken the Trucks on hire should be taken.
Q.No.167. “The audit of financial statements relieves management of its responsibilities”.
Sol.: Basically, it is the management of an enterprise which is responsible for preparation of financial statements. Management’s responsibilities include maintaining an adequate accounting system, proper internal control system, selection and application of accounting policies and the safeguarding the assets of the enterprise. Under no circumstances, the audit of financial statement would relieve the management of its responsibilities.
It must be understood clearly that the role of auditor is to express an independent opinion on the financial statements prepared by the management of an enterprise. In fact, it is the management which is entrusted with the responsibility by the shareholders to manage the enterprise in the most efficient and effective manner. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the management to maintain books of account and prepare financial statements in a manner so that same portray a true and fair picture of the enterprise. Thus the basic responsibilities of the management are much broader which in any case can not be reduced by audit.
Q.No.168. While carrying on the audit as stated above, you find that the Company has kept Few lakhs of Rupees as cash in hand and when questioned, the Directors stated, that present amount of cash is not within the purview of audit and also this is a matter of policy, and that the auditor not question this.
Sol.: The director’s plea that the present amount of cash is not within purview of the audit is not acceptable because the verification of cash even on a date beyond the accounting period under review is an accepted auditing procedure. The contention of the directors that keeping such a heavy balance is a matter of policy is also not tenable. While it cannot be argued the companies should not have huge cash in hand, particularly at outlying places where banking facilities are not available, the amount of cash held should have relation to the current needs of the business.
Q.No.169. The Company produced photocopies of fixed deposit receipts (FDR) as the original Fixed deposit receipts were kept in the iron safe of the director finance who was presently out of the country on Company business. Comment.
Sol.: SAP-5 'Audit Evidence' requires that an auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, evaluate the same and draw reasonable conclusions there from. The auditor is generally required to inspect and physically verify the fixed deposit receipts representing the assets on the last day of the accounting period. Thus the photocopies of the receipts cannot serve the desired purpose. Reliance can be placed by the auditor on such evidence provided photocopies are certified as true copies by the management as also backed by a letter from Director (Finance) may also be asked to confirm in writing from abroad in that respect and the same shall be produced to auditors as soon as he returns from business trip.
Q.No.170. The sale and purchase of Investments of Z Ltd. was controlled through a committee. Mr. S sold some of the investments without discussing the same with the other members of the committee as they were out of station and Mr. S believed that its price would fall and the company would suffer a loss if it is not sold. Z Ltd. earned a profit of Rs. 1 lakhs from such sale. Comment.
Sol.: There should be proper authority for sale of investments. In the instant case, Mr. S had sold the investments without discussing the mater with the other committee members. The fact that Mr. S believed that the prices would fall and the company would suffer a loss if the investments are not sold is not good enough for Mr. S to act as per his discretion. A profit of Rs.1 lakh from such sale is also not a sufficient reason to act. In any case, the Committee must approve the transaction. This matter therefore, needs to be qualified by the auditor.
Q.No.171. An assistant of X & Co., Chartered Accountants wanted to verify the cash in hand and investments of T Ltd. the general Manager (Finance) of T Ltd. suggested to the assistant of X & Co. that it was not necessary as his staff had done the same only few days back and no discrepancies were noted.
Sol.: It is the responsibility of the auditor to ensure that an audit is organized to cover adequately all aspects of the enterprise as far as they are relevant to the financial statements been; audited. Generally, both cash and investments constitute a significant proportion of the total assets of an entity. Physical verification of both these items to verify their existence constitute an important auditing procedure. If necessary, in case of investments in the custody of third parties confirmations shall have to be obtained. Therefore, the auditor has to verify the cash in hand and investments even though the same has been verified by personnel of the Finance Department of T ltd. for obtaining reliance regarding the existence of the assets through physical verification or obtaining confirmation as the case may be.
Q.No.172. A sum of Rs.10,00,000 is received from Insurance company in respect of a claim for loss of goods in transit costing Rs.8,00,000. The amount is credited to the Purchases Account.
Sol.: As per AS-5 receipt of such claim is an ordinary item. However, the cost of goods lost in transit is only Rs.8,00,000 while the insurance money received is 10,00,000. Purchases account need not be credited since it would distort the purchases done during the year and as also the gross profit. Therefore, entire amount of Rs.10 lakhs needs to be taken to profit and loss accounts under an appropriate head. But as per AS 5, when items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately.
Q.No.173. Credit for the profit arising out of a hire-purchase sale was fully adjusted in the year of Sale.
Sol.: The nature of a hire-purchase transaction makes it absolutely clear that a person does not become owner till the last installment has been paid. As per AS-9 on “Revenue Recognition”, credit for the amount of profit arising from hire purchase sales is not taken into account until the installments of sales price have been realised. Therefore it is distributed proportionately over the hire purchase period. Accordingly, in the instance case, credit for the amount of profit arising from hire purchase sale is not to be taken into account until the last installment of sales price have been realised. Accordingly, in case where profit arising on a hire purchase sale has been adjusted fully in the year of sale, a provision equal to the amount of profit which has not accrued, should be created. The amount of provision so made should also be deducted from the ‘hire purchase debtors” for purposes of disclosure in the balance sheet.
Q.No.174. A senior assistant of X & Co. Chartered Accountants drew up his audit programme without evaluating internal controls of T Ltd. When the partner asked firm for the reason, he stated that the controls were developed by the General Manager (Finance) of T Ltd., who is a Chartered Accountant and had written a few books on “Internal Control” and therefore there was no need to review the said area.
Sol.: A proper understanding of the internal control system enables the auditor to decide upon the nature, extent and timing of the audit procedures. The mere fact that the controls have been developed by a chartered accountant is not important. In any case, the auditor should independently gain an understanding of the accounting system and related internal controls and should study and evaluate the operation of those internal controls upon which he wishes to rely in determining the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures. Where the auditor concludes that he can rely on certain internal controls, his substantive procedures would normally be less extensive. In cases where internal control is weak, the auditor might extend tests to cover a large number of transactions. Accordingly, just because the internal control was developed by a chartered accountant who had also authored a book on internal control is of no consequence. The auditor must understand and evaluate internal controls to develop a proper audit programme.
Q.No.175. While auditing the books of ABC Ltd, a manufacturing company, for the year ended 31-12-1998, you observe:
a. That the company is holding certain shares and debentures as investments which are not shown as such since the company is holding the same as nominees.
b. That no evidence is available in the records showing that the company is holding the shares in its capacity of a nominee.
State how you would deal with this situation while reporting to the shareholders of ABC Ltd.
Sol.: According to SSAP 5 the auditor has to collect adequate evidence with reference to the transactions. In the given case, there is no written evidence available with regard to the fact that the company is holding the investments as nominees. As such, the matter should be brought to the attention of the shareholders by qualifying the audit report.
Q.No.176. X Ltd holds 4 to 5 boards meeting per year. The directors are reimbursed to the extent of actual air fair, and in addition an allowance of Rs. 300 per day is paid for covering hotel bills etc. The auditor of the company seeks the actual bills/vouchers as evidence in respect of stay charges. The director contention is that the board attendance register containing the signature of director is sufficient evidence. Give your views as a Chartered Accountant.
Sol.: According to AAS 5 the auditor should collect adequate and appropriate evidences in respect of the transaction entered in the books of accounts. In the given case, if the hotel charges are to be reimbursed, then the directors have to provide hotel bills etc. for reimbursement purposes. This is because reimbursement is done on an actual basis. In case the hotel charges are covered by a fixed allowances payable by the co., then there is no need for the directors to submit actual bills. Since in this case director’s were given a fixed allowance, supporting evidences are not required.
Q.No.177. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
a. No difference between Auditing & Accounting, since both deals with financial statements.
b. Accounts not maintained as per the Double Entry System becomes incorrect in the eyes of an auditor of a company.
c. The functions of the auditor are to bring to the notice of the management, if there exist any loopholes/flaws in the system of accounting.
d. If there is any non-compliance of Co.’s Act, auditor should include the same in his report.
e. If the auditor finds that the entries in the books of accounts are supported by vouchers, his job is done.
f. The auditor should ascertain contingent liability from entries in the books of prime entry.
g. The auditor will be guilty of negligence when it is found that he did not exercise reasonable skill and care.
h. The auditor is expected to approach the accounts of a new client with a pre-supposition that the accounting method employed has certain loopholes.
i. Appointment of both the external and internal auditors is done by shareholders in general meeting.
j. Cost Audit is compulsory in all companies who maintain cost records.
k. Capital Reserve and Reserve Capital are same.
l. An auditor cannot be held responsible for misconduct in cases he places absolute reliance on certificates given by the management.
a. False g. True
b. True h. False
c. True i. False
d. True j. False
e. False k. False
f. False l. False
Q.No.178. Z & Co. Chartered Accountants required the Manager of a branch of the company to physically verify the cash and issue a certificate to them. Comment.
Sol.: It may not be feasible for an auditor to be physically present or send his representative to all the branches of a company to verify the cash balance on a particular date and certify the same. In such circumstances his request to the Manager of the branch to physically verify the cash on the last day of the financial year and certify the same is in order. But the Auditor should during his or his team’s visit of that branch for audit purposes verify the cash balance as on that date and ensure that the actual balance tallies with the balance on that date as per the Cash Book.
Q.No.179. A shortage of stock worth Rs. 1 lakh was noticed at the time of physical verification during the period under audit.
Sol.: The auditor should ascertain that the reasons for shortage have been properly investigated by the management and corrective measures have been taken on the report of the investigation. If the shortage valuing Rs.1 lakh is considered significant in comparison to the total value of stock, the auditor should ensure that the shortage is adjusted in the books of accounts in the year under audit. The auditor should also mention this and the action taken by the Management in his Report.
Q.No.180. Interest accrued on overdraft not-charged by the Bank within 31st March 1997, was not accounted for. Comment.
Sol.: The auditor should qualify this as non-provision of interest accrued on Bank overdraft amounting to Rs…… with consequential effect on Profits and Revenues.
Q.No.181. The total Provident Fund dues was kept by the company and invested in the shares of a Subsidiary Company.
Sol.: A company is required to deposit the P.F. dues of employees in special account to be opened by the company for the purpose. The employees and employer’s contributions have to be deposited regularly and within the stipulated time. Hence it is wrong to keep the total amount of P.F. with the company itself and invest in the shares of its subsidiary company. The auditor should report that such action on the part of the company is in contravention of the provisions of the Act.
Q.No.182. The work-in-progress is valued by company consistently at direct material cost.
Sol.: Work-in-progress includes direct material cost as well as direct labour and proportion of factory overhead for attaining the appropriate stage of production. Valuation of work-in-progress at direct material cost only is not inconsistent with normally accepted accounting principle. In view of this, the auditor should qualify his report, if the impact is material, notwithstanding the fact that this method has been followed consistently.
Q.No.183. M/s. XYZ, a partnership firm, approaches you and enquires, whether it is necessary for them, under any statute or otherwise, to get their accounts audited. You are required to advise them, explaining briefly the objectives and advantages of audit of a partnership firm.
Sol.: Refer to the special audit lesson (Audit of Partnership).
Q.No.184. Internal control systems design for functional areas.
A. Treasury:
1. Coverage: This covers cash, bank, and investments transaction
2. System:
a. There should be a separate mail department which is a responsible for opening and distribution of incoming mail.
b. All the incoming cheques and drafts should be crossed A/c payee.
c. The cashier should not be made responsible for the preparation of receipts.
d. The cheques and drafts should be handed over to another assistant who is responsible for the preparation of pay in lips and deposit the same for collection into the bank.
e. Receipts should be pre numbered and such number shall be cross referred in the cash book.
f. The unused receipt book shall be kept under lock.
g. The receipts should be authorised by responsible official.
h. All the cash payments should be made against the printed vouchers, which are pre numbered.
i. If petty cash book is maintained, proper control should be exercised over the petty cashier.
j. Where payments are made to supplier by cheque, the statement of account should be referred to by the approving authorities.
k. All the cheques issued should be crossed A/c payee.
l. The authority for signing the cheques should be specified clearly by the management.
m. A senior executive shall carryout surprise cash check at periodic intervals.
n. A limit shall be fixed with regard to the balance of cash which can be held by the entity.
o. There should be insurance policies covering the cash chest and the fidelity of the cashier.
p. Periodic BRS should be prepared by a person who is not connected with the bank transactions.
q. The unused cheque leaves should be kept under safe custody of a responsible officer.
B. Purchases:
Coverage: This covers purchases on credit basis from suppliers (from local and foreign sources).
a. There should be a separate purchase department for purchase of raw material, assets etc.
b. The purchase department should maintain a list of suppliers or directory of suppliers.
c. The stores department shall raise requisition on purchase department on the basis of ordering and reordering levels determined on a scientific basis.
d. The emergency purchases must be excluded from the procedure described later.
e. The purchase department should call for quotation from selected suppliers.
f. When the quotations are received they will be open at the appointed time in the presence of the purchase manager.
g. Purchase orders shall be raised in quadruplicate and distributed as follows - (1) suppliers (2) Accounts, (3) stores and (4) Retention in the file.
h. The goods shall be subject to inspection regarding the quality and quantity.
i. Stores department shall raise GRN wherein the quality control personnel shall sign.
j. On the basis of GRN entry shall be made in the bincard by the storekeepers.
k. In the case of shortages or damages, the purchase department shall be notified by a report who in turn shall communicate with the supplier for obtaining credit notes.
l. A separate claim register shall be maintained by the purchase department wherein the claims lodged in the insurance Co's or transporters shall be entered.
m. When the invoice is received by the entity it shall forwarded to the purchase department.
n. The purchase department shall compare the purchase order GRN, and the bill and forward the approved bill to the accounts section.
o. Periodical surprise check is to be done on the implementation of control procedures.
C. Sales:
a. There should be a separate sales department.
b. The incoming orders from the following sources shall be entered in an order register (a) through sales man (b) through telephone and (c) by post directly.
c. The sales department should have a separate credit rating section for ascertaining the credit worthiness of the customers.
d. The finished goods stores should forward periodic statements of stock preferably on a weekly basis to the sales department.
e. The customers purchase order shall be confirmed and by the issuance of sales order in triplicate original to the customer, first copy to accounts and second copy to file.
f. The order receiving section shall arrange for despatch through the despatch section.
g. The latter department will raise despatch advice/packing ship/delivery notes in set of 5 copies distributed as follows: original customer, 1st copy, order receiving section; 2nd copy - accounts; 3rd copy - file; 4th copy - to customer (to enable customer to acknowledge & return the same)
h. Invoices will be prepared by the billing section in sets of 5 and distributed as: customers; accounts; finished goods; godown, sales tax, official, file.
i. On receipt of advice from customer regarding shortages/damages, billing section shall raise credit notes.
j. Periodical surprise check is to be done on the implementation of control procedures.
Q.No.185. Discuss briefly the features of an effective system of internal control over wages and salaries in a large factory.
a. Personnel Department should keep record for each employee showing particulars of employment, retirement or dismissal, rates of pay, increment, leave, specimen signatures etc.
b. Identity cards should be issued to all employees at the time of employment.
c. Time keeping and attendance recording function should be separated from pay roll preparation.
d. Overtime should be authorised by a competent official.
e. Preparation of wages and salary bills should be done by members of the staff who are not connected with maintaining a record of their attendance.
f. Gross pay for each wage period should be compared with the corresponding amount for the previous wage period and differences due to increments, promotions etc. should be reconciled.
g. Duties of different clerks employed for preparation of wages and salaries bills should be rotated so that the calculations, additions & extensions are not carried out by same clerk every month.
h. Supervisor authorities should be present at the time of payment to identify the employees.
i. The system of engaging casual Labourers should receive particular attention. Functions like engagement of casual labour, record of their work, and payment of their wages should be properly segregated.
j. Signatures of the employees to whom the payment is being made should also be obtained. In case the payment is made to someone else, written authority should be obtained.
k. Surprise checks should be conducted at the time of wage payment by a responsible official independent of the wages and salaries department.
l. Unclaimed wages and salaries should be immediately recorded in the unpaid wages and salaries register & their subsequent payment should be made only on the specific claim of the employees.
m. Deductions on account of Provident funds, Employees State Insurance contributions etc. should be regularly made. A responsible person should satisfy himself whether remittances of such deductions have been properly made to the statutory authorities.
n. Recoveries in respect of loans towards house building, P.F. loans etc. should be regularly made.
o. Examine reimbursement of certain expenses like conveyance charges, mileage claims etc.
Q.No.186. Evaluation of internal control over after sales service.
a. Nature of after-sale-services rendered by the enterprise.
b. Maintenance of adequate records such as customer cards of after-sales-services provided to each customer indicating the period, etc.
c. Manner of distinction should be made between the customers being serviced under warranty period and those under the annual maintenance contract.
d. Type of a form describing date-wise the services rendered or parts replaced on each visit by service engineers, & also verify whether the form requires the countersignature of the customer.
e. Manner of collecting service charges on annual basis or on periodic visits from customers who are not covered by annual maintenance contract by service engineers and issue provisional receipts to customers in the case of changeable parts.
f. Existence of any system of reconciliation of stores and spare parts issued with the cash received.
Q.No.187. State the steps for proper internal control over stores of a large textile mill company?
a. When the ordering level of any particular kind of stores has been reached, the storekeeper should send a purchase requisition to the buying department.
b. Two copies of each purchase order should be made out, one copy being sent to the storekeeper and the other retained in the buying department.
c. When a large quantity is to be purchased, it is advisable to invite tenders before placing an order.
d. On receipt of stores, details thereof should be entered in a Goods Inward Book kept at the gate and the goods should then be passed on to the storekeeper together with delivery notes.
e. The storekeeper should then check the quantity and quality of stores with the copy of the order. He should make a detailed report on any deliveries which are not in accordance with the order.
f. The storekeeper should not issue any material to anyone unless a properly signed requisition is produced to him. Details of materials withdrawn from bins must be entered on the bin cards.
g. The payment of invoices should be passed by a responsible official of the company.
h. All stores returned to suppliers should be recorded in the Goods Outward Book kept at the gate of the factory. A credit note should be obtained from the suppler for each return of stores.
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More than 200 practice exams will be conducted for students.
Exam papers will be valued by 2 Semi - Qualified Chartered Accountants.
2,000 pages of reading material is provided to students. (Our materials are available in several book shops in Vijayawada and Guntur)
The only institute in A.P. to offer 1 year coaching for C.A.Foundation.
Only Institute in India to run pass guarantee batch for C.A.Foundation.
For C.A.Inter, ours is the only institute in A.P. to conduct practice exams for 6 months even after completion of coaching.
Tutors facility for doubts clarification (By 4 Semi qualified Chartered Accountants).
Commerce Fundamental classes (nearly 150 hours) for Non - Commerce Students.
English fundamental classes (nearly 125 hours) for Telugu Medium Students.
Conducting seminars by C.A. papers valuationers.
Free attendance to next batch for doubts clarification.
We conduct model exams 1 month before the final exams.
Classes will be conducted in our own campus having capacity of 550 students.
Equipped with 25 members of Non teaching staff to provide various services.
Teaching through Audio Visual aids (Projectors, 29” colour TV, Power point presentations, Laptop, OHP Projector, Internet etc).
We offer Library facility to students which is equipped with more than 500 text books including many foreign editions.
Video conferencing (Live telecast of classes conducted by ICAI in Gyandarshan).
Separate Hostel facility for boys and girls (4 separate campuses).
Motivation classes by In & Out faculty.
Guest Lectures by eminent personalities.
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